How do I stop smoking dope compulsively?

How do I stop smoking dope compulsively?

Attached: Pot.png (318x159, 10K)

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>How do I stop smoking dope compulsively?
>How do I stop smoking dope
>How do I stop
>How stop

Fuck man, the answer was right there the whole time.

Weed fucks your cortisol, in turn fucking your test.

You wanna be small and weak? Keep smoking.

You wanna be the man?


there's plenty of big guys smoking weed it's not smoking it's willpower

Don't buy it and don't smoke it.
The fuck kinda question is that?

How do I stop sucking dicks?
Just don't do it!

addict logic

I don't even smoke weed anymore lol i'm in the military now

dont buy weed
dont hangout with people that smoke weed

Joe Rogan is way stronger than you

Take a week off and then get uncomfortably high when you smoke again. Start measuring it out in pill dividers after that and keep your tolerance low. Only smoke after the gym and at the end of the day.

Stop being a slave to it.

You must have something better to do than smoke it. You must learn to hate it. If you don't you won't stop.

this too

>tfw be me
>tfw dutch
>tfw weed is ez to get, affordable and legal
>tfw smoke for over 8 years
>tfw smoke multiple joints a day
>tfw finally stop smoking
>tfw in the beginning it felt like it was hard but looking back it was piss easy
>tfw can finally smell, taste, workout again without being a fucking paranoid junky
>tfw mfw

I live in a marijuana household. My mother and brother ingest thc tough. For the past five years I’ve been the biggest stoner that I know. I gave it up last week for many reasons. The main is that I’m sleeping infinitely better than I was.
If you want a reason then do it for reasons of vanity because I think is correct. PLUS understand that thc is very good at suppressing rem sleep. If you don’t get good sleep you don’t get good gains.

What does tfw mfw mean?

its what you say when youre telling a greentext about yourself

that feel when my face when

aaah oke lol

Joe rogan is also on test because his body's natural supply wasn't sufficient.

provide one credible source that marijuana lowers test. protip you can't

two words. michael phelps

Smoked for 10 years. Always had brainfog, depressed, tired, fat, lifts stalled, house was a mess, too paranoid to get girls.
Quit 3 years ago, have my life in order, am happy, sharp mind, hot GF, never been stronger/leaner.
I don't think this is coincidental. Weed takes away motivation to do meaningful things with your life, it's a fake temporary happiness which makes you not care about really fixing your shit.

keep larping faggot


1. Don't go out and buy it
2. Tell your friends why you need to quit
3. If they push you to smoke hang out with other people

if weed is capable of ruining your life you were a loser by default

The problem is the withdrawals, I tried stopping so many times but its just too uncomfortable.

How did you stop? Cold turkey?

I never smoke on work days so the hardest part was getting through the first days off I had. So I just did a longer intermittent fast and got drunk at the end instead. Then another week of work and after that it had been about two weeks so I figured I didn't need it anymore. Now it's been a few months and now I just don't smoke to see how long I can go without it. I've spent so much on it through the years. I should have way more money at age 30...

it's non addictive so you literally just choose not to smoke it, it's unironically harder to stop drinking red bull than stop smoking weed

I really don't think weed is that bad.I like to smoke on the weekends.I like being focused and smart during the week but the weekend is to relax and enjoy.I find it to not be good if you want to be productive so only use it when you have no stuff to do,i usualy smoke with friends or when playing vidya.
basically higher THC = lower test

another one using animal model showed an impact on fertility and testosterone

im definitely addicted and have to pass a drug test in a couple months. thats my motivation to quit.
Also, my mind feels so much sharper whenever i take a break.

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For me I made a list of all the things that smoking weed caused harm to. Once you look at that list, it makes you want to quit because you realize all the shit it does to you.

You're not quitting tomorrow. You're quitting right fucking now. Throw all the shit out. Break your bongs and pipes. The first week is really fucking hard.

Your brain is all fucked up, and your reward system is fucked. Its going to feel like you're bored all the time and nothing is fun. It gets better.

Unironically the Jow Forumsleaves subreddit is a good resources to go and read and find support on.

Whatever you do, realize that you're an addict and you're not able to just smoke it once a week or do it moderately. You're an addict. You need to realize that you can't smoke it ever again. Going forward you are giving it up forever.

I'm clean 2 months after smoking daily for 6 years being stoned most of the day. You can do it user.

are you fucking retarded? withdrawals from weed? lmao dude you're just a pussy, deal with it


>basically higher THC = lower test

that isn't what the study you posted says at all.

Basically cut out your supply.

As soon as i don't have access to weed anymore i stop thinking about it completely. This would even be after months of smoking everyday

fuck you, I have a 4000$ worth collection of glass, I ain't breaking that shit

it pointed out how studies including cannibis tea showed some people with fine testosterone and cannabis tea has significantly lower THC, doesn't take a genius

treat it like alcohol and only do it on weekends or occasionally, if you can't do that then seek fucking help

fucking hell imagine what else you could have bought with that money, decent home gym, decent mountain bike

Are you going to sell it? Every moment you keep that shit around, you tempt yourself.

Also doesn't 4k invested in glass seem like a wakeup call in ways?

natural test in the male body starts decreasing from around the age of 25, around 40 it really starts dipping

TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) can make it so you keep it at the level of a young man, it's good for virility, retaining muscle mass, keeping low body fat etc.

there are also risks with it and most normie doctors won't prescribe it to you if you just have low T from natural aging, people like Joe Rogan and Sly Stallone don't give a fuck about that though

lol you're a fucking loser dude there's no hope for you if collect fucking bongs and pipes keep smoking there's no point stopping now

I smoked weed for 10 years, last years I was smoking daily. I stopped because I noticed I was ripping bong or smoking a joint every hour on my waking time. All the time, every day.

I have been smoke free for 2 years now.
Cut all your stoner friends from your life, dealers, smokers, whatever.

I would have fucked up if I would have hanged out people who smoke weed. I am not saying you must sacrifice your relationships with your friends, but for me it was a must thing to do.

Literally as much money as my fucking motorcycle. Pic related, way fucking cooler than your bong bookshelf

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aww guys don't be so butthurt that "degenerate weed smoking junkie" have more disposable income than all of you, have some faith in yourselves, you can make it too if you stop being so pathetic at life :^)

Don’t buy any, dumbass. If you don’t have any weed, you can’t smoke it. It’s like fatasses who surround themselves with donuts and wonder why they end up eating it.