Lol user, just make sure you don't get too buffy like Ronaldo ;-))

>lol user, just make sure you don't get too buffy like Ronaldo ;-))

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I don't know who that guy is but he has definitely made it, for sure.

shit traps

You have no idea of what you're talking about.


>the way he pulls his pants down
Why are soccer players such massive gay cunts?

he's threatening to show his dick

shit traps
shit delts
shit biceps
wide hips


how do i get lats like that?

autistic virgin

He just has a really long neck

Penaldo worshippers how pathetic!

p o s t

Attached: heh!.jpg (10000x10000, 2.9M)

>guy is a billionaire, accomplished in his trade and fucks whatever woman he wants
>you post on a Nigerian Cocoa Harvesting forum


His body is so fucking weird looking.

>implying im not a jewish billionaire

>cabinet door mode

So doing fuckloads of crunches and occasional curls to look like an oak doggy door makes you a 11/10 hunk, or is it the fame and money?

Fucking fags
Why do you worship someone and defend him so hard when he diesn’t even know you exist? Literal retards

Attached: B63B0A57-70A3-4D88-93BD-888284DC8120.png (640x400, 32K)

mutant traps look gross lol

Virgin faggot

Hello everybody, my name is user, and I have Body Dysmorphic Disorder: the post

I don't.
But it's hilarious to see you shittalking someone who's clearly superior to you in every way.
Stay mad.

>t. CR7

I know lots of kids round the world worship this guy but i just thought this was an +18 website

>fucks whatever woman he wants
Guess again, Ronaldo's homosexuality is an open secret in football.

he's a footballer why would he need to develop his traps?

>doesn't know who cristiano ronaldo is

Attached: tenor.gif (292x322, 1.18M)

>fucks whatever woman he wants

To make sure he doesn't look like a god damned giraffe that's why

Why would nfl players care about a soccer player?

I think it's his lack of traps with such developed lats that really makes it seem odd

>he watches soccer
Nice pass time for peasants. Anytime I hear anyone talk about this dumb sport my opinion about them decreases significantly.

NFL is American egball and not football, you dumb dumb

Yeah, impregnating and being married to a goddess like Georgina Rodriguez is definetly gay.

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He's just portugese user

Fucking disgusting.

Attached: 1527495263297.jpg (500x500, 25K)


He was just coping

He looks like he's carrying a shell on his back.

Attached: master-roshi.jpg (600x500, 114K)

Only the abs stand out

He just plays futbol. it's a pre-requisite

>Georgina Rodriguez

Doesn't look too special.
Meanwhile Brady is with Bundchen

He just made your yearly salary for pulling his pants down and revealing the Adidas logo.

How does it feel that the free market has valued a year of your toil at the same cost as this guy exposing himself?

How do I get obliques like those?

t. doing cable choppers and bar twists, both weighted, 4x week(2x for choppers, 2x for bar twists)


shit traps is the only part of this post that is true, and traps (ive found) are mostly genetic

>Side Bends, 5 sets of 20 reps, 3 times per week

>implying anyone gives a fuck about your snobby opinions
I don't even like football but you're a tool

Are you retarded? Traps are easy as fuck to grow, even on natty's.

Attached: soa.jpg (941x768, 119K)

fat ronaldo had way better traps though

His wife is average.

>roiding for this
okey every woman on the planet is watching, it is kinda worth it huh

>that guy in white in the back left that's overhyped

Fuck i was sure my bait would get more (You)s

that dude swims in more pussy in one day then you will in a lifetime bruh

thats natty, year lifting, max.