How can I just cut this fucking shit off?

How can I just cut this fucking shit off?

I can't do it tracking calories because then I just have calories on my mind all day and it pisses me off.

Why can't I just eat a few chicken breasts and then just starve myself for the rest of the day and consume a fiber supplement to shit?

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sounds like you got a weak will
not tough enough mentally

no matter what you try, seems like those things will be an issue for you

same here man
feels bad man

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Dude just go omad. I look similar and i do it myself. Work out every day and you will lose weight in no time. I even developed a bit of shoulder muscles along the way with simple push ups and some weights i bought for cheap.

You can literally eat until you're full and then just stop eating for 23 hours. It's easy af

>Then just starve myself for the rest of the day
Do it the other way around. Starve yourself the whole day then eat a nice meal at the end
Infinitely more enjoyable and therefore manageable

eat less

Personally i prefer eating before sleep because i get tired after eatring anyway and then work out in the mourning before work. Work distracts me from hunger mostly but coffee also helps. When i have days off i don't mind cheating a bit.

Hi bloho

>Why can't I just eat a few chicken breasts and then just starve myself for the rest of the day
who is stopping you?

Listen here John Blano, i watch your fitness videos and I wanna help. Find a big stair case and walk it everyday, eat grilled chicken and vegetables and rail garcinia Cambogia

Look up some videos' on willpower you fuckin lazy asshole. Stop looking for the easy way out.

if you're adding sugar to your drinks.. just stop. never ever keep snacks in your house. Dont waste money on things you dont need but would buy anyway because "its a great offer". start with this.

drink more water. fast for 16+ hours each day

or just take DNP lmao

Water fast for 30 days, all that chub will melt off. 100% guaranteed.

Don’t worry fans that’s just water I am holding I will swoosh anytime now *cuckles*

>Visible delta, tris, bis, traps and chest development.

Looks like you are doing well muscle wise, just need to cut carbs out now bro. Try 16:8 Intermittent Fasting and I am sure you will shed the last few KGs of fat and shred up man.

We all gon make it

>what is DNP


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Just eat mostly protein but not 100% just protein, no need to count calories that way you autistic faggot.

limit your sugar intake, do some direct core work and some cardio.

eat less than you do now, that way you will become less fat
it's truly astounding how weak minded fatsos try to twist and turn the weight loss into some complex rocket science

just /fast no calorie counting, no worries, fastet fatloss

You are retarded Cartman, you gonna be fat forever

>Nobody saying the correct answer

Read the sticky you blobo fatadopoulus

The issue is more complicated if you also want to gain muscle mass and reduce soreness.

>I can't count calories because it's annoying :( abloo bloo bloo
fucking fat piece of human garbage why don't you stop breathing, you'll lose weight really fast afterwards

Just eat less

If you really want to see how fucked you are have a body scan and the visceral fat will be off the chart, be scared.

Bran, chicken and broth, cut like a motherfucker. If that doesn't work, cut 300 calories until you see results everyone is different.

> I can't track calories because I'm an emotional fatties who can't control himself
weak willed pussy

just fucking do it you weak willed pussy. You obviously don't want it bad enough to put in the work.

>eat a balanced, healthy meal

dear god, do NOT eat 100% protein whatever you do m8