ITT - Your Kryptonite

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my bed my pc and everything else

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You call culvers kryptonite? I call it the cheat meal of the Gods

That's what kryptonite is, retard.
>single patty burger and fries is 1200 Calories
Just kill me.

Used to have a culver's near me, moved to another state, closest one is 30 minutes away. Probably for the best, their food is amazing for fast food. Moggs 5 guys hard.

That milkshake is just retarded, but I'd eat the rest in under 5 mins with no regret

>that pic
>jesus christ

Stop lying fuckface. The Double cheeseburger is 700 calories and the regular fry is 360. If you can't fit 1,060 calories you're a fat fuck

sitting for 8 hours a day

a plain cheeseburger is disgusting; I'm talking about the regular butter burger with the normal toppings

A regular cheese burger is 460 calories plus lettuce, tomato, onion and mayo is 560 calories plus 240 calories for a small fry and youre still at 800 calories.

Anything dominos or “Italian”

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You 2 faggots stop fighting
Yes theres a Culvers 5 mins frmo me, its insane how good it is

Oh fuck yeah culver's rules. I got sent a bunch of coupons and ate it once a week for a month. No regrets. Wisconsin patty melt and a cookie dough concrete mixer ples.
Alternatively, pot roast sandwich with a side of potatoes and gravy. Just pour it all on the sandwich

Is it that bad compared to other fast food restaurants?

Clif Bars

No its amazing. You mean "bad" for you?

Wendy's and Korean pussy

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Popcorn is my kryptonite i dont even put butter on it i just use salt some times some hot chili powder but i make a shit load love it

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Handrolled cigs are my only sin desu

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I enjoy smoking menthols but they make my thigh muscles cramp up when i do cardio

Any soft pretzels really, but the fucking bavarian legend at amc theaters is fucking perfection

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That pretzel looks good

I'm gonna say either camel crush
Marlboro menthol or pall mall menthols

Am I right on any of those ?

This is my true kryptonite. There are a lot of food I love that I can enjoy reasonably but with Italian food I will eat no less than 4k cals

Why is American food always so disgustingly cringe and bad

out with you

Get lost pajeet no one wants to eat your regional delicacy ‘salted iguana ass on a stick’

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You have no idea mang. The inside is hot and fluffy and the outside is baked and salted perfectly. I'm getting erected just thinking about it

Fuck off eurotrash

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Unironically kys

Pretty much dude some camel clutch or some marlboro blue 52s

I might have to buy some pretzels and bake em at home shit looks too good

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>not drinking a cold beer after each set
Que Paso guy?

>detroit style is the best


>Americans unironically defending their shit
Figures, if cancer was an American thing they would defend cancer.

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Holy fucking shit

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Itd also probably be the most effective cancer on the planet, like everything else that comes out of this great country

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soda and the taco bell located directly in my backyard, I just jump my fence and its right there

almost 2000kcal

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Extra cheese, extra toppings. Go big or go home.

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It's scientifically engineered to make you want to eat it, while also using the cheapest ingredients possible. Ends up being closer to a drug than food

That being said the shits bomb and ur trash bb

Well. I might save that pic for whenever I feel like eating bad shit. Christ.

To be honest though, every so often and fit around your calorie allowance (or on a lifting day) it's doable. I've lost a fuckton and started eating religiously for the first year, as I've got nearer my goal I've found the occasional burger or fry up is doable without damaging my progress.

>same rule does not go for crap foods that are 90 percent sugar.

I feel constipated just looking at it


i only buy one gallon per week, instead of when i run out, because i can drink it all in an hour or so and still want more.

Americans can cook anything better than any other nation. We take the top chefs and brain drain the fuck out of your nations.

Have you ever had Italian pizza? It fucking sucks dick. New York and Chicago changed the game. French food? Cajun food is the next evolution and shits all over it. Mexican food? Telmex bitch. Anything you can do we do better.

>inb4 asshurt provincials start the water works and crying about McDonalds

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Pizza, chips, burgers, coca cola, strawberry milkshakes, vodka and porn. I used to drink coke like crazy to the point i had to have one bottle at least a day, one day i had to admit that i was coke addict, it's my greatest kryptonite.

Even now thinking about it i can taste cold cola in my mouth.

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Disgusting. I love it!

I know what you mean bro, quitting cola was harder than quitting cigs for me.

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Bruv er zijn plekken die dat met satésaus verkopen die gaan makkelijk tegen de 2500-3000

Ice cream floats with coke. You hover the straw right were the coke meets the ice cream so you get coke and ice cream in the same sip.

Leaf user here. Was touring the mid west last year and hooked up with a chick for a couple days. She let me concealed carry her 9mm in the culvers one night it was badass I'll never forget it

Mmmm.... Culver's

My only kryptonite is milkshakes

Sprite vodka orange and netflix at 8 am

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Idk i had bad culvers once. Patty was all dried out, was the nasty patty from under the fryer

what normie gay shit you watching?

literally anything with garlic

the most underrated fast food joint

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I wonder what all the posters ITT look like

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>not bloatmaxxing on cheeseburger bulk
never gonna live it


I have to geg rid of all 4. Pls help

Yes, or you buy menthol flavored tips, normal papers and a decent tobacco so you can save up a shitton of money.

If you smoke like 20 cigs/day you can get around for 3-5 days witch a 30g pack of Marlboro for 5 bucks.

>shitty midwest mcdonalds substitute moggs 5 Guys

Confirmed for room temp IQ

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i hear ya my guy but once a culvers opened up where i live, checkers can get cucked. Only thing They have better than culvers is there fries.

>being so fat that you can use your belly as a table


My man

>butthole burger

Because Americans only want food that is easy to eat and digest. It also has to have a ton of fat in it with very little flavor. Basically they only like food for it's ability to fill you up rather than as something that provides an experience.

How to get Korean pussy? Should I lift until all social problems are counteracted by muscle? I am a Manley (5'7), is it salvageable

Go to Korea. Speak a smattering of Korean. Be white and lift weights. Swimming in that shit. They're still xenophobic but not as bad as the other gooks.

Burguer is a fine cheat meal. 50% Carbs 40% protein 10% fat

thx dad

Help lol

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lol xDDDD lol

What the fuck is this abomination? jfc


Attach a dollar value to it (ie every time I do blow assume I’ll spend at least $150 that night) and it really takes your nog for a jog. I was never a heavy user but would get a G or two every weekend, so around $400/month, which is well over $6,000 a year when you include alcohol/cigs/etc that come with coke. That isn’t a huge chunk of my income or anything but once I put a tangible number to it I realized how I could be spending my money in much better ways.

Or just taper off to key bumps and not full lines.

I'm' so glad I don't care for the taste of fast food.

Mine is not as bad as everyone else, but it's the content amount... I could eat a whole jar in once sitting if I wasn't careful.

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I used to do that, but I can get a range of powders so cheap that it costs less than a light night of drinking to mix some pretty decent grade stuff up.

>get on the internet
>pull up Pornhub
>grab a cigarette and a soda
>start trying to fap without putting either down
>burn your dick with he cigarette as you come close to cumming
>cleanse the wound with a soda
>go to work/school with burned stickydick all day
>rinse and repeat

5'7 is probably average in Korea, so yea

I do about half a G every month or so. Occasional cocaine use has negligible health effects. Then again where I live (NYC area) a night on the stuff is good for $200-$300. That said, keeps you from drunk eating.

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>coke or xtc
Not that bad i suppose

yeah. I've had it, I know it's delicious