What's this mode called?

What's this mode called?

Attached: bigboy.jpg (480x360, 29K)

Other urls found in this thread:


manlet gains-mode


absolute unit

>those traps


la creatura mode


Running It Down Mid xF

he's 5'6 dipshit


Attached: 1529724553525.jpg (10000x10000, 1.56M)

carrying his team x12
farmers walks down mid xF

seems like your the manlet

Attached: 5d3rmsmn22tz.jpg (1257x717, 114K)

Frieza mode

Attached: 8Nl98JMSaOh239DTZPQRZ67H53s2C3pRHivaTDCbMcE.jpg (320x426, 45K)

real shit nigga good lookin

Benches more than he squats mode

thats the chad way


smulse mode

dios mio.... el americano....

good ol t1

Attached: legohead.png (960x387, 351K)

What's this mode called?

Attached: QV_qMN2Mvtz_YEjd4pdY1l2wkCbkGFk5T95hi6aYATc.jpg (600x625, 44K)


this is what happens when you play draven for 12 hours a day

>He's 6'5" dipshit

That's how it should actually be done. Instead there are tons of virgins who fell victim to SS

holy fuck this dude got xl


What's a good alternative for SS for beginners?
Non meme answers p-please


just lift weight

tendies mode

do additional lifts on top of the compound lifts

You can smell the mouth breathing from here

I'm sorry, when was the last time a girl asked to squeeze your quads?

Grey worm mode

Forearms only mode

mogs me

SS but replace squats with bench/ohp and add chin ups

autism mode

Attached: tyler-1-egg.gif (444x250, 485K)

>yfw this guy wreckt tyler in a wrestling match


>How’s muh dirty bulk?

Man it's fucking sad to see how much gains he's lost since dropping out of college and not playing football. He was a fucking mullato talentfag like Ashton Rouska too.

holy fuck

Attached: jew kek.jpg (442x558, 33K)

50% body fatmode

Sheiko but double the 3 day splits so it's 6x a week. Add ONE accessory and hammer it then switch every 4 weeks

patrick star arms mode

Jay-Jay the Jet Plane mode

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GGX mode

Dunlop chicken wings delux.

el luz extinguida mode

i hope this fat fuck manages to lose some weight, but he'll probably fall into streamer depression and just get fatter when he can't come up with "good" content anymore

has he even lost any weight since starting his "diet"?

I think Greek is the only streamer with genuine charisma, as in at the same tier as people successful in comedy or Hollywood. He doesn't need content in the same way other people do but he fucks up by ditching when depressed

GSLP with acessories

This, CoolCicada's PPL is good


You may not like it but you know it to be true

the body of a greek god


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0 self-control mode

You can do 3x5, just like SS, but replace deads and squats with hex bar deadlifts. This is a good substitute for both of them, so not only it saves you time, it also saves your spine from inevitable doom and won't make you t-rex mode. Add chin ups/pull ups and rows and you got a perfect starting program, that will make you strong where it matters and you will maybe even look good after few months. Throw in some curls/flies and ab work if you have some energy left at the end of your training and you're good buddy

>farmers walks down mid xF



He's annoying as fuck and sounds like he has low IQ

he looks like Bill Duke and Verne Troyer had an offspring

power cleans will get you traps like that natty


Average Jow Forums user

max hass mode

Attached: max.jpg (800x800, 111K)