Body Rate Thread

How is it possible to look this trash? Nobody wants me man

Imagine looking this bad after cutting after a bulk from 5'9 185 to 167

Rate this pile of shit and fuck my shit up

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i look way worse and literally have no will power to change

You look fine OP. Better than 90% of Jow Forums. Fuck off

You should have abs at that body weight and being relatively low bf. What ar e yiu, like 13%

I have the same problem not having abs. How do you fix it besides cutting to skelly mode

no not 13 lol more like 17

5'9 200lb, bear mode? I'm content

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Take a break from arms for a while.


Mirin. I'm 5'10 and want to hit 200 badly. You have my goal body brah.

17? The caliphers at the gym said 15% at peak bulk

Only be content if you're married and happy. If not, time to cut.

I've never worked out to strengthen a specific part of my body, should I start? Is it really worth it? Pic related me today at skate park.

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>wanting to be fat
If low body fat isn't your goal, why even bother working out

Dude ain't fat. He ain't shredded but he ain't fat. Besides I've been a fuckin skelly my whole life. My whole fucking life I've been made fun of for being scrawny

>Would you do me?
>i would do me
6'4 230
(No gains in months)

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yeah it'd help, you only look lean with some muscle atm

I rate you an 7 or an could get pussy in nice trousers and a v neck if you had a personality.

Unironically my ideal body type as well. I'd imagine the diet required to get this isn't quite as strict as others out there, which is also a plus.

I just dig the bulldog/brawler aesthetic.

4 months in here. Proud of the progress so far, but feel I could probably cut more. Whatcha all think?

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My goal, except I'd like a lower body fat.

>5'9 200lb user here

Thanks guys, Mike Tyson is my goal body, currently eating around 3500 calories on lift days

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Why lie to him?

5'7, 155 lbs. Need advice

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Do a fast and reckless cut to get rid of all that fat (you don't have muscle to lose anyway) fast, than bulk from there

Everything looks normal but you have to train your delts more

You're 15 in the pic

>all that fat
My man I'm at 14% I feel as though you may be exaggerating.

Eat beef for a year, do no cardio, eat fried rice and general tsaos chicken from safeway if you need quick dense meals, shit nigga, eat off the value menu for fast food. do high reps till failure
Basically, eat, all the time for a year with no cardio then a 4 month cut

Great proportions man. Just fix those red fucking arms Christ.

gonna have to get serious neck gains bro mikes neck was 20 inches thick at his prime.

>bitch tits
>sucking in disgusting gut

You're new right, so take a humble pill. Just cut hard for a month to get rid of that skinny fat shit. Bulking on top of that will look terrible.

imma keep it real wit u chief!!!!!!!!!!! I still have 5 months of cardio ahead of me because of cross country. Cardios gonna be impossible for me to avoid until winter

eat more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eat more niggy. Learn how to make french toast, eat 4-6 slices for breakfast, invest in drinkable yogurt, eat 4 burger patties for dinner, tuna sandwiches for lunch, Snacks in between.
Learn what progressive overload is and increase the weight set by set week by week
Rep range of set 1 12 set 2 12 set 3 10 set 4 8 set 6 drop the weight and go to failure

My left shoulder is prone to coming out of its socket and I'm just now starting to learn to focus on my posture, 6ft 190lbs.

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Can you guess my bodyfat for me bro? I still have like 5 months of cross country and even tho you say i gotta eat and bulk I need to wait till winter

You look like a bigger, taller, leaner version of OP


Bearmode is reserved for people 6’2 and over, you’re just an overcompensating manlet.

From the pic im guessing u 1. Dont deadlift 2. Dont do extensive ab work 3. Dont do sprints

Im guessing 12% you just need more muscle, but seriously, bulk, you wont get fat, heres an old transformation of mine from eating like this, they were around 6 months apart. 205 to 230, I havent made much progress because i sprained the F out of my wrist and had to stop training for a couple months.
Im also this guy

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I should seriously finish out Cross Country though.... which is naturally gonna cut. But for the winter bulk, is a bag of mass gain powder smart?

I do abs 4x a week, but instead of 1-2 exercises of it a day, I should probably do 3


Lol here's what I looked like deadlifting 4 plates. Biggest meme in the world for aesthetics. Useless ego lift for fat fucks who want to pretend their strong, which is what I was and still try to make up for

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Weight gainers work but divide the dose if it says 4 scoops once a day, take two scoops twice day, buy chocolate, blend with Ice milk and and peanut butter and youre golden

You are collapsing in on your chest in an effort to show just a hint of abs from flexing hard instead of building strong abs with good posture and then cutting to a bf% where they are visible.

Nice dubs kiddo. Mass gainer is not the most financially efficient way to bulk. Eat healthy nutritious food in large quantities, resulting in more caloric intake than expenditure. Mass gain powders are just a protien powder with creatine and a lot of carb filler. You are better off buying the whey and creatine separate and unflavored and blending them with a banana, some ice cream, honey, water and heavy cream.

>31 years old
>6'2 217lbs
>two years ago I weighed 170lbs
>eating and lifting
>strength going up in the gym
>bodyweight won't go above 220lbs

Fuck. My body just doesn't want to weigh more than 220. I need to be 240 lean to look built at my height with my long limbs. Funny to think that 200lbs was my goal weight when I started.

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Learn how to cook this fall and winter. potroast and chili are excellent cold weather bulking foods and they're both slow cooker friendly.

Looking good Gramps, I wouldn't go above 230 unless you know you're going to go on TRT when the ol metabolism starts giving out on ya in a year or two.

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Is a little bit of ice cream good? How clean does a bulk have to be so I dont gain too much BF

>Fuck. My body just doesn't want to weigh more than 220. I need to be 240 lean to look built at my height with my long limbs. Funny to think that 200lbs was my goal weight when I started.
That's a meme. Low bf is king. You can cut to 200 now and look good.

>240, lean, at 6'2
Delusional natty goal. Lebron James is 6'8 250

forgot to mention my arms are 16" and my legs are 26"

If I could add an inch and a half on my arms I'd be happy.

I want to add muscle to my frame. Shirtless aesthetics aren't the only thing I'm after. I want to look big with clothes on. I've always been lean anyway. My body doesn't store much fat.

I'll get on gear if I have to. I'm not happy with my current state. Seems silly to settle for a less than ideal result after all that hard work.

Don't worry about getting fat, you will gain fat along with muscle when you bulk. Worrying about fat crippled my bulk for 2 years. Everyone reacts to food differently but this is what I usually eat as a 6ft lanklet on a bulk:
>Breakfast: 6 soft boiled eggs, 2 instant oatmeals, glass of whole milk
>Almonds for snack at school
>Lunch: I usually do about 3/4-1lb of meat, a cup of rice, and some vegetables.
>2 scoops, banana, honey, milk, ice
>dinner: same thing as lunch, sometimes I'll go for 4 burger patties on two buns if I'm feeling too lazy to cook real food, but I avoid doing that too often. Once a week tops for the burgers. Frozen pizza once a month.
Good meat sources are chicken breast/thigh, lean ground beef/turkey, chuck roast, and fish (buy it frozen, trust me I worked the meat Dept @ Kroger, just buy the flash frozen fish. It is safe.) Tilapia is good, salmon is better.

Hit delts


Do I need to cut more?

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no, work on chest and lats more

Someone's not a big buffalo bill fab

No. Start lifting weights now.

Is it possible to gain weight fast?
Currently at 177lbs

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What methods so you have in mind and why isnt it desirable?
Also what is a healthy rate to gain weight?

When did you start lifting?

Started about 3 years ago, probably have a years worth of non-lifting in there from being sick or injured, had a pretty good crash that took me out of the gym for a few months, bruises are still visible on my lower right ribcage but usually just look like odd shadows. Ive been back at it for about a month now since taking off about 3 months.

your arms look great but you have zero back
train your lats and you'll look great

Starting weight was in the 140's. Very skeletor/distance runner frame.

The method I use is eat more food. You want to gain about half a pound a week. No more than 1 pound if you want to keep fat down.

wew 140 for 6' and i thought i was smoll

191cm, 93kg

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