Found out my girlfriend did a girlsdoporn video a few years ago and it turns out I've seen it...

Found out my girlfriend did a girlsdoporn video a few years ago and it turns out I've seen it. It's destroying me inside.

Also what's a good body weight routine to work full body without a gym?

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You mean your ex?

Share the video tho

If you still like her, you better fuck her brains out and then leave.

lol let’s see it user

no I'm still with her, we weren't together when she did it. I didn't even know her then.
no fuck you guys

listen faggot

i dont care about a girls history if i just want to fuck her and have some fun times with her, but if im looking for a girlfriend she need to have a decent history, and not a thot history

you got 2 options, either become fuckbuddies or fuck her off, stop cucking urself with bf/gf

It doesn't matter. If she does porn she isn't worth a relationship.
Hell, if she even has sex with anyone else she isn't worth a relationship.

You better just be in it to pump and dump, or else you're already cucked big time.

Not a great sign that she thought that was a good idea, OP

or, worse yet, genuinely didn't give it a second thought and liked it


>no fuck you guys

Homie think about why this enrages you and why you responded in the way you did. Realize that anyone can potentially see this video, not just some random people on Jow Forums. Anyone can.

You have to break up with her. It's unfortunate and it shouldn't be seen as condemnatory action but it has to be done. You clearly aren't alright with the fact that she's done porn and it's only going to get worse.

She has bad morals, and is not wife material. Drop the bitch, user.

t. incel

OP I'm gonna be honest with you
You absolutely must stop being a faggot before you drive away the only human who does more than tolerate you. It is easy to judge people when you have them; yeah, your gf is obviously a whore, but somehow a whore and a retard like you came together and had a bunch of beautiful fulfilling moments. You want to trade that all in for a past she's not living, and you aren't going to feel the mistake until you are alone in your room at 1am with nothing but a bottle of vodka for company.
>TLDR; forget her past. Fuck your gf, be happy for as long as you can, dump her if/when she does something disrespectful or cruel to you.


When did Jow Forums and Jow Forums start exporting these retards to Jow Forums?

I'm going to fap to the 614 videos on the site. What now, OP?


Bro I think we've all seen it ...

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Hahaha, the experience of your girlfriend getting fucked by another guy has been immortalized on the internet and is being watched by thousands of people. Anyone can watch her get railed by another dude like it was yesterday.

If you listen to those retarded incels,I swear to fucking god I will call you an autist.
Who cares? Dude that's fucking hot
Bring her to a nude beach, stay nude yourself. Or at least let her stay topless in a regular beach.
Buy her a micro bikini or sexy underwear. Take pictures of her, print them. She will love it
She will love the fact you find her sexy. Be alpha. She did porn? Ok, now she will do porn FOR YOU ONLY
Be the Chad you always dreamt of.
You might have the sexy kinky gf we all want
The things I'd do to her... ahh my sweet,pure and innocent user...

t. incel

Prove it gaylord



lmao shes just some thot there are plenty why the fuck shall he give a fuck about some ex pornstar you fucking virgin.

>She did porn? Ok, now she will do porn FOR YOU ONLY
Really? She’s doing porn for my monitor pretty well right now. I’m about to cum

As someone who dated this kind of chick, she is fantastic fun but you are never going to be able to trust her enough to marry her so just realize you're basically wasting time in the long run

Sauce us, nigga

>you are never going to be able to trust her enough to marry her

damn thats actually pretty sad

go get a gf that is a thot

next thing enjoy getting cucked by the next guy she meet
the sweetest girl cheat on her BF, you thnk a girl that does porn is better, lmao

>The things I'd do to her... ahh my sweet,pure and innocent user...
Some guy beat you to it. On camera. All the nerves of having sex on camera, and this woman thought it was a good idea to press forward and continue anyways. Cumshot in the face and all.

Jesus Christ you are autistic.
>only for you

Yeah. I'm sure a girl who's cool with doing porn is gonna be totally faithful. Pornography is just prostitution with a camera, she's for sale, and not at a very high price either. If you are some fetishist "chad" (lmao) then knock yourself out, but being with a literal whore is just pathetic and you are downright asking to get cucked.

creampied actually

I understand that millions of people have seen it and fapped to it. I'm not going to hand it out though.

Yeah, it was, and I had to force myself to cut it off after a year

Just bang her and maybe party with her, don't date her steady or anything. Drift away and find someone better, just think of this as the crazy time in your youth you were plowing some porn chick before you found someone worthwhile to share a life with

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The obvious solution is to do a porn with her and post it on the internet so niggas will jerk their shit to you two as opposed to her an some random cock. but desu if shes gonna fuck some dude, film it an shit for obv money what the fuck wont she do. date her or whatever, dont be surprised if she cheats on you if she isnt already an dont marry the whore.

theres the phrase "lady in the streets, freak in the sheets" for a reason my dude

post the video of your whore user

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You already know the answer to this chief you shouldn’t even have to come here and ask. Wouldn’t even talk to a girl that I know has done porn.

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>Almost guaranteed people that know you have seen it at some point or will come across it in the future
>can't share it with anons

Whatever man, keep tugging yourself to your whore gf getting railed and creampied by that spic.

Now hold on. Talking to anyone is fine. Even prostitutes and porn stars can be decent people, even exceptional people. But I certainly wouldn't date her and I certainly wouldn't want to get close to her.

Hey that's my fetish desu

of course I'm not going to share it. Just go watch every video if you want to see it, but I'm not going to tell you which one it is. and I don't jack off to it. I can't even watch porn anymore. It makes me want to vomit.

this is the best pic I could find

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post or gtfo

meh it's not that different practically than being fucked by some random chad at the club. At least try to derive some cuck fetish enjoyment out of it.

If this bitch isn't posting it then it must be one of the shitty ones lmao

I get that but I really wouldn’t communicate with her any more than was necessary. You know how your extra kind to qt’s just instinctually? Certain girls I have no respect for I just turn that off and any communication is kept at a minimum and almost professional sounding.

Can’t stand em.

How about a leopard can't change it's stripes and we know how thots love their leopard print

Ticking time bomb. You’re telling him to wait until it explodes to react. Weakness and degeneracy all throughout your post

Utilitarianism dictates that things are good if they are better for the majority

There are 200 guys lurking ITT waiting for you to post the episode so they can have a great 30 minutes apiece and feel satisfied for the night and all it would cost is some singular insecurity (that already exists)

pull the trigger OP. Be today's hero

thats her brother though

Why don't you try to derive some dignity?

a really good shameful nut is worth your self respect

t. projecting


If youre serious imagine a woman saying that line and think about what line of meat sandwich filling from the Arby’s chain of restaurants may come to mind

OP here

does anyone have any information regarding that body weight routine?

Reddit you have to go back
Onions basedboy onions

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Op hopefully you are still here. I'll make this quick. My wife was introduced into sex trafficking before age 10. Prostitution followed into adolescence. Raped countless times and even after I first met her. Doesn't make a bit of difference. You do not judged people for shit like that. I have much worse demons in the past than she does. She's the most beautiful caring person I've ever met, acing the fuck out of college with a 4.0 and has an incredible career ahead of her. I would and have done everything in my power to make or relationship something amazing and she's deserves it. Let the past be the past and be a guy she looks at and thinks it's worth changing and staying changed for. Don't let the incels here bring you down, half of them can hardly say they've experienced life at all and thus you can't fault them for their autistic screeching. Any girl you meet will have probably sent nudes to at least one guy or made a home video with him. I have with a grills. It's really not that rare, and there's obviously thousands of girls who made legit online porn. It doesn't define them for life. Chill. There are much much larger problems you could be having to deal with.

>girlsdoporn reaches roughly 6633 unique users each day

OP, how do you feel knowing that at every minute that passes there is at least one guy nutting to your gf being fucked by another guy?

Your wife was forced, OP's girlfriend did it with her own will, cementing her position of being an untrustworthy whore who shouldn't be looked at with the intention of marriage

Pic related.

Now share her video.

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I don't like it

Literally that story is not relevant at all because it wasn’t her choice.
Also if your talking to a girl and she sends you nudes there’s a red flag right there pal-o, you shouldn’t request them either. Stop being degenerate nigger enablers

Did he post it? Im not reading this thread
Someone could literally post any scene and id believe it

t. retard

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No, and I'm not going to post it. Even if someone posted the vid I would deny it. You'll never know which one it is.

>was forced as a child against her will into sexwork
>was able to make it through that torment and come out the other side as a good human being


>was never forced at all
>was an adult fully capable of making decisions and having morals
>still decided she's got a low price and will fuck some spic on cam for the whole world to see

Yeah it same thing bro huehuehue

stop being a faggot and post it

This is fake

How’d you find out op

Yeah but why bring it up so specially then?
You slick want to

Oh sweet user I wish that were true.


Though it probably is a larp I don't know why the larper wouldn't just post any old GDP video just for the sake of keeping the larp alive. There's pretty much no way to disprove the larp either, no matter which vid he posts.

Either way it's pretty fucking lame.

What do they actually get paid?
I was just trying to give him some perspective, it's not like it ruins her. People change

We were talking the other night and she was telling me a story. Very quietly at the end she said, "I should have never done that video," which then spurred the conversation into her divulging what happened.

Share the link, faggot

post vid
also you know you have to dump her it sucks if you cought feelings already but its for the best

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I love her

Sounds like a larp to me

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Womp womp

I hope its the one that wanted to be a scuba diver

girl thoroughly enjoyed the sesh but a complete look of regret overcomes her after she gets her protein shake on her face

If you actually love her it won't matter (eventually) and you'll get through these feelings (eventually)

>sister has a nigger boyfriend
>can sometimes hear them fucking
>her room is right next to mine and the walls are thin
>can hear him pumping her full of nigger cum right now
Should I kill him, /v/?

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I'll pretend to be this one, link? I need to fap and go to sleep

That's what I'm thinking, but it's fucking me up bad right now. I just found out Saturday night and it's a huge shock. I'm not taking it well.

Similar situation OP (not really but kindof)
You won’t ever get over it just end it you gaylord

Why would you want to be with a woman who is literally a whore/prostitute? Imagine if you have kids with this broad your son might be jerking off to your wife one day. Any girl who's willing to be fucked on camera for money will do almost anything.

Do it nigger

that miss universe teen bitch whatever girl got paid like 1.5 grand apparently, which sounds about right with the sheer amount of dumb whores who are willing to get fucked for a quick buck.

>tfw you find a porn video you and your ex gf made 4 years ago

Feels weird

lmao both of em

My girlfriend and I went through a breakup, and she fucked a few other guys while we were apart. Eventually she came back to me and the first thing she said was "I want a dick I can actually choke on in my mouth". So yes. It matters.

that bitch was ugly ass fuck

Muh purity meme
You autistic fags would fuck a stranger for porn in the blink of an eye

It's been happening for awhile user. Probably before Reddit came to Jow Forums the subreddit fat people hate got shut down.