/weed/ - discuss the effects of weed on fitness and health...

/weed/ - discuss the effects of weed on fitness and health. It seems like the overall opinion of Jow Forums is pretty negative about it, but I also know quite a few casual smokers who are in excellent health and physique, and have read some popular things here as well.

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If you have experience with weed affecting your fitness journey, positively or negatively, please share your stories. If you can, please try to differentiate between facts and opinions.

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all recreational drugs will negatively affect your journey to fitness. there is no denying this. you can use and be considered fit, but you will not be the best version of you, which is what we strive for. that being said, it is fun and safe to use in moderation and relax a bit.

I can understand that. I used to smoke heavily, but now I keep it to .5g in a vaporizer in the morning, sativa only, and only mon-fri because I fast on weekends. I started that a few months I quit smoking weed and cigarettes. It's going nice, but I would honestly be better off without it at all.

>few months I quit

why do you think that

I think weed fucks with my sleep, and sleep is where gains kick in. So I’ll probably start using it much less, at least during bulks

Once I got my sleep cycle back in order I dont find it to be an issue anymore. I just abstained for 3 months, then started my morning only routine. That works for me, won't necessarily work for everyone though.

Oh, and I also spent two weeks in the woods with no electronics on hand to reset my sleep cycle.

I always smoke after I lift and its fuckin right

Weed really helped me bulk when I was skinny af. I would smoke or take an edible before a workout most of the time. After the workout, the munchies would kick in and I would absolutley gorge on food. I went from 130 to 150lbs and look great. I dont smoke anymore because of its negative affect on my sleep and concentration but I believe weed really helped me dirty bulk

Weed is great unless you let it control you. I make 80k and am in great shape. I smoke a couple bowls a night.

Everything's good. Case closed

>smokes weed
>makes 80k

Sure Jamal...

it's not that hard to believe. There are millionaire that smoke week. Fuck, even billionaire get drunk and fucked up from time to time

1 bowl= 1 beer

What’s it like working out stoned?

lmao this faggot lives under a rock

I don't understand why people do it. I immediately sober up, especially if im doing cardio

You cannot work out and be high at the same time, the exception is when you are riding your bicycle. As soon as you touch the barbell, your buzz goes bye bye.

I stopped because it suppresses rem sleep.
If you don’t get good sleep you don’t get good gains

this is completely and totally untrue i can be totally stoned working out. you guys must have never hit good weed or something.

I hit fucking amazing weed my dude. I've been a medical patient in Colorado at one point in my life, been a habitual dabber, and spent a year where i cooked every single meal with active canna oil. The reason you can be high and work out is because you're being a pussy about your workout. If you are truly moving weights and exerting yourself the high will disappear and fade into your standard workout endorphins feeling.

As a binge eater ex fatty, I found weed actually assisted me in suppressing my appetite and was at my most lean (62kg, 5"5) while using it in the evenings. Too bad it's illegal where I am and I've stopped getting it.

I have never used weed. I looked at every person I know who uses weed, examined their lives, and determined that there were far too many similarities that I did not want in my own life.

Coincidences? Maybe. But they are all universally unmotivated, low achievers, irresponsible, poor, and prone to blame all their failures on others.

Its a lot of fun! You get these rushes of happiness and you will start laughing or smiling while running or lifting. I recommend working out in a home gym and trying it out before doing it at an actual gym.
I guess people are different because whenever I got high, Id stay high regardless of how much I ran or lifted.
Not true, I worked out consistently for 2 years and smoked every single day. Even when I smoked before working out id still be high even after I got a pump and had endorphin rush.

>sativa only
Look at you, using random arguments to rationalize your use. There is no physiological difference between sativa and indica in terms of health effects. Vaporizing has its own risks.

Smoked weed every day for the last 10 years. Never been out of shape. Only thing that motivates me to workout and some good music! Key is know yr dose. Even after all these years my consumption is quite low. I measure my dose and know how if will effect me. I wouldn't smoke a bat before working out more like a tooth pick. Can get a little dizzy if you really high and you doing an intense anaerobic exercise

>fucked my sleep in long term
>not schizo but kinda have mood swings
>last time i smoked was few days ago and next day i lifted i had my bench down by plate
>trying to quit but all my friends are stoners/junkies
s-send help

also i did benzos few times back in the day, addiction is real. send fucking help lads

You become your friends, and your friends are losers, what does that make you user?

right strains help relax sore muscles after session, it's also godsend for bulking

y-you too

Shut up junkie

you're a fucking retarded basement dwelling faggot if you think it's not possible, silicon valley is known for drug use, ever heard of microdosing LSD? faggot...

Just smoke cigs instead with them and act silly / high. I used to go clubbing totally sober but as long as I was drinking soda and getting into everything - acting drunk etc - it was great and noone cared.

what the fuck are you even talking about, fucking mongoloid...

I know this might sound weird but if you wanna break a drug cycle, the best thing is to do shrooms.
Just do one doze of like 2-3g (you will trip out...might even hallucinate). Once youre done in the comedown it should be easier to break down the benzo habit.
this will stay in your system for the next 1 to 4 months or so. it affects the psych more than one thinks.
alternatively you could take .2 grams of shrooms every other day. microdosing. it will become easier to let go of weed and benzos.
if you don't believe me look up research done on shrooms and its efftects. good luck

I heard you're good at sucking dicks, keep to it faggot

Seconding this.
All drugs affect you negatively and people denying that are delusional. You can be fit doing it every once in a while but for me I rather don't do it at all because if I would do drugs again I wouldn't want to do it in moderation I want to do them all the time and as much as possible.

Jordan Belfort was used to take something like 10 different drugs daily

Boomer here, I've been smoking weed since before y'all even heard of four chan. IME one joint in the evening is nice. Allows you to regulate your sleep and helps with the bulk munch. You WILL snap up your cut if you smoke within walking distance of 7/11 though. Good thing I'm a natty /permabulk/ SS fag

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I don't smoke, and if i do it's probably once every couple of months (Last time i smoked was 6 months ago). I don't consider it a drug, and think it's rather soft unless you smoke it all day, every single day where you'll get mainly the negatives of it from such excessive use.

Everyone smokes it, musicians, billionaires, millionaires, movie stars, sports stars, geniuses etc..

I'd rather someone be a pot head over an alcoholic or cigarette smoker.

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>Alters brain chemicals mood etc.
>It's not a drug
I don't get those retards

>I don't get those retards

Retards like yourself, don't even get yourself, how do you expect to understand anyone else or their point of view?

can i smoke weed in place of opiates like heroin?

>i bought into boomer drug-war propaganda and that makes me better than everyone else

Smoke erryday, i drink once a week and sometimes do drugs
Training for 10 months
Steadly progressing, doing SS sticky variation

Squat 110kg
Bench 80
Military press 47,5
Deadlift 120 but i changed it to legcurl cause i got weak hamstrings
Pendley row 80
Dip +18
Pullups +10

Smoking makes me chill but i never smoke before i work out. I try to be in bed intime sleep enough and eat healthy although i do eat snacks often (munchies).
When im busy with my workout and diet i try to go hard. So no excuses, hitting the max even when im not feeling like it.

Smoking is deffinately stealing gainz but im progressing so i feel pretty good

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>get drunk and fucked up from time to time
Ya, getting high on the weekends is also not likely a problem.

Every pothead I know smoke every fucking day, and pretend it has no adverse effects on their lives....while they flip burgers at the age of 30.

For about 6 months I would wake up at 5 go do my workout and then smoke a bowl in the gym parking lot after. It’s a super comfy feel. Preworkout before, big bowl rip after when you’re all tired.

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well before i got a job that requires random drug testing, i was working, then study after get home or just study all day, go workout and smoke afterwards or just smoke and play video games/watch movies until i went to sleep. Wasn't a problem at all.

my friend was a drug dealer and you know who are the the most that buys cocaine? Medical students. Those guys fuckin party like crazy. Im sure they can't do that anymore once they become doctors. Just because you have only seen idiot kids do drugs doesn't mean successful people dont either

>successful people
What community college did you drop out of?

>t. dyel pothead that doesn't push himself in the gym
I bet you run on the treadmill in long weed leaf patterned socks wondering why none of the thots have commented on your sweet Sennheiser headphones.

>correlating medical students to community college

When the bell rings, get back to English class.

I was commenting on his correlation between students and successful people.

Go have another bowl and get back on the cash register.

even if they werent high, would these people be doing anything different? Do they seem like ambitious people in general?

>still can't read medical students
>thinks its easy to get into medical school
>you aren't successful yet

yeah..... because most students who graduate from medical school end up as bums just like anyone else who didn't go to medical school.

>Smoke weed
>Feel weak as fuck, as in muscles feel so relaxed
>Just want to chill and blast music

How the fuck do people lift while high? i could never imagine lifting my real weight high, 160kg squats would crush me.

I went to a school with classes about 45 people total. There were 3 guys in the Gifted and Talented class with me that smoked every day, maybe 8 people total.

1 is a cashier at dollar general
1 is so fucking fried running a weed eater is about the extent of his capacity
1 works as a delivery boy for napa.

in their early 30s.

I don't think ambition and smoking pot every day, have much to do with each other. In my experience anyways.

What is the dropout rate of medical school?

>med school is the most stressful, soul-killing time of a doctor's life!
>but it's okay you still have time to party hardy bro
come on, stop being a faggot and accept people grow up after undergrad

I kind of get in my own head but I counter that by making sure I have perfect form.

Not that user, but way to confirm you know nothing about med school. The people who did the best on the block exams tended to be the same ones who binged drink and party frantically after for one night. Nobody in my school used coke, but it's not surprising others do. And the handful people who did weed were labeled lazy, and were either held back or dropped out of the program.

The real difficult stuff comes after, during residency. Med school just isn't the joke that undergrad is.

Arguably. I would say smoking weed makes me think on what has happened during the day and the decisions I am making, adding another perspective that most of the times saves me from being a bad person/ making bad decisions.

Plus; I used it as a stimulant to go to class while I was working and having 2h+ commutes.

>after undergrad
most of the people at my work smoke weed....

>med students no allowed fun! Always work, no party! FUN BAD! NO FUN! FUN BAD!

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i only do edibles and very rarely so it doesn't affect me much at all

if you smoke joints every day then ofc it's gonna fuck things up

There's literally nothing wrong with eating weed.

Smoking it is retarded because it fucks your lungs.

When I first started to gain weight I would smoke a shit ton to get a good appetite. Then I said fuck it and started lifting high, somedays I couldn't concentrate while other days I was really able to focus. I think it's all mental. I would also drink a lot of caffeine with the Ganja.

>doesnt know the difference between indica and sativa
Enjoy your couch lock you potato
>thinks smoking is as healthy as vaping
Okay doctor faggot.

I'm seeing a lot of unwarranted hostility in this thread. If we could tone it down we might be able to learn from each other. I know it's probably along too much, but I just want to see everybody succeed.

>along too much

weed demotivates me to the point that I don't even see the point in lifting or doing anything, really. it also fucks with my sleep, which in turn is bad for my lifts.

except weed stays in your system way longer than alcohol and affects your mood and behavior even outside of when you're high. It lowers your motivation to lift and do other things.
also, 80k isn't that much. I make 142 and smoke weed somewhat regularly (although I recognize that it's degeneracy and I'm trying to stop). But I know I'd be a better worker if I stopped entirely.

That reflection is a note out of the stouts handbook. Where you write and think about yr day at the end and think of how to improve. I have that same process

From all the threads i've read so far and my ow experience, the use affects people so differently that you have to decide for yourself whether you the pros outweigh the cons without letting the psychological addiction you might have alter your decision. Personally i don't really like smoking weed most of the time as i usually get super paranoid that people are looking at me and can tell i'm high and also i make those complicated stupid jokes that i laugh at, which annoys people around me, although there were few times when i had a genuinely good time without any of this happening

>Smoke 2 super packed joints with roommate of 19% THC purple lemon rain
>Next day break Deadlift PR by a large margin
>Cut is still improving
>DYEL autismos say that I’m lower than them for knowing how to have fun

Love this place

I smoke weed post workout to help with my appetite and reduce pain from soreness.

weed is for degenerates

I co-own a 215 delivery service, and recently started my lifting journey a month ago.

There's the obvious fact that you're putting burnt plant matter in your lungs, and what ever risks come with that, but aside from that there are good benefits, but everyone is different.

I use it to relax and enjoy more creative modes of thinking, but it's counterproductive when I need go get tasks and responsibilities done, or am doing something that requires good hand-eye coordination.

Like most things in life, it needs to be done in moderation. I smoke around 1-3 bowls (snaps) in 24 hours, but I also do lots of cardio. Used to be a huge pothead in my late teen years though

The first time I started smoking I had just finished losing almost 100 lbs. I got my heart broken and started smoking daily and usually at night when the feels hit. I started binge eating due to the weed making me really hungry, I gained 55 lbs in 3 months. My grades dipped severely and all I wanted to do was go home and smoke myself stupid. One day I decided to quit and for 2-3 weeks I was waking up covered in sweat, had massive anxiety attacks I never had before and was all around in a shit state of mind. Fast forward 2 years and all is well. I guess fo some people it does help but for others it destroys.

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why only sativa ?

>the average weedposter

>improving your life
>doing drugs

Pick one

Also try that doing sober delusional addict

Why are there so few druggies that doesn't rationalize their drug use that aren't a total wreck? Just admit it that you like doing drugs and you know it's bad fuck

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