I see all of this Nofap bullshit, but people never address the real problem. ITS PORN! Porn is whats really fucking up your brain and giving you social anxiety. Fapping is good for you as long as you don't do it 5 times a day.
Last 2 digits are days you go without porn
You are aloud to fap up to once a day
I see all of this Nofap bullshit, but people never address the real problem...
Other urls found in this thread:
So did they do a brain scan while someone was jacking it?
How the fuck does glancing at something fuck you up?
What does the brain scan look like while having sex?
Don't be fooled by it being "just glancing at something", we respond to visual stimuli just like we do to physical one. Looking at things we find attractive releases different hormones into our system and looking at them in unreal speed (going through hundreds of naked women in a matter of minutes while jacking off) numbs us. You know, how if you consume more and more sugar you grow more and more tolerant to it. Porn works the same way. You need a bigger and bigger dose to satisfy your addiction
The main point about NoFap is giving up PORN. Thats what really fucks you up. But when youre already fucked up, masterbation also fucks you up, so theres the need to avoid jacking off too for a while.
Porn is arousing, gives your a boner and pleasure. Just like when you eat junk food. Because it's good people start to consume more and more, more videos, more pornstars, more tabs, more fetiches, and all of it fucks with your reward system and perception about real sex.
Sage this Jow Forums meme shit.
Interesting but this doesn't state that the abstinence don't solve PIED and other issues.
Ad hominem fallacy
The no fap crusade is retarded, agreed, but porn is horrible for you. It can drastically change your sexual palette, and moreover, it has been linked to ED.
I gave up porn and it helped my sex life tremendously. Back when I watched porn I almost exclusively watched girl-on-girl porn, and as a result I was conditioning myself daily to respond sexually to a scenario where I could only ever be a vouyer, rather than training myself to respond sexually to an individual woman or to a sexual scenario that I myself would be in. Mind you, I started fapping about three years before I actually lost my virginity, and god damn three straight years of non-stop influence of the pixelated jew must fuck you u bad because I could not get hard or stay hard during sex until I gave up porn for about three months.
i needed this. roll
The silver lining is that if you stop porn your brain goes back to normal
This is not true for heroin and opiate addiction in general, brain stays fucked and you experience less pleasure doing everything than a normal person for the rest of your life (or for most of it)
What if I have a kinky gf who is also horny and we gain new fetishes together?
Blank face
I've been watching porn most of my life, and occasionally it will make it difficult to cum. never experienced ED (i'm 33 now)
yo umust have watched a fucking ton of porn
Do you?
Yeah I do
we've set rules that basically include no pee/poo and nothing painful or damaging (except she likes to be spanked pretty hard IMO)
t. Addict
I jerked off about 3x a day from age 16-19. I also gave myself a hard death grip that just accustomed me to way more pressure than vaginas can generate.
No, its always been fapping. Porn is just a visual aid. If you're gonna masturbate at all might as well use it.
No, porn makes it 100x easier and quicker, and presents potent visual stimuli. This is far different to your imagination. Which is why you'll find it hard to satisfactorily jerk off 2+ times a day.
And by extension, is why you'll have more overall sex drive.
>my jewish psychology professor not the bible, the vedas, myriads of genius inventors who swore by celibacy.
Okay chief, what next you're gonna tell us trannies aren't mentally ill and pedophilia is just a regular sexual orientation right? Because that's where your holy (((science))) is going next.
fapping is kinda bad
Jesus christ that essay gave me cancer
The ultimate porn addict cope
>This is far different to your imagination.
No, its really not. People can get hooked to fapping to their imaginations too, and create new degenerate scenarios and fantasies each time to get off. In imaginations they become their own porn directors in their mind.
/noporn/ is a meme and /nofap/ is the real deal.
Tfw after years of fapping to porn I just recently started fapping to trap porn to get the same rush as I used to get. Idk what's wrong, I'm certainly not a faggot by any stretch of the imagination. Guess being exposed to such high doses of dopamine for so long dulled my receptors thus urching me to view more extreme exotic porns.
> he had to publish his shitty paper in mdpi because the quality of evidence was too low
*breathes in*
fuq it
Please help me break free
Repeated glancing over several years to worse and worse material, lad
dammit roll
is furry porn still porn?
>Porn is whats really fucking up your brain and giving you social anxiety.
I would really like to sit down and talk over lunch with one of y'all. It's like you're a different species entirely. I didn't realize people like this actually exist. How do you unironically go through life thinking the reason you're autistic is because you watch porn rofl
Why are so many people dismissing this? Without having read many of the studies this piece is talking about it's hard to say exactly, but as somebody with a strong background in science (I'm a physiotherapist) this all sounds fairly convincing to me.
Sounds like what I've always suspected: porn is bad for you but only really significantly bad for you if used excessively (let's say once a day or more) and a large portion of supposed physical or cognitive improvements from abstaining are probably placebo effect.
Why is this issue so over-complicated by shills trying to turn it into a religion?
>strong background in science
>"this sounds convincing to me"
either you're a shit scientist or a liar.
Fuck yes.
Nah fair. I guess just sounds like a fair rebuttal without digging too deeply into the issue (it's just porn lol).
I've looked pretty extensively into the no-porn side of things and read everything I can find in the literature and I'd also argue that the case that it's awful for you just isn't there. There's not a lot of data, and the data that is there isn't very convincing. I'm gonna keep jerking it to normie porn a few days a week anyway :^)
the goat wouldnt sex weeks before fights either
are you fucking kidding me lmao. Reroll.
fwiw i think people have gone crazy over this shit, it's religion. it's common people.
a sad reality that people of higher intelligence can notice is that common people need to be told something. they need to be told an idea is good or right or will help them. it's how they operate day to day, the search for some god
still too low
Thank you for your voice of reason user.
He's not being a voice of reason, he's being a voice of psuedoscience. Suggesting that looking through more pictures faster creates a cumulitive effect is laughable for anyone who understands even basic neuroscience. Your brain would quite literally electrically fry.
reroll for my health
Yeah, I guess it's the kind of thing I'd expect from the normie population but I thought 4chins was supposed to be full of fedora wearing 'intellectuals' (I've been here long enough to know that's not the case lol).
Same with most aspects of health and fitness really, people who aren't particularly well-versed in the underlying science seem to latch on to strong and specific claims and treat them as gospel (see keto, or 'compounds only' for example) when the reality is very few experts in the area will state these claims so boldly or without any caveats. Things are complicated and there's no magic pills guys. No-porn isn't gonna turn you into a chad and neither will keto lol
Jow Forums's population has been totally normalized and a lot of boards are now at or below average IQ. Jow Forums was never a particularly intelligent board and was always one prone to belief in idiocy and pseudoscience
I really need help, rolling
Why people use that one Chinese study as the end of all proof?
Those chinese people abstained for 2-3 weeks from ejaculation. There was no talk of pornography.
We do not know their age: they might have been 70 year old obese men. They might have been 15 years old young men in their prime going through their puberty. They might have been sedentary 30 year old boomers. We do not know their diet, we do not know if they exercised: we do not even know could they grow a beard.
There has been no actual studies done on men: let us say: healthy men with healthy testosterone levels who also consumed pornography: then they would suddenly stop the consumption of pornography up to a year and try to also be without ejaculation: and then we would re-measure their testosterone
So if I want to have a semi-intelligent conversation about health and fitness I should go to /reddit/? I swear they actually do seem smarter and more reasonable there but I can't stand their shitty layout/UI and the stereotypes of them being a bunch of beta fags are somewhat true by and large :'(
Tfw when your sensei is a black belt under Rickson
i will not follow through
No. The effects of porn on your brain are long term and can be seen for weeks to months after you stop using it.
i mean heres my reality...i have a degree in exercise science and i almost never come to this board because uneducated kids who have never gone to college constantly tell me i'm wrong because of (some pseudoscience they saw on youtube)
Jow Forums is not a good place to get fitness advice, honestly. and it wasn't like this say 4 years ago, lately it has become this weird shit about moaning and whining about life like fucking faggots, and a lot of discouragement rather than encouragement goes on here
This is the most jewish thing I've read in my entire life
Use it or lose it. Nofap causes ED. Nofap reduces blood flow to the penis and makes it shrink.
Yeah I'd tend to agree, I'm mostly just here for pics of semi-clothed women and the occassional lols desu.
Also have a degree in exercise science and in nutrition, and an extended masters in physiotherapy, but nobody listens to me here either because of pseudoscience peddled by youtubers or shitty books featured on oprah mostly. Maybe it's actually time to make the move to reddit
Rolling, bitch.
>its bad because the "founder" is bad
yeah im sure whoever the fuck he's talking about invented "not jerking off all the time". fucking breddit
see setting the rules is a dangerous game, because then its the taboo that someone will obsess over
these threads always trigger the porn addicts in denial
I'm an addict but at least I admit it
>being exposed to such high doses of dopamine for so long dulled my receptors thus urching me to view more extreme exotic porns
around here we call it "gay"
roll fuck it
thats not my brain
what a bunch of bull ass
no pls
here we go
roll. if dubs i don't fap for the rest of the year
That's what you get for trusting a psychology professor.
Time to roll
kek. nice dubs
Oh shit.
Sad, they did this in many countries.
Also most male stars and producers are jews.
Why would somebody just go and tell lies on the internet?
Fuck it, roll
rolly roll
you know what, fucking rolling on this. Its time for change.
Oy vei.