Mom science: Fat cells never go away they only shrink

>Mom science: Fat cells never go away they only shrink
>Me, trying to escape aushwitz mode: ??
Is it just me or is anyone else's mom their biggest gains goblin?

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she is literally right

this has to be bait

who is this dick juice masseuse

R u retarded?

Either way its no excuse for keeping your son in aushwitz mode and being negative

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I straight up tell my mom she doesn't know shit about fitness or the body.

Shes the boomer version of Daddy issues BPD so that doesn't go so well. I 100% agree with you.

fat cells only shrink, open a book nigger

you look like shit, you don't have the permission to reply to me, faggot. Your mom is right now kill yourself, shit genes

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I-is that your mom?

But she's right. If you've ever been fat you should kill yourself, you literally can never make it.

sometimes you can even gain fat cells!

Your mom is a dumb bitch boomer retard, probably a fatass trying to justify it.

You literally piss out fat cells when you lose weight

Families are massive gains goblins and they want you to fail subconsciously. No idea why.

This is true and studies have shown that fat kids have more fat cells as adults than their skinny counterparts making it more difficult to lose weight in the future.

This, however, can be blamed on your parents

I want to show your mom my growing fat cells

This doesn't invalidate my point, just gives hope to fatties who were also fat kids

I would like to see the link to a scientific article that was peer reviewed and not one written by a blogger who is also a keto fan boy


is that for heritable reasons, as in are you born with more fat cells? Or does obesity as a child cause you to grow fat cells where you would otherwise not have them if you were skinny?

If I remember correctly I think after genetics and family history was normalized fat kids had more fat cells as adults.

The major conclusion of the study was: Don't overfeed your kids as it leads to increased number of fat cells AND a propensity to overeat as an adult.

seems obvious, but actual stats are good