Huge cut when cutting? I have cut from 93 kg to 73 kg, yet I still have a big ass gut...

huge cut when cutting? I have cut from 93 kg to 73 kg, yet I still have a big ass gut. Majority of my clothes barely fit anymore, and its visible that I have shrunk, yet the same big gut is still there? When I eat a little tuna sandwich the bloat appears. How fucked am I when I begin to bulk and this shit will grow even larger so I look like a pregnant lady?

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Is the picture you? If so you definitely do not have a gut lmao

I’d hope you cut while you were cutting you fucking moron

its not me im a guy its just to attract more people to the thread

Pls be in Virginia

What do you mean? I followed my macros throughfully

ok well if you know this girl tell her i live in chicago thx

i can see it was a bad idea to use this pic. this is what i will do. i will bulk and developt my gut even more i dont care i just want biggy muscle so fuck of you

>develop my gut

Attached: 1515614644987.jpg (1000x730, 76K)

Have you considered Bloatmaxxing. Nobody has had the willpower to achieve the bloatlord form except for one man.

Cut out all bread/grain products.

Nigga im trying to bulk. Thats my breakfast and is like 30g protein with my eggs

>gym progress
>born attractive already


Motherfucker how tall are you, how can you leave out this extremely important detail when asking a question like this?

worked user gj

Enjinight doesn't even have to lift. She looks dyel af because she had God tier genetics from the start. A true Stacy if there ever was one.

gym qt has some fantastic fuckin' thighs.

Dunno user, I still get a lil bloat-gut but I'm naturally a gassy guy...

Same problem here, 6'1 190
Pecs and arms look great, legs look good, stomach looks bloated if I don't flex
I think I'd have to get autistic about my diet if I wanted it go away but I'm not sure if thats worth it to me

>tfw Enji gf


Fyi im masturbating to your thighs and butt rn