There's plenty of threads about your physical and mental health, but tell me Jow Forums: how is your spiritual health?

There's plenty of threads about your physical and mental health, but tell me Jow Forums: how is your spiritual health?

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I don't pray enough but I do make it a habit to go to confession once a week,rosary 1x a week and of course Mass on sunday.

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not good breh. haven't been to mass in almost a year. Haven't been to confession in over two.

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I try to do something for Mind, Body, and Soul each day. Prayer should be the number one thing in the Soul category but also some spiritual reading.

i want to believe in god but he made me black desu

I hope you are sedevacantist mate cuz there is no other way to make sense what has hapened to Catholicism in the last 50 years.

>I hope you are sedevacantist

No, I'm not a faggot who gives up hope just cause of a few rough decades in a 2,000 year old Church.

>The gates of Hell shall not prevail against it

I'm an Anglican but it's pants-on-head retarded to stop being Catholic because of Pope Francis or even Vatican II.

Sedevacantism stands explicitely by the past doctrines of the church and calls out modern heresy. It is in fact retarded to ignore heresy just because Francis is the one that says it.

You are not Catholic if you accept modernism.

>You are not Catholic if you accept modernism.

Abandoning a kingdom because you're butthurt over a temporary king is pretty damn modernist user

Did our Lord not say that the gates of Hell would not prevail against his Church?

I have not abandoned a single Catholic doctrine, you are the one ignoring the pillars of the faith by accepting Heresy to be true.

>inb4 papal infalibility

Papal infalibility in fact support sedevacantism since a Pope cannot be wrong on doctrinal aspects and when a man who claim to be Pope comes spewing obviusly wrong doctrines then the only logical concludion is that he is in fact no the Pope.

Yes, but the church is not the buildings or the people, the Church is the infallible teachings of Christ. Whoever practices the true doctrines and holds them to be true is part of the Church. It is not the first time that most of the Catholic institutions have fallen under heresy. It happened in times of the Arian heresy as well.

lol you are literally stating Prot arguments, you know that right? Catholicism rejects it and has since the Fathers.

Prots don't hold any dogmas, Catholics do, and if any asshole can come and change dogmas then you might as well just become a fag baptist.

>when a man who claim to be Pope comes spewing obviusly wrong doctrines then the only logical concludion is that he is in fact no the Pope.

Then follow your own logic that this happened hundreds of years ago many times but you suddenly only care about francis ?

the only time i felt connect with something spiritually was when i decided to get inside a small chapel/church of a small town in the middle of nowhere when i was traveling to New Zealand, the church was empty so i took the moment to appreciate and be thankful for all the great feels i was having

don't know if spiritual health actually means following a religion or not, but small bursts of thankfulness may be related

>Prots don't hold any dogmas

You don't even understand your own position, my God. You're stating invisible Church theory like its Catholic, putting your own judgement above that of the Church, and saying that the five solae aren't dogmas. Please try to do better.

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It has happened before, there is a list of Anti Popes throught history. I care because it is necessary to reestablish a real Pope.


You do know that tehre was a time when Christians had to practice the mass in catacombs, right? Where they not part of te church beacsue they didn't have Cathedrals? You are too obssesed with the material aspect of the faith and completely ignore the core aspect of absolute truth and the gravity of attempting to change it.

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Again, I'm an Anglican, so I actually adhere to the invisible Church theory. But you're a Catholic and that theory has been repeatedly condemned by the Roman Catholic Church. So pick your claim, because you are holding mutually incompatible positions.

It was defined by the last legitimate Pope Pius XII with the Mystici corporis Christi ecyclical that the Church is not completely material nor completely spiritual.

What is not up for debate however is that no person that holds heresy to be tru can be Catholic. And the Second Vatican council is full of both obvious and not so obvious heresies which have corroded the church from within in an unpresedented way.

Even the protestant reformation at least was arguing in the grounds of theology, the modern deserters of the church just become atheists/degenrates because they don't even learn the basic arguments for the existence of God.

Jesus said that he will take on all sin with his death and said that we can talk directly to god and he will forgive us of our sins.
Meaning that there is no reason to be part of a church.
What pourpose does it serve if jesus stated that we can all talk to god.