I’m a DYEL, skinny fat trying to make it. I’m 6’1 160lbs, 11% BF, 21 BMI, Ive been bulking for months now and I’m seeing extremely slow progress. What do I need to work on?
I’m a DYEL, skinny fat trying to make it. I’m 6’1 160lbs, 11% BF, 21 BMI...
my god i look so similar to this, we need advice please!
Your body isn't awful OP. Dpending the time you've been training you look fine.
It’s been about 4 months
Don't be obsessed with weight gain. Are you stalling?
Shoulders and lats
Any tips and tricks, anons?
Eat more. Overall your frame and physique are solid for starting out.
At tgat body fat your abs should be visible. I recommend more core work. Aside from that lookin good my man
Bumping this thread since I've been stuck at 172 for two months.
Stop whatever the fuck you're doing and make a peanut butter sandwich. Easy 500 calories.
Eat more.
Triceps look good. Need more abs and lats
Any other options. I'm down for it but that will get old fast. I also have a shake I make daily with peanut butter, two bananas, and some protein mix.
odd question op but how do you style your clothes? like do you tuck in or use a belt or other stuff?
Did you actually put in the effort and photoshop this awful mutant physique? I can tell you it's even weirder now
>11% bf
more like 18% friend
stop bulking you are fucking tiny lmao, just eat a lot of protein and workout, you will cut fat and even gain some muscle.
This guy is not a dyel, you guys have been brainwashed. He probably has been lifting for at least 2 years and weighs closer to 185 at 15% bodyfat.
>11% BF
That's really not 18% though, he just has no mass
i was thinking the same, Jow Forums is retarded as always
I'm a literal low test beta (350) and I look basically the same after 6 months, my quads are actually larger, arms smaller because I'm a wristlet
Your pec and arms aren't those of a dyel but your work out seems really unbalanced. work more on your shoulders and abs
Post body
>i look the same but dont
Shut the fuck up