Can I get a quick rundown on milk?
Can I get a quick rundown on milk?
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its cows cum
I've put on 20 lbs since May by doing half GOMAD.
It fucks up your skin and bloats you, just drink water instead
Great for bulking. Your health? Well... not so much if the news are to be believed. But then again I don't trust jews so there's that
Milk, like most other things, is just fine in moderation
Shit for you but it's shilled because of memes and because eternal skeletons can't put on weight normally
>le moderation meme
It's good for you when its raw, but the separation, pasteurization, and homogenizations processes destroy all of the enzymes that make it really beneficial for your gut bacteria. It's just "macro water" with really low quality fat and protein.
>t. dairyfag, I don't drink milk
>good for you when raw
>ingests harmful bacteria
>get sick
>so good for me tho
Nice try brainlet, do you think you have special snowflake bacteria in your gut?
>he thinks just because it's a bacteria it is a priori beneficial to your gut biome
Literal retard.
Mammals, dipshit. Wanna know how I know you don't know shit? Cows have been domesticated for >10k years, pasteurization has existed for basically none of that time. Gut issues were not rampant then.
>all mammals are the same
>People have been doing it for over 10k years!
>See? 7500 years is a long time!
Humans in various forms have existed for millions of years and if you want to be an autismo and speak only of modern humans then we've been around for up to a million years. So something we've done for 0.01% of our existence is perfectly good for us.
This doesn't even discuss the fact that this line of reasoning is a logical fallacy appealing to nature. People rarely bathed and threw their shit right outside their window so according to you this is healthy and the proper thing to do. You're a downie user. A legit moron
Most people in the past died from infection. Go drink some raw water retard
Its meant for growing mammals. Are you a growing mammal?
listen I could probably call up my grandpa right now who works as a cheese scientist dude or some shit and knows all about this and has an IQ of like 160 and everything there is to know about milk and cheese just to see what he'd say to something like that, but I have a feeling I don't even need to because I'm pretty sure his exact words will be "what fucking idiot is drinking unpasteurized milk?"
Only the whitoid Nordic alien Godmen race are capable of consuming this drink of the Gods.
Most of your white blood cells are in the gut for this reason, the infections people died from were mostly deep surface wounds because of injury from hard manual labor.
Do it faggot, I work in Dairy and I know all the food science. Debate me faggot.
>millions of years
Obviously fucking stupid. A couple hundred thousand as fully modern is all we have record of currently.
>appealing to nature
All this means is I pointed out some piece of reality you don't like. If you want to talk millions of years of evolution, mammals have common ancestry... meaning cows and humans. Breast milk is given specifically for the purpose of building an infants immune system via feeding gut bacteria. Most of human breastmilk is indigestible material... same for cows. You think cows are killing off their weak newborn calves with breastmilk? lol
The (((FDA))) regulates this shit, and with fewer and fewer family farms the onus of (((consumer protection))) falls back on the government. It's literally just an insurance policy to kill everything in HTST and uHTST milk so it doesn't grow coliform or some other nasty bacteria AFTER SITTING ON A SHELF FOR FUCKING 20 DAYS you dumb faggots. Breastmilk is best from the cows tit... which is why our ancestors milked DAILY, if you let it set and get putrid yea... bad shit is going to grow in it.
>say UP TO a million years which is factual
>he again misrepresents facts and claims I said millions of years for modern humans
>hahaha u think its bad humans drinkin breast milk?
>then wut is problem with drinking cow breast milk? checkm8 atheist
Shit how am I ever going to recover?
Back to Jow Forums it's clear you're just making shit up to try and make yourself feel better about being nothing.
>Most of your white blood cells are in the gut for this reason
>Most white blood cells are made in the bone marrow and are found in the blood and lymph tissue.
Ignoring the fact that you were wrong, if most wbc is found in the gut why would this be a positive for milk? Are you admitting there are harmful pathogens in raw milk that our body needs to fight off?
>I work in Dairy
I should have read this first desu. We have a shill on our hands.
>you're just making shit up
Pick one.
>Are you admitting there are harmful pathogens in raw milk that our body needs to fight off?
No, I'm negating your point.
>I should have read this first desu. We have a shill on our hands.
You know how much a milk separator costs? No, because you're a NEET. I've installed three now from a company called Westfalia... each one costs half a million dollars. If you think for a second some of that money isn't going into (((research))) you're a fucking idiot.
Like I said though, I don't even drink milk (can't find a reliable raw source) but enjoy your white colored smart-water faggot.
It is designed for baby cows, not humans.
You can drink for all I care, but I avoid dairy when possible.
Ignore the fucking separators though, look up the cost of a stainless steel fogg filler... or a federal filler... or a an FT200 to test butterfat, or imagine that the entire cattle industry had a vested interest in milking every dime they can out of keeping a gallon on the shelf for one more day.
Want to destroy the milk industry? Call the number on the label and leave a customer comment.
Milk has been shown to have neutral effect on health in meta-analyses, but cultured dairy products have been shown to be beneficial.
>negate point by being wrong
Next level debate skillz
My muscles are growing.
Contains too much estrogen
I do not care it tastes like shit
Why do people drink cow milk again?
It's good for your bones and teeth.
>good for your bones and teeth
>doesn't actually protect against fractures n shiet
>postmenstrual women
What is your point? They studied an at risk group of people. Do you think they differ to you in some way? That suddenly calcium just stops working how it used to? Through which mechanism does it do this? Stick to watching cartoons
>moderation is a meme
found the retard
bet you're the type of faggot that only eats 2 eggs a day because of muh cholesterol
You are stupid as fuck.
you did say modern humans came about a million years ago faggot
What are you trying to say here? That post menopausal women get osteoporosis? That's why I said they're an at risk group.
Up to a million years ago
you sound like you're confusing yourself.
I drink a litre of chocolate milk a day and I'm doing just fine, been doing it the past 4 years. Explain that you vegan faggots
LMAO all these retards ITT. It's good for you unless you are lactose intolerant subhuman.
Cheapest way to get protein.
1liter: ~30g
20g whey
that adds up in the long run.
Plus Mr.T says it's good for you, and he's bigger than 80% of the people on Jow Forums
No, sounds like you've confused two different but similar statements I made. Work on that reading comp
Theres nothing wrong with drinking raw milk.
>There is literally nothing wrong with eating shit -Anonymoose, 2018
milk gives you easy and cheap protons. only a fag would despise this godly source of gains.
It's only unhealthy when you're lactose tolerant. Instead of the shits which are relatively benign you get chronic inflammation and neurodegeneration from galactose.
ITT: Non-whites trying to convince whites to stop drinking milk.
whether you're lactose intolerant or not dairy is just horrible for overall health
>hes lactose intolerant
just end ist so your defective genes dont spread
Nice source faggot. You convinced me.
>not being white
The most dense source of estrogens and female pregnancy and lactation hormones in the human diet.
Indians and other south asians and some segregated african populations have high degrees of lactose tolerance.
Lactose tolerance has no bearing on who should drink milk, only the ones that are able to digest it and not shit their guts out and die.
I have een drinking milk all my life, been on halfgomad, full gomad, literally never had digestion issues.
But that-s not the problem, the problem is every other fucking thing that milk has in it that fucks our bodies overtime.
I had too much calcium in my artheries, they were hardened at the age of 20, my kidneys hurt all the time because of the calcium overload, I got puffy nipples, my fat storage is absolutely god shit and it-s just overall terribly difficult to lose fat and get any degre of vascularity.
No one in my family has this, because no one in my family was on dairy nearly as much as I was.
I stopped drinking milk and I already feel WAY LESS itchy on my skin, my nose is clear most of the time now, there just so many fucking issues with milk that you don-t even notice until you stop drinking it for a few months.
how do you know you start developing an intolerance to lactose ? I can't say I feel bloated cuz i'm overweight so is the same shit everyday, my stomach feels normal and I don't randomly fart ? I usally consume 250g of greek yogurt , 150ml of milk and 2 scoops of whey daily. I don't ate other dairy products
There are varying degrees of lactose tolerance, depends on your endogenous synthesis of lactase.
But basically the more milk sugar your dairy product is the more it will require lactase, there are people out there that can digest gallons of milk daily and not suffer anything digestion wise, but that's just one small part of the dairy question, there are people that respond badly to milk consumption in terms of hormonal balance for instance, people who get abnormal levels of progesterone/prolactin in the blood that end up with puffy nipples for example.
estrogens are anabolic though, don't you want to get big? what are you afraid of, getting acne?
I don't want gyno hypertrophy.
Yeah that must be why traps are jacked as fuck
it's an extremely temporary change that you pretend to be long term for no reason
it's the same as nofap. technically the base of your argument is correct but it lasts for like an hour and makes no significant lasting change in your hormonal profile. literal gains goblins in this thread.
>it's more difficult to lose fat if you drink something rich in nutrients instead of water
great observation, milktards on suicide watch
>over 100x more pregnancy/lactation hormones than estrogens
Enjoy your gyno juice.
>drinking hormone-packed poison
top tier advice guys
Literally leaner on a diet with peanut butter now in the stead of milk, cope harder.
But yeah even when I used to cut to ridiculous levels I absolutely lacked any vascularity, even when my abs showed.
>Iran Journal of Public Health
no wonder you keep posting cropped pictures, actually linking that study would probably show that the study itself has nothing to do with your claims and you're just cherry picking results from a completely unrelated study that you think proves your theory
I've drunk many litres of milk. Usually a litre a day so it's a lot by now I'm 29. I'm still alive with no health issues. I'm mean I haven't died and now the burden of proof has been appeased. If I was wrong I'd be dead and wouldn't be able to make this post
GOMAD or die
the study just includes hormonal concentrations in conventional milk, are you retarded?
Are you denying the fact that milk is LOADED with progesterone and prolactin, both hormones that explode in secretion during pregnancy and lactation in mammals?
Kys brainlet.
hard facts
>I'm 29
Stupid fucking boomer
but DRINKING that will not alter your hormonal profile in any significant manner you fucking retard simpleton. How much, and for how long do you think your test levels would increase if you drank a vial of testosterone? Jesus christ...
Is goat milk the GOAT milk?
Here you go brainlet
Take a good look at it and all the references that lead to the numbers.
>but DRINKING that will not alter your hormonal profile
Literally assumptions on YOUR part.
The estrogens in milk might be in too low concentrations to cause a noticeable impact, but the progesterone and prolactin are in such high ammounts in milk that it is undeniable that they WILL cause effects in humans.
The average healthy levels of progesterone in human males is 0.6ng/ml.
Milk has 12 nanograms of progesterone per mililiter. Consumption of dairy long term is gonna absolutely cause an effect, one has to be a complete retard to deny this.
>After the intake of cow milk, serum estrone (E1) and progesterone concentrations significantly increased, and serum luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone and testosterone significantly decreased in men. Urine concentrations of E1, estradiol, estriol and pregnanediol significantly increased in all adults and children. In four out of five women, ovulation occurred during the milk intake, and the timing of ovulation was similar among the three menstrual cycles.
Woah it's almost as if you're talking straight out of your anus and milk is indeed BAD for hormonal health.
>possible biological effects of dietary estrogens at such low concentrations are not clear yet.
So you literally didn't even read the article you claim to prove your dumb retardation. Not to mention the fucking three paragraphs that detail the importance and necessity of dietary estrogen in males. Thanks for wasting my time, fuckface.
You forgot the part where little research is actually fone on the topic and that's why the researchers on this individual study claimed it is not clear yet if the estrogens by themselves cause any effect when ingested.
From the same article at the very end:
>In summary, it seems that steroid hormones are very potent compounds in dairy foods, which exerting profound biological effects in animals and humans. Most of the previous knowledge about the steroids is according on their physiologic and sometimes supra-physiologic concentrations of steroids but recently it is found that these compounds even at very low doses may have significant biological effects. Special concern should be paid to the effects, which may occur during certain and sensitive time points including perinatal and pubertal periods. To this end and with respect to the considerable progress in developing of analytical methods and bioassays, it is critically needed to clarify the possible and potential impact of the present hormones especially estrogens in dairy foods on consumers health situation because it is already pointed out that possible unwanted effects on human health by consumption of meat from oestrogen-treated animals cannot be excluded.
How are you gonna spin this?
and that link is just a fucking abstract without the article even being there to read....I'm done
>the conclusions are irrelevant if they are studies done by nips or larping arabs waaah
cope harder dairyfairy
>it is needed to clarify
good thing we have an expert here on Jow Forums who did all the research instead of the scientific community and concluded that dairy is bad for you
It comes from a cows TIT! IT CAN'T BE GOOD FOR A HUMAN! Unlike bull testicles, those were literally designed to be consumed by humans
>already shown that milk causes estrogenic dominance in men and children
>literally impacts fertility in women too
Imagine being this much of a retard.
From the little research done on the topic, milk shows biological effects in accordance to its hormonal profile.
>it seems that steroid hormones are very potent compounds in dairy foods, which exerting profound biological effects in animals and humans. Most of the previous knowledge about the steroids is according on their physiologic and sometimes supra-physiologic concentrations of steroids but recently it is found that these compounds even at very low doses may have significant biological effects.
Imagine actually trying to spin this just so that you feel good about your dietary practises.
Keep coping dairyfaggot.
its good