What's your motivation to continue lifting even though you're a forever alone sperg?
What's your motivation to continue lifting even though you're a forever alone sperg?
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You’ll look great while eating alone.
Stop being a pussy, and make it.
i'm 6'3 and literally an 8/10. i would look like a god among men bascially
>tfw often go on walks alone
>decide to browse through mall a couple of years ago
>get hungry and get some cheap macros from the food court
>see normalfags all around be sitting among other normalfags laughing and communicating with each other
>see qt short brunette put her head on some dyel fag while he looks at his friends talk
>sit there alone finishing my meal while imagining soundtrack music
>at one point while walking home stop at nearby park bleachers
>sit down for at least 40 minutes contemplating suicide
>loneliness has gotten worse now but have made more gains
even a slight chance of making it is better than continuing to live my life like this
>even though you're a forever alone sperg?
>[Citation needed]
its a gift for my future wife. I dont expect anything in return.
Eh, it's the only thing that makes me feel good about myself.
I'm sorry, user. I wish I could join you for lunch after a nice walk.
One must imagine Sisyphus happy.
So I can be a really good looking forever alone sperg
impress/intimidate other dudes. Be stronger in general. being attractive also makes life easier
routine, it's just part of what i do now.
because i enjoy lifting
This, hard. I'm not even a slightly a sperg, I'm generally one of the more well-liked guys in whichever job/class I'm in at the moment, after being tired of playing to role of autist circa middle school.
I just have no one around at the moment I'd like to pursue a relationship with. I don't think my standards are too high, I think I may just be in a shitty place as far as finding people that would make good girlfriends goes. Whenever I contemplate pursuing a girl I get a distinct feel of pic related. I hope that's not a defense mechanism...
I'd like to not have a hard time with it once I do try to though, and one of the reasons I lift is to make that easier hopefully when someone worth a relationship does appear.
Also I wanna be able to throw a full grown man out a window at some point
I have a girlfriend
learn to love yourself and you will stop craving gf so hard user
I have to get ready for my last mission
>that split second decision to bash that roastie
Chad has some impressive discipline
True. I love being out in public alone. Just being a fucking tank among dyels and deathfats feels great.
>knocks him out
>still shoves him as he's going down
Oh my sides
fucking kek
I bet that bitch was blogging endlessly about developing ptsd from that even though she decided to enter Chad's rage proximity
I seek that which lies beyond strength. The way of the monk is a humble one, but the quickest to fulfillment.
Is this really what America is like?
The circle of women who won’t/haven’t rejected me that I consider high quality is really small. I’m just going semi-monk mode at the moment and making gains while leaning out. I know a lot of single moms and party girls in their mid 20s but at 26 myself I want someone normal.
Keep at it man, don't let it eat you
Personally, after going to Church again and joining a community, it made me feel really well
I need to find some shit to do where there are girls around. All of my hobbies are just around other dudes
I keep going just because it's the only thing I do. I have nothing else. No social life, no aspirations outside of physical things. I was obese and now I'm not, but it's the other extreme. All I do is exercise with no life. I'm a loser by societal standards. So I just keep going. Day in, day out. :)
I’ll need to look good for my sex robot
Only in liberal-infested areas
I'm never alone. I always have my bhakti, my personal goddess, my waifu the Absolute. I work to perfect my body for Her sake alone. We are all apart of Her mechanical universe, we need only listen to the world as it presents itself to comprehend Her will.
I hate to break it to you guys, but most women are slutty. And most of the ones who aren’t are only not sluts because of being raised in a family/community where they would be ostracized for it, or because they are too unattractive or shy to meet people. There are few/no women who are actually modest and/or have a moral issue with being promiscuous. If you want to have sex in this age of uncommitted people, you need to lower your standards and not take women too seriously. The devoted girlfriend/wife you are searching for is going extinct. If you would rather not have sex for a long time than be with a slutty woman, you will have to talk to as many women as possible, hoping you get lucky and meet who you think is more traditional (though even then she might not be what you think she is). Another option is to wait for sex dolls/robots to feel as good as a real woman, but who knows how long it will take.
Tl;dr the days of most women being interested in loving relationships are gone. You have to make do with the world you’re in, not the one you want
This is complete bullshit. There are a tonne of girls with a very low/non-existent body count. Apart from the one slut I sort of dated for about 6 months I've had a higher body count than every girl I've been with. In fact, the slut was the only girl who had been with more than 2 guys. Girls aren't as ho-ish as you think, it's just the ones who are hoes are such massive sluts that they're fucking basically everyone.
>I hate to break it to you guys, but most women are slutty.
they really aren't, this is the defeatist perspective of losers, always making women out to be the issue
You realize that a girl is never going to tell her boyfriend her actual body count right? I’ve been with dumb party girls and smart, quiet girls from my uni classes, both types were equally open to hooking up casually.
>smart, quiet girls from my uni classes
I fell for this meme. Turns out my petite tomboy gf who dressed in oversized flannel shirts also had a rape fetish
Oh here we go. Straight into the "all women lie" incel cope. Should have known that was coming. Yeah, you're right mate. You'll just never know someone you love and have been with for years was lying to you, women are just too good at lying.
>I’ve been with
I find it extremely hard to believe you've been with anything other than a fleshlight.
>umb party girls and smart, quiet girls from my uni classes, both types were equally open to hooking up casually.
>Sluts exist and they come in different forms
No shit faggot, no one disputes this. The idea that they represent the norm is what is being disputed.
>turns out the quiet submissive girl was into being submissive during sex
Huh... interesting
Now I know you’re getting insecure because you’re throwing around stuff like incel, virgin, and faggot. I’m sorry my dude, I’m sure your nerdy qt3.14 has only been with 2 people.
>haha if u call me out ur insecure!
Might as well just declare yourself right by default since you think you're immune to criticism
>smart, quiet grils
You fucking whores. I fell for this shit too, and badly.
>trying so fucking hard to hook up with this super attractive upperclass bitch that's a mad prude
>she's with the popular chicks that are legit whores so think she's one too and can easily get in
>start talking to a girl in math class on how to get with her and she gives me ideas
>nerdy ass bitch in AP classes, braces, glasses before she got contacts, frizzy hair the works
>fast forward like 2 months
>finally get with popular girl but realize she's a SUUUUPER prude, no sex till marriage/older horrible ass hand/blow jobs , took 2 weeks just to see her tits
>saying this shit to my friends at a house party saying I'm going to drop her prude ass when nerdy bitch comes from upstairs looking super desheveled
>ask what is nerd girl doing here
>oh bro didn't you know she's like one the nastiest chicks at our school
That shit legit gave me vertigo
The nerdy disheveled girl was probably your girlfriend my man
Never dated a nerdy disheveled girl. Sorry buddy, no matter how much you desperately try to convince yourself and I it's not going to work. In fact that entire post is about not judging a book by its cover. It's almost like people are different and applying broad generalisations is never going to be accurate. Hmm.
Being alone doesn't have to be a bad thing. The more you crave companionship the more it'll eat away at you and the more awkward you're gonna be around potential mates.
You should lift not so that someone else will notice you, but so you can look in the mirror and rather than feel contempt you feel pride and can love yourself. Women will come later if that's what you want in the end but it's all about you.
Feel for you man, I'd be the same if I didn't have 3 friends from highschool who for some reason go extremely out of their way to hangout with me.
I can't sleep properly without working out and it's good for my mental health. these are the primary reasons I'm doing it anyway. the body is secondary
Fuck man same
I love the idea of church but the thing is I don't have a religious bone in my body, so if I went I'd feel like a huge poser invading the sacred space of a group who hold their faith very seriously
It's fun.
Rather be Sisyphus than Sissyphus know what i mean?
>In fact, the slut was the only girl who had been with more than 2 guys
Imagine writing shit like this with straight face.
Checked the incel cope.
i'm not a sperg and i want to be forever alone so i'm free to do what i want
Just keep adding more guys to that bodypile each year buddy and keep coping with your fantasies about how the women you end up with is pure.
>hehe... i'm going to rek user rit now but what to write...
>writes up this word salad
>hehe.. that'll show him
How old were you when you lost your virginity, out of curiosity?
I'm that 29 yr old boomer. I'm married have a home a dog a nice career. No kids yet.
I understand the idea of women being slutty but this isn't really the case. It feels that way for you guys looking outside in because you haven't liked others.
When you deeply like someone and have feelings for them you sometimes date and then have sex, or have sex and then date (smart people do the latter because you want a partner you are compatible with in bed)
This happens with normal women they find someone they like they have sex even if it's 2-3 partners a year for singles women or 5-10 in a 25 year old womans life who had long-term serious relationships is not slutty at all. When I met my wife I had maybe 35 sexual partners. But I never had a long term relationship so it was around 3-4 a year since losing my virginity at 17.
Don't miss out on getting in a good relationship or being with a great woman because she met other people she liked as well as you and you didn't meet anyone.
I can't stand being a skeleton.
based publicshooting hintposter