5'7" is not short

5'7" is not short.

Fucking Americans anyone above 5'5" should be considered tall. I am tired of this manlet meme. I am 5'6" and I could take any of you fags.

I have been involved in mma my whole life and regardless of your size if my shin makes contact with your head you are done.

Just because you are an overweight 6'1" perma virgin doesn't mean you are inherently better than anyone shorter.

When will this retarded meme die?

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you mean if your shin can reach my head

Yeah ok manlet

Silly manlet, you will never learn.

5'7' isn't short but holy shit 5'6" is kys tier short

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I'm 5'8 and I consider myself short, and most of the people around me do too.
You're short, bud, learn to live with it.

I'm fucking 6' and I consider myself short. The manlet meme is getting to me for fucks sake.

>tfw 5'3
It's not fair bros

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>tfw 5'8

Just barely made it bros. We are taller than 90% of women (in America), and that's what really matters.

I was 5'7 when I was like 12 years old you fucking Manlet

Yea sure little guy

5'10 is bare minimum if you're below that you're never gonna make it

"I could take any of you fags" I would just have to stretch my arm out and put it on your head and you couldn't do shit man

>grab the lanklets arm with both hands
>swing on it and dropkick him in the sternum

Don't worry, i'm sure you shinning our face would be devastating, assuming you could reach.

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guys im 5'11 can i be your friends?

Why does the government not force """men""" at this height to transition? I think they'd be happier in the long run. At least they'd find some sort of love and acceptance as a petite tranny rather than a disgusting mangoblin

>that 19 year old boomer that's still insecure about their height

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Is your name Manlet Copehard

>im a manlet therefore manlets are tall

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>be 5'3" bull
>fuck lanklets' wives
>say "what's the matter lanklet? can't satisfy your woman?"
>she cums
>the lanklet thanks me

>wake up
>realise you came so hard you passed out watching 6'2" pound your girl
>he's still going
>your dick gets hard
>time to do it again

>not familiar with freedom units that low
>look it up
>thinking this should be considered tall

Mate you are a joke of a man. I don't care how many kids you beat up in your little classes, but there is no way on earth you can take anyone 25cm taller than you.
How would you even hit my head with your shin

It all depends. I'm only 6'1" at 25 and was 6' in high school. I was among the tallest in high school, but got height mogged regularly in college.
No big, becuse most women just care about your face anyways. And im doing just fine there.

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IF that is what really matters, you're shorter than >50% of them in heels

I am an overweight 6’1, my gf is 5’6 and lovingly lay my chin on the top of her head when I squeeze her and hold her close.

Face it OP, you’re woman height.


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>this level of C O P E
Its ok little fella, you'll find someone

I'm 6'5" and consider myself short

Everyone taking the bait, bravo Jow Forums

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>tfw 6'0''(183cm for you meme countries)
>been told I'm attractive just because of my height
>y-you too

how do I make autism gains?

Fuck you. I don't want to be a tranny I want to be taller.

Average woman height is 5'4

Hello, OP. I'm 5'7 so let me lay this down for you in a comprehensive and easy to understand way.

6'3+ = Lanklet
6'0 - 6'2 = Tall
5'10 - 5'11 = Average
5'6 - 5'9 = Short
5'5 or Less = Manlet

An argument could be made for 5'9 to be in the average category depending on what country you're from, but this is the general rule of thumb for most western countries.

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5’10” is average height for american men

I'm 176 cm so between 5'9 and 5'10, and I live in Sweden, some people have unironically thought that I was 180 cm (5'11), then again some of those people have been heightfrauding, and claimed to have been 178 cm when they are actually around 173 aka 5'8 or something along those lines.