What does Jow Forums think of my new sleeve?

What does Jow Forums think of my new sleeve?

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Who still unironically thinks tattoos are cool?

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Lame af like all tats

i hope you're at least Japanese.

>white weeb with shitty kabuki
>Asian angst because you gotta rebel against your hardworking parents, by getting tats that are associated with thugs and the mafia

Either way you’re a faggot.

>that 30 year old boomer who still thinks tats are cool

If you're not asian then i'm afraid that this is going to go straight into my cringe compilation.

It looks like you've just put your arm into a bucket full of puke.

Even the tattoo is disappointed

pic is a little low res but the color and the lines are nice. can't really speak to the content but it is well done.

I am Japanese and I think you are retarded.


i LOVE street fighter 2

classic faggot

nice man
i love rick and morty

I'm a sucker for that ukio-e motif, in spite of it being a retarded sleeve.

Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson both look down on “ink” sorry you pleb I’ll pass.

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How much did that cost? Rate mine

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Pretty decent.
A japanese style sleeve is one of the few tattoos I'd consider getting.
Something with a petite geisha would be nice

Unless you're a female, because tattooed females are ugly as shit

You need to leave


Riconosco questo stile di tatuaggio, e solo uno lo fa. O sei della mia città o ha googlato l'immagine o stai trollando.

>asking the mouthbreathers on this garbage dump about tattoos

Same response every thread


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If you're japanese it's cool.

If you aren't then you're a fucking loser.

>yeah haha this is the Guns N Roses tattoo I got back in the 80's haha it was so sick before it faded into an unrecognizable blob

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Weeb noob here, should't that be ごめ?

Fuck yeah dude I love animes

ok if you are a jap

I do, but I don't like full sleeves

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I like it but you need to lift more, faggot

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Looks like good work user


Noodle arm/10

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Looks great senpai


The tattoo says "buma"?

Insecure bastard/10

Tattoos are retarded and boomer AF, but yours is less retarded than many others I’ve seen.

It ends with Gaijin, so I'm betting on "filthy Gaijin"

nice user, i love the octopus

>scrawny, embarrassing, white faggot manlet getting a chinese tattoo

aaaaaaand... *click*. perfect. this was an easy addition to my cringe compilation,.

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Why do you even exist?

It says “baka gaijin” or stupid foreigner

clearly i struck a nerve with this non-argument providing, scrawny, embarrassing, white faggot manlet.

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>those people who judge if things are "cool" or not before they do them instead of just doing whatever the fuck they want

>full sleeve

Yikes! let me guess - Manual labor job?


>being a low impulse control retard

At least post a pic if you're going to mock others physiques if you have any balls.

>those people who do uncool things

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Prove it

Tbh it would better if it was just the octopus and the bee

>idolise a jew and kermit the frog
>making it

no it says bofa

This is actually cash as fuck and ive seen like 2 seasons of inkmaster . How much did yours cost ?

WTF is this, kabuki? And fucking tartan?
The artist doesn't draw great faces (might have been high?). I mean at all, like they made a mistake and tried to make it look better with too many lines, and overall doesn't have good shapes. But you might be able to touch that up later.
Flower is asymmetrical.
There is a lot of movement but it's not in the right places to properly highlight physique/aesthetics.
Contrast of patterns is not aesthetically pleasing.
Some of the fine detail work, life the hair, will be prone to fade/smudge.
Some of the colours look like they're going to blur together pretty bad, and red doesn't last the best either.
If you're not clearly Jap then looks pretty weeb and try-hard, let's be honest. If you are Jap, or maybe if you kyokushin/kendo 6 times a week, then passable.
Looked better as a thumbnail desu.
6/10 kinda cool but overall honestly I feel bad for you.

This one makes no sense. You have a tattoo of a flower garden.
I get the heart; life, vascular systems being found in trees as well, etc.
I get the skull sort of; cycle of life, maybe the flower garden is in a graveyard who knows.
But an octopus? Come on.
As a side note, why do so many people get octopods tattoos?
The artist has a better knack for doing proper lines as compared to OP photo.
The back-ground shading (I get it, it's a garden at night and you're dark and edgy like the night) is overdone.
The drawing of the trees and bigger leaves almost looks like a different tattoo; a different style and sharpness to it, does not match well.
That bee has a horn.
Octopods have 8 tentacles.
8/10 decent drawing. But being a complete piece as it appears, not a cohesive story.

>Should not that I'm too autistic about choosing an artist I could trust to even get a tattoo, don't feel the need for it but I can appreciate them.

both gay as fuck desu I don't even dislike tattoos

Looks good for me to cum on

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You're either a weeb or a nip going through a phase.

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Here, have a for all this effort

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good analysis

Unless you are both Asian and in the Yakuza/Triad you are a massive faggot


people cant draw faces well. never get a human facs tattoo

lmao you are probably white af why do you insist on using "white" as an insult unless you're a self hating cuckold, in that case it makes sense.