theyre on this board right now edition
Fat people hate - /fph/
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No they aren't. These threads are dogshit these days. 5 years ago they were intended for the shitbags of society. These days it's just pictures of ugly fat birds.
t. fatty
Losing weight is literally the easiest part when it comes to bodybuilding (and i'm a fucking endomorph , I gain weight easy as shit too).
I hate this mentality that fat people are making some ''amazing achievment'' by losing weight , I don't give a shit what they looked like before , it's their fault for not changing their life and that shame shouldn't be ''erased'' unless they become a fucking Mr. Olympia or competitive powerlifters.
I hate when they try and justify their fat selves.
>mfw i was watching this on repeat and couldn't understand what was happening
>see fitness challenge
>work out with trainer and whoever loses the most/has the best results in 45 days win
>the people who partake in this are large than me by a wide margin (I'm 109lbs)
>I can't even join the competition because braphogs will win by default
they really need to stop sucking hte fun out of life by thinking they did somethign greater than anyone else
it showed what skinny person eats first, then what fat person eats
You can almost see the land whales inner feminist frothing behind pursed lips. She is literally ready to explode about fat shaming, the patriarchy, genetics, and how the hot skinny girl is a whore for fighting against the glorious fat future for females.
This is the face of the enemy.
>(I'm 109lbs)
what is the show name? ty
And then they make them fight to the death?
supersize vs superskinny
unfortunately not, they just live together for a while
they dont live together .they swap diets.
its cruel and really pointless, wtf is the point of making a 120 pound girl try to eat 6000 kcal every episode....
hnnnggg that skinny blonde thot
2000 calories per day for a woman is actually a lot, wtf?
Dude I beat my gf because she doesn't want to get over 120 lbs. How fucking small are you
She's not even dangerously underweight, or anorexic or anything, just eating crap.
Reposted from the last thread for importance. Reminder that fat parents aren't parents.
Fat people are stupid to start with the fat makes them more stupid, which makes them fatter, which makes them even more stupid, and greedy and lazy, it's a vicious cycle (note: hambeasts on tubblr always spell vicious as "viscous" and lose weight as "loose weight").
Toddlers who are fat are almost as retarded as toddlers with Prader-Willi, in spite of obviously not having Prader-Willi. It only gets worse. We need to wait for these crisco guzzlers to die off.
A quote from this article, mind that this is ABOUT TODDLERS:
>GAINESVILLE, Fla. — University of Florida researchers have discovered a link between morbid obesity in toddlers and lower IQ scores, cognitive delays and brain lesions similar to those seen in Alzheimer’s disease patients
>brain lesions similar to those seen in Alzheimer’s disease patients
Let that sink in. Parents who make their kids fat should be locked up for child abuse right now.
>beast warriors for trump
Oh, I see the /leftpol/ faggot is back. Still cant keep it under your hat I see.
kek you Amerifats try and point at the left or right as being the fat ugly cunts, meanwhile everyone all over the world just thinks your all a bunch of fat lazy cunts
That was just a random picture I save because it's funny, not trying to start a pol war, and it should be noted that both the left and the right in the good ol USA is full of disgusting, smelly hambeasts who can't even reach their fucking bootstraps, let alone pull themselves up by them.
Theres plenty of fat fucks in other parts of the world. The US isnt even the worst. The point is that theres no point in throwing stones in glass houses if you want to get into partisan politics, brainlet.
Mexico and the UK are just as bad if not worse by now.
What political 'group' is the most Jow Forums? An-Caps? Genuine /Leftypol/ communists? Green party vegans?
certainly not Republicans
Too bad that didnt hold true for jimmy kimmel when he played basketball against ted cruz lol. Democrats are such soiboys lol
>Fatty's food pile is almost as tall as she is
its called "Food in a tube"
>kept waiting for fatty's chute to stop filling
>it doesn't
I think she throws up a good portion of it several times a week
>my gf doesn't want to get fat so i beat her
''Certainly not Republicans''
Posts a Republican
But there's less people. USA, pop 326,771,203
UK, pop 66,574,492
Mexico, pop 130,758,014
80% of the adult US population is overweight, and half of those are obeasts. I know bmi says it's only like 75% (and rising), and half of that is less than 40% of the entire population, but!
Unless you're fit, BMI underestimates obesity! When looking at bodyfat, many in the bmi overweight category are actually obese, and many in the bmi normal category are actually overweight. So we have more disgusting fatties than the entire population of the UK and Mexico combined.
>Among more than 1,000 patients, 56% were obese according to the DEXA results, versus 20% using the standard BMI-based definitions.
Pic related, it's the face of modern America.
It's not a political issue. By and large, smart people are fit, retards are fat. There's full blown retards on the left as well as on the right of the spectrum. Inbred rednecks are gonna be fat, but so are SJWs.
Wait. Hold on. Are they trying to say that a western man should subsist on the same diet as a 91lb Asian woman?!
>-2.5 days per week
>5 days per week
What do they mean by that? Haven't watched the show yet.
Not sure, probably averaging 1300 calories a day over the week due to not eating at all a little over 2 days. No idea about the fatty.
Theres that screencap of an article posted here a lot called something like ‘gymbros more likely to be right wing douchebags’ or some shit
>gymbros more likely to be right wing douchebags
That's pretty vague. Do they mean "gym bros" are free marketers, nationalists or Monarchists?
Obviously the most Jow Forums people are the smartest, so that means politically they are radical centrists. In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any political conviction. But because, I am enlightened by my neutrality. Praise the Horseshoe theory.
based kek
There's no way to say this without sounding like a fatty, but there is ABSOLUTELY no way the fat girl's tank is only 3000 calories. That's at least 10000, probably more
Hey I was in that thread.
they show a weeks worth of food in the tube, its 3k a day
I think it's like the fatty eats his diet for 5 days and eats what she eats in a week. She eats how she eats for a week and would still need 2.5 more days of eating to match him? I dunno.
I think for many people its more of a "thank god they're losing weight" than them being above others for it
Based centrist poster. Let us watch more Boogie2988, Chris RayGun and SomeBlackGuy videos.
>Be fat
>In the train, reading /fph/
>Chad & Thot enter
>Thot leans on the pole
>Chad leans close to kiss her
>I accidentally grab his pompadour along with the pole, ruining the mood
>I whisper "sorry dude"
>He gives me a "don't worry" glance and kisses the thot like nothing happened
I'm still embarassed about it.
you should be
go to the gym, fatty
>tfw I just ate around 700+ calories for breakfast and I normally eat ~300-400
I need to go to the gym, too.
no seriously, they're by far the most Jow Forums group of people in muttland
>Abusive childhood
>Now that I'm an adult, I buy toys
>Realize at some point that I'm buying and building stuff out of some emotional trauma
>I'm trying to project and build a stronger, better me who will have the power to fight the evils in life
>I start getting fit and improving myself
>I still buy toys out of habit but I can't bring myself to unbox them
>I haven't actually played with toys since I was nine
Chris-Chan does something similar and the similarity disturbs me. His best days were his highschool years. He is building his school out of lego, which is a physical manifestation of his desire to escape from this world into his happy place. Creepy.
>sense of personal responsibility over life
>don't need assistance from daddy state
>free market assures steady flow of food
t. libertarian
Gays are such appearance queens. I can't believe there are fat gays and that they get laid too.
Well gays are often very much sex driven, almost anyone can get laid immediately if they want.
I got a story for y'all
>Be me
>At the gym last night
>Come to the cubbies where my bag is to put away my shaker cup
>See two whales literally just sitting on shelving and talking
>When I say whales I mean whales
>Must be at least 500 pounds each
>It's a damn miracle the shelf didn't break
>Seeing them here and not doing anything infuriates me.
>They stay sitting for a long time I can see them from the machine I'm on.
> Eventually they get up with gargantuan effort and waddle over to those machines made for fat fucks where you push the foot rests and pull the handles.
>Get on them
>Literally set the resistance to zero so in effect they are doing nothing
>Still get red and out of breath after 2 minutes.
>They got off after 5 minutes and left
>I hate fatasses
Nah. They pair up anorexics with fatties with the goal of making the fatties lose weight while making the anorexics eat more.
Speaking of /fitpol/, what does Jow Forums think of Alex Jones's physique? Is he fat or bloatmode? He sounds like an idiot and I was wondering if he is one fitness-wise too.
Anyone answering anything aside from fat is shilling.
He's pretty fat now, he used to lift though.
I'd say ancaps percentage-wise. Even if it's just because there aren't that many of us. There are bad people in every political ideology, and of course the shit rises to the top. That's why you see fucktonnes of fat republicans and commies and very few fit ones. I've got a feeling this will happen to every mainstream ideology.
He's still strong while fat, so bear mode.
>Ur a shill
Yes. Anyone who says anything that doesn't immediately insult someone is a shill. That's the attitude that destroyed politics. When people stopped admitting there was good in their opposition.
hey man as long as you don't obsess over the toys you should be ok. I'm in my early 20s and I would say im pretty on track, but I like to occasionally buy stuff from my childhood like yugioh cards and stuff just for old times sake. As long as you don't end up writing fanfic about combinations of your favorite toys or some shit like I think you'll be ok.
Yes because Alex Jones himself is known for his political empathy and methods to see the good in positions that aren't his.
I hate the self-righteous indignation of this fat cunt saying he won't listen to his daughter get put down but she didn't even put her down. Stupid. Although 17 heart attacks is pretty fucking strong to survive. Never heard that before.
This triggered me
>so big your feet dangle off the couch
>waahhh he started it, mommy!
Excellent retort
Oh shit I was looking at the tubes for the skinny girls and thinking that was what she ate per day.
If you're willing to look at Jones' physique and the amount of supplement peddling he does and defend him as anything besides fat, than the best case scenario is that you're shilling. Otherwise you're retarded or delusional.
Plus, I'm just some faggot on Jow Forums. Alex literally makes money off of Jow Forumstards believing in the unsubstantiated bullshit he peddles. He deserves some ad-hom on top of the lawsuits he's earned.
I just realised something about fatties and why they complain about thyroids etc. If a person, particularly a woman, ever blames their obesity on a disease, then you can be assured that it is an effort to rejuvenate their social status. They might not be aware of this, but it's truly their intentions. Nobody wants to admit that they are fat, especially women. So when somebody brings up the topic of their fatness, they will blame a disease. They blame the disease because of a certain coping mentality. They subconsciously believe that by blaming this disease, the inquiring person see them not as an actual fat person, but someone suffering from a disease.
>I'm not actually a fat person, I just have a thyroid condition!
Because the mind isn't patterned to naturally recognise the severity of internal diseases, the thought of having an internal disease doesn't interfere with a person's social status. But being fat is an external disease that can be seen and hence interferes with a person's social status. Being fat invokes thoughts of "ewww look at that thing what's wrong with it?" In other words, it's better to say you are internally diseased than fat, and therefore fatties subconsciously blame diseases.
Forgot to mention that fatties are bad in terms of primitive tribes because they consume too many resources. This is still relevant because it was only a few thousands of years ago and these mentalities will exist in society today.
Woman with under active thyroid and PCOS here. I'm not fat, not thin either (5'8'' 135lbs), and I hate seeing hamplanets use "muh thyroid" as an excuse. Literally just eat better and do some form of exercise, it's not difficult if you get into a good routine.
That's actually hilarious.
She's still fat, but that's funny as hell.
They show daily calories intake, for example 1300, and that she should eat 2000, so it's like she's not eating for 2.5 days per week.
It's "weekly undereat".
Full episode here
Fuck off faggot. I was never obese, but I can understand the agony of quitting the only thing that gives you joy in a otherwise miserable life. It's ingrained into their brain to use food to cope with everything. They have to relearn an entire lifestyle.
Yes, it's their fault they're fat(past childhood). But that doesn't take anything away from their achievement.
I see, that makes sense. Thanks
I mean, she's eating not enough per day, so it's like she would not be etaing at all for 2.5 days per week (looking at total week calories intake). It's weird logic, but that's what they mean by that.
I have never met a chick with PCOS who wasn't fat. Why the fuck is that? You'd think with all the testosterone raging through your body you'd be a lean fucking machine. Instead you're all fat fucking machines.
I just think it's an excuse, I have friends with PCOS that aren't fat. There are plenty of famous people out there with PCOS that aren't fat.
The sad part is, staying obese just makes other symptoms worse so it's a never ending cycle for the fatties that don't help themselves.
Huh. So if I call out a girl for being fat with PCOS I'm not going to get btfo for telling her she's making excuses? Thanks bro
She will use it as an excuse, no doubt about it. But seriously there's nothing some exercise and better eating can't help with. Sure they aren't going to be super skinny but they can get to a normal weight easily enough.
As I said earlier, staying in the obese category just makes other things worse i.e. the extra body hair and whatever. So they are just fucking themselves over staying as a hairy lump.
how fat do you have to be to come up with junk buns? i gagged
It sucks because I want to die. I strongly disapprove of the world and the direction it's heading to so I stay in, which I know is unsustainable and won't make me happy. Traveling around the city in search of whatever toy I'm hunting for and groceries are the only things that get me out of the house anymore. But dieting has "hurt" my groceries and losing interest in toys is taking both a reason to go out and a hobby away. Now whenever I'm getting ready to go out, I sit dressed and think "I shouldn't go out for groceries. I'll buy snacks. And if I don't then it won't be worth the fuss. If I stay in then I'll make cal deficit gains" or "what's the point on buying an overpriced bonkle that will just sit on my desk in the same running pose for a week and then get put away like the rest? I can save money and space. I don't really need it".
Cool blog, where can I subscribe?
Not that simple; high androgens are just one part of it. Insulin resistance kicks in after a while.
And the high androgens are why they're all cock hungry right? I still remember the first chick with PCOS I met, loved being told she was a good girl while fucking the shit out of herself with a broken part of her bed before she'd squirt everywhere. I've called told so many other girls they were good girls but none of them react to it the way she did and it hurts my soul.
>therefore fatties subconsciously blame diseases.
Nothing subconscious about it. They lie, about everything, all the time. And by giving them the benefit of the doubt you're letting them get away with it.
Might be a part of it; the one PCOS girl I banged was pretty randy too.
Part of me wants to say that they're at least making an effort
But being realistic I know that they probably got a giant shake or smoothie afterwords as a reward and cancelled out whatever micro gains you get from doing 0 resistance
Self-pity. They don't want to achieve anything, they want someone to take care of them. That's why they aim to be dependapotami.