That guy who starts his workout after me and leaves before me

>that guy who starts his workout after me and leaves before me

What do think you're achieving with pussy little one hour workouts?

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He's probably got a date with Stacy

>that guy who does one two hour workout instead of two one hour workouts


Why train for longer than you need? You should know training for 3 hours in one day isn't the same as training 1 hour, 3 days in a row.

I usually max out at 1 Shrek.

I've started using Shrek as a unit of time, where 1 shrek = 1hr 35min (the length of the movie)

Examples: "See you in a shrek!" (1hr 35min) "Dinner will be ready in half a shrek." (47.5min)

"My birthday is only 469.9 shreks away!" (1 month)

>tfw im that guy
how's your subpar gains and lack of free time going?
those GNC supplements are bound to kick in anytime now

this is the kind of shit this website was intended for


This is expert level.

It's because I have mandatory morning PT and your pog ass section refuses to train you in the mornings because their asses are glued to a fucking chair. One hour morning cardio/ calisthentics + 1 hour after work strength workout. Get fucked.

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How long is your workout? Mine usually takes 1 hour 30 mins max

>fuckarounditis the post

If you think 1 hours a day isnt enough time to get everything of value done in your workout... well you are a fucking tryhard moron.

fucking kek. I'm using this non-unironically.

>Be me
>arrive to gym to hit chest
>notice the bench is being used
>ok I guess I'll warm up with hammer strength for now
> Do a few sets notice the faggot on the bench still hasn't done a set.
>He has 1 plate, a 10 and a 2.5 each side of the bar.
>I notice has on his phone on what appears to either be /v/ or Jow Forums but I can't tell I gotta hit another set.
>20 min into workout and doing weighted dips.
>I can't max out now, my chest is fatigue because this faggot is on Jow Forums but now he finally removes the 2.5s and adds 5 each side.
>he calls for a spot, the flag goes half way down and up.
>smfh finally there's a bench next to him.
>I do quick set of 135 then 225 for 3 sets of 8.
>Finish with cable flys while I notice the bench faggot trying to mean mug.
>he looks back down at his phone and I leave.
>notice this thread later that day.

>military fags trying to sound cool on the internet to cope with the fact that no one cares episode

Probably a sustainable quality of life that outshines yours. He might have a better job, more friends, married with kids, or anything else that where he can afford an hour to stay fit, and be substantially happier than you.

Nobody gives a fuck if you’re in the Field Artillery.

This is going in my cool compilation.

What are you doing in the gym for so long?

Granted, my shoulders day is short as fuck and people I lift with have called me on it

>I murder children for Israel, I'm such a fucking bad ass hero!

1 hour and thats doing like 30 sets

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Yeah as a veteran I find those types of dudes to be complete faggots who will regret talking like that when they get out Lmao

peak autism

Has anyone done some imperical testing on this? There has to be a time efficient way to workout. Time under tension and all that?

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>as a veteran
Congrats, you just made yourself one as soon as you dropped that.

Just shut the fuck up and go lift bro.


>pussy little one hour workouts

if you're spending more than an hour on your workout, you're screwing around too much. Stop fucking around on your phone, stop thotgazing, stop adding workouts that you're halfassing anyway.

Give full intensity to no more than 3 muscle groups or do compounds and there is no way you shouldn't have a great workout done in an hour or less.

I've been here all week newfag.


while i think ur right im going to wager youve been browsing for about 3 years.


I love this place

Include me in screencap

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this is why I'm here

I’m not sure if this is ultimate newfag, or peak oldfag.

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He probably has a job, family, hobbies, etc. to attend to.
>don't blame others for having a life user

This is pasta from normalbook.

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Does it really matter? Shouldn't your focus be on what you're doing?

This is as old as Shrek memes themselves

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Makes sense why us JADED OLDFAGS haven't even heard of it before. Haha, ha. Suck it.

That girl made my bepis into BEPIS

So 100 minutes total one Shrek. Great

after 6 years of lifting i've got my workouts down to about 45 mins at most

honestly at this point i hate being in the gym but like the results so i just try to get it over with as quickly as possible without going there just wasting my time

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i know this is pasta or whatever but i never watched shrek

which shrek should i start with? Shrek, Shrek 2, or Shrek 3? or should I wait for Shrek 4?

woke af

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you're definitely supply or straight out of mct

You start with 3 of course you illiterate faggot

Bitch you already know you should watch them in chronological order

All Star level

man it might be like video games or something, where youre supposed to start with 3 and then go back to 1 and only do 2 if youre a real enthusiast

Well see I actually work out for 45 minutes every day and blasts through my work outs and then go to work. Then I cardio for 30 min when I come back. I do this everyday. Working quite fine for me.

Newfags, this is pasta. Saw it on /b/ like a month ago

What do you find you can get into one shrek? Including about a 20 min stretch at the end?

old stolen meme

>that guy that thinks hes working harder because he spends 2 hours in the gym
spotted the permastall ppl'er

i also work out to become an ogre

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It’s simple: if you do squats or deadlifts your workout should be more than an hour

Are you retarded have you ever squatted for an hour straight? lmao dumb faggot.

Squats with heavy sets can take 45 minutes. Have ever squatted in your life?
Add a couple of accessories and the hour is passed

>that asshole that spends 10 minutes on his phone between every set

>that quarter rep squatting weaklet with terrible form that takes 1 minute rest

Newsflash faggot, between the heaviest sets you can take 5 minutes.

> browsing b

yeah 5 minutes is fine, how do you get 45 minutes though? how many fucking sets do you do?!

>you are a newfag if you don't browse every board
stfu newfriend

Around 8

8hrs bicep workout's where it's at.

stop stealing memes you faggot

>/b/ after 2010

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thats it im fucking done with Jow Forums for today

>/b/ after (your first time here + 2 years)
desu senpai, at most


Shut up, boot

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Real men measure distances in Beard-Seconds.

5 minutes a set
15 sets
= 1hr 15 minutes


I use the slightly more subjective beard-millimeter as a measure of time. For me one Bmm = 144ks

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Woah r u a marine, wow nobody gives a fuck boot

>on /b/ like a month ago
>like a month ago
>a month

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I have to stare at this pic for like 10 minutes every time its posted

pretty sure thats bad for my health

for you guys that spend over an hour in the gym

is all that time from 1-2 lifts that you just do a lot of, or is it something like 5x5, 4x10 on a couple main lifts and then bullshitting around with faggy little add on lifts

do you wait like 1-2 min between a set or like 5-10?

>bullshitting around with faggy little add on lifts
I hope you didn't actually fell for the "accessory exercises are gay, you don't need them just go hard on the main lifts bro" meme

Based and redpilled


>mass replier
>bragging about anything
Please fill out an application to Mckill yourself

Going home for dinner with my wife.

This. Mass repliers are maximum cancer. Thanks for fagging up every fucking post with a link to yours.


for the love of god someone sauce this girl

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>not like 469 shreks

Good goy

It’s only half a meme and yes heavy DL or squats take the most time and then faggy shit takes up the rest. Low medium rest on accessories, high Rest on the heavy