I'm trying to achieve trap aesthetic, things are going well but my thighs are still muscly from rock climbing
Is there any way to slim down the muscle so my legs are more feminine?
Also are my hands too big?
How to slim up muscly thighs?
>Also are my hands too big?
Yeah, unironically kill yourself and wait 3 months. The muscle literally falls off
Honestly dude, you can slim your thighs by rotting in a ditch. Take your mental illness to /b/, Jow Forums, or /lgbt/ where some deranged faggots will actually want to see this disgusting shit.
great minds think alike
Holy fuck, your hands are creeping me out, your a top bro
Ironically my gf wants this
Not sure where to go with this
I was worried about this, my shoulders are also too broad
post more pics of upper body and butt
>Ironically my gf wants this
She's going to destroy you by turning you into a trap, and then leave you. It's all part of some plan.
That's just how women are.
Just go for twink mode. Looks better anyways
She just wants to groom you into a little fuckboi since you're condescending little bitch that would do anything she wants and then she'll hook you up with some big muscly dude for him to fuck you so she can achieve her fantasy and have a mental orgasm before ditching your ass to find someone who can actually fuck her.
great minds
Trying to do this without hrt
Idk about that, also when was I condescending, sheesh who put your panties in a knot
Anyway, I don't feel the need to describe my relationship to you guys, so I guess thanks for bumping my thread?
Right, but they have small thighs as well, so either way I need to slim my thighs down
holy shit your hot
>another gay whiteboi thread
>so I guess thanks for bumping my thread?
Yeah, whatever you little faggot. I'd rape you. You'd probably call me daddy, too. Pathetic.
I have a similar problem, my legs are way too big and so is my butt. I wish they would reduce size.
And no it's not to look "feminine", fuck off.
wtf dude
Jow Forums isn't traps in training
now be a man or a manly faggot or fuck off
Try shaving your body and you'll look really good :)
Get aids like the rest of your kind and die already
how to find gf who would want me to be her soft bf :-[]
Yeah, post your upper body, we're all curious now.
Meant to say push over not condescending, Anyway.
>Anyway, I don't feel the need to describe my relationship to you guys
You don't and we don't want to hear it eitherway we're just telling you how it goes, lmao at you if you think your relationship with a woman who's trying to feminize you is a real relationship and you not just being a tool for her to achieve her fantasy of turning a ''''''man'''''' into a fuckboy, so have fun with that.
My upper body isn't feminine at all
M8s, I'm not gay, if you'd stop projecting that'd be great
>isn't feminine at all
Just post that delicious twink body already
Nobody asked whether it's feminine or not, we just want to compare it to your thighs to best see what you should do.
I wanna see your cute small butt plz
If it'll keep this thread from being derailed fine
i wanna see that feminine penis
time to bulk up my dude
Looks pretty good. Post one from the side where you can see upper body and legs
Ironically, I don't swim
But also bulking up is improbable with my genes, I burn calories like jet fuel on the steel beams in the wtc
Kinda hard to angle it
>But also bulking up is improbable with my genes, I burn calories like jet fuel on the steel beams in the wtc
just count calories and keep upping them until you know what your metabolism is
cant tell
need a better pic
set the fucking camera to selfie mode
set the timer to 5s
lean the phone vertically against a shampoo bottle
press the camera button
pose for 5 seconds
post the pic.
You already have a nice twink body. I wouldn't change much.
>white people