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Alcohol is bad tho
lol if theyre so smart how come we can systematically kill them for their delicious flesh checkmate petafag
Lol I live on a cattle ranch, cows are dumb as shit
> post all your meme advice and shit-tier scams
Oil pulling works retard.
Its somewhat repulsive because we have a capacity to empathize, not because we are biologically evolved as vegetarians you chimp.
Since you like what I got I'll dump
ITT: psuedo science, snake oil treatments, vegan propaganda, and tumblr faggots.
idk got me kindof hungry desu
When I eat my half kilo steak two times a day, drink a glass of milk or eat several eggs, I always spare a thought for these sickly, malnutritioned petatards.
stopped reading
is gud
Why is Jow Forums so keen on being against very basic human pleasures, insisting that you cannot achieve "greatness" or some higher cause for simply enjoying them? Jow Forums is so stuck on this empty "higher cause" that no one can really explain what it is, or what is achieved by it. It's okay to enjoy things in life because it's fucking natural, it doesn't stop you from achieving any goal you set for yourself, you just want to pretend that it does so you can focus on changing something else instead of actually working on the goal. Protip: choosing not to masturbate or to not drink soda or to not do some other random mildy bad habit is not going to get you your dream job, or girl, and it's not going to bring you lifetime fulfillment. The only actions that will bring you those are the actions directly correlated with achieving that goal.
>meat is a superior source of energy
>herbivores like deer have been known to eat small animals and freshly dead meat because it is a more efficient means of gaining energy
tfw humans are so efficient we created an industry to support maximum ingestion of energy
>digestion takes at least 12 hours to compelete
>when it has been shown protein gets to the bloodstream in 1-3 hours after its consumed
It's just shitposting. It has always been simply moderation and delaying gratification, not denying it.
I'm pretty intrigued by this one.
Fucking retarded, alcohol lowers your inhibitions, fun from time to time just don’t be a drunk
It's fucking retarded when vegans try to argue that we aren't supposed to eat meat because of the shape of our teeth. We have canines for a fucking reason. They aren't tiger sharp because we don't cut through flesh. By their shitty logic, we shouldn't be able to chew meat at all.
>the sight of his game he caught himself makes him sick
Never gonna make it
>t. Jew
good image user ty
Humans are omnivores by evolution. This includes small animals. Our brains have evolved to allow us to create tools to kill and consume creatures far larger than our bodies alone allow us. Imagine the animals you would or would not be able to kill with literally your bare hands if stranded, naked, with no tools, even a rock or a stick.
Therefore beef is bad for you, pork is bad for you, chicken and fish are good for you. This inline with Asian and Mediterranean diets which have produced the largest populations of long lived people in the world.
>game he caught
i dont agree with the image but are you retarded nigga