Guys how should i go about trying to fuck a girl from the gym?
I don't know her well but a lot of days we workout at the same time, usually we just say hi and bye to eachother, and sometimes exchange a few words
but thats it basically. Any advice on this?
Guys how should i go about trying to fuck a girl from the gym?
don't shit where you eat, dumbass
You shouldn't . Gym is for lifts, not for roasties.
Also, enjoy coming on to a chick and then being escorted out by security next time you check in.
Reported. Eat shit faggot.
He doesn't work there, you faggot.
Just ask her out, pussy. Nothing fancy just a coffee or something like that.
100% this you, absolute retard.
Theres no security at my gym and all the staff know me
honestly you should be able to tell if she's interested or not by the way she interacts with you. or if she sneaks looks at you when she's working out.
unless she is expressing interest it's better not to do anything because if you ask her out she'll just say no and take the validation.
The point of sex is to have kids (if you're in a relationship) or to build a strong long term relationship with someone (if you're not in a relationship yet).
I fugged maybe a dozen girls when I first realized how easy it was to hook up with hot girls at the bar. Then realized what I was doing was destroying people's future lives, so now I'm not going to have any sex unless its with someone who i am in a committed life relationship with. I'm going to wait until I'm 30, then look for a girl who's 20.
Only YOU can prevent women from being used up sluts.
Nigga what the fuck did i just read
did u have a stroke
You can't. Gym girls are just for Chad, and Chad is genetic
>d-don’t shit where you eat
>y-you’ll get escorted out
Lol at these replies. I can smell the beta stink through my screen.
Who gives a fuck just ask her if she wants to hangout or get coffee. If she says no oh fucking well. You’re allowed to ask people on dates.
Fuck off with this Jow Forums shit
YOU spend your days not shitting while you eat while CHAD installs a toilet in his dining room
Uh guys, I'm kind of a newbie at the gym but some grills mire me, I'm pretty flabby still but i have a good looking face I think
Is it worth asking out or should I get Jow Forums first?
Ask them out
Ask her to spot you while you go for a PR bench with suicide grip, then let go on the last rep. If she saves you it means she's into you
What is this beta shit