Listen up (to a true alpha male)

am an independent 17 year old and I don't want to change. I love being this way. I might be fucked in the head but I have extreme confidence. Nothing and nobody can stop me from doing whatever the fuck I want

I've been an adult since I ran away at the age of 12. Had to survive on my own. I'm 16 now. This is what my life looks like;

Monday - Friday: 2 part-time jobs for 16 hours, exercise for 2 hours, eat for half an hour, play video games / relax for half an hour, sleep for the remaining five hours

Saturday: I call this my happy day where I get to do whatever the fuck I want, WHEN I want. I also exercise twice as hard on this day

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I don't have parents or friends. Hell I don't even own a home. Lemme explain myself...

How I sleep? I sleep anywhere and everywhere. On top of rooftops, in caves, in bushes, in dirt ditches... Anywhere. i don't care so long as I find a secure and safe area to sleep at that doesn't involve anybody being able to rob or kill me. I don't waste money on finding a home or paying rent anywhere. I also have a rare sleep disorder known as short sleeper syndrome. I can function perfectly fine on 3 hours of sleep or less a day.

How I eat food and drink? The two jobs I'm working are related to food service. First I work 8 hours as a cashier at this KFC, and then I work 8 hours as a waiter at this Italian restaurant. Both give me a chance to interact with people and pretend to be neurotypical normal human beings like them. And nobody is none the wiser.

Post body fag before you get banned for underaged

How I use Jow Forums? I go to my local library and use it's Wifi. They have free computers you can use so long as nobody is using them. They also have a free bathroom and free drinking fountain for UNLIMITED FREE COLD WATER which is awesome.

How I shower? I own a gym membership and they give out free showers. This is also how I exercise.

How I play video games? There's this local gaming internet cafe nearby, one hour is only $5. I play games to vent and relieve stress.

How I have clothes and maintain them? I own a giant camping backpack which I bought for $35 and I have five sets of clothes in it. One set includes a t-shirt, shirt, tank top, shorts, pants, underwear / briefs, socks, and shoes. This camper backpack is huge as hell. I also have a separate compartment containing a plastic bag to separate dirty clothes from clean clothes.

I hope you dont smell homeless famalam

I go to the local free laundromat. Easy and quick to clean and dry clothes, takes no longer than 30 minutes usually. I am a very patient person.

How I exercise? I do light cardio in the form of walking / jogging every day. I walk everywhere, it's my mode of transportation. I'm considering getting a bike though, seems easier but a hell of a lot more maintenance especially considering how I would need a bike lock. Maybe when I feel like getting one I will. I also ruck march with my backpack when I go hiking sometimes. My backpack weighs at around 35-40 pounds, and I weigh 172 pounds based on the weighting scale at the gym I go to.

When I go to the gym I do calisthenics first (push ups, pull ups, sit ups. typically bodyweight exercises) and then strength and weight training last, using barbells, dumbbells, etc. for working out all upper and lower body muscle groups. I make variations based on the day and depending on what I eat. I make sure to stay properly nutritionated, fed and hydrated

Anyone have any questions?

These, do Dolphins sleep? And what is your endgame?

To do whatever I want, when I want, however I want regardless of what anyone thinks, feels and says

I'm just a survivor. I constantly adapt to changing environments. If I want something, I always get it. One way or another. Regardless of if I start with no resources or with everything at my disposal. Is that such a bad thing? I'm capable of doing what I want simply because I'm resourceful and intelligent enough to adapt to a world where you have to be normal and you're alienated and hated if you aren't. Fuck that noise and fuck what other people think.

True alpha males don't use Jow Forums ya dongus
Stop larping

Post boipussy.

We all know you would have turned tricks on the street to survive. You skipped that part.

As a high functioning sociopath, this is what I have to say

Go fuck yourself hahahaha bitch hahaha

One way or another I will be in the U.S. Army. And nothing and nobody will stop me. I don't give a shit about what anyone else thinks and I can act like a normal human being and nobody will ever know about who or what I really am. I am an incredible actor and I've bypassed seasoned psychiatrists who thought they could evaluate me. You've fallen into my trap, foolish one.

My plan; I will become a 68w combat medic and become a Ranger. Instead of an Option 40 contract that will last for 4 years cause that's for suckers, I will do a 3 year enlistment contract, get a 300+ score on the PT test, and will have the Op 40 contract handed to me. All I need is three years in the Army. And then I'm kicking that shit-bag organization to the curb and will move on to better things. Don't worry, I'm not considering a 20 year enlistment to retire because only fucking retards do that hahahaha

As a high functioning sociopath, this is what I have to say

Go fuck yourself hahahaha bitch hahaha

One way or another I will be in the U.S. Army. And nothing and nobody will stop me. I don't give a shit about what anyone else thinks and I can act like a normal human being and nobody will ever know about who or what I really am. I am an incredible actor and I've bypassed seasoned psychiatrists who thought they could evaluate me. You've fallen into my trap, foolish one.

My plan; I will become a 68w combat medic and become a Ranger. Instead of an Option 40 contract that will last for 4 years cause that's for suckers, I will do a 3 year enlistment contract, get a 300+ score on the PT test, and will have the Op 40 contract handed to me. All I need is three years in the Army. And then I'm kicking that shit-bag organization to the curb and will move on to better things. Don't worry, I'm not considering a 20 year enlistment to retire because only fucking retards do that hahahaha

Why do you give your age as 17 and 16?

If I'm not training, I'm looking after my nutrition, rest and muscle recovery and all that other shit you idiots aren't thinking about when you're too busy shitposting garbage content.

My stats for my future soldier workout routine:

Push ups: 89 in two minutes perfect form

Sit ups: 93 in two minutes perfect form

2 mile run: 11 minutes, 35 seconds

5 mile run: 35 minutes, 49 seconds

12 mile ruck hike with 75 pounds of gear: 2 hours and 39 minutes

Pull ups: 26 in a row in one minute, 34 in a row in two minutes

Muscle ups: 7 in a row in one minute

Keep in mind, I accomplished ALL of the above on 36 hours of no sleep, 48 hours without food and 24 hours without water.

I am 5 feet 5 inches tall, and 172 pounds of sheer sexy muscle.

Not to say I can make it on my own even though I sure as fuck can, but if I somehow end up in a regular Army unit or division instead of the 75th Ranger Regiment then I will do everything I can to get kicked out of the Army as soon as possible.

so you're at the gym 2 hours on weekdays and 4 on saturdays? pretty autistic routine desu

Do they let manlets into the military?

Pick one

You sound like a giant faggot op


Really. I'm proud of ya in a way. Cheers. Bravo. High Five. Slow clap.
I'm 5'5", last girlfriend was 5'7" and I've talked to / dated mostly taller girls. It's all about confidence, sometimes charm, and taking care of yourself; keeping your face clear and skin smooth, having a good haircut, staying physically active (you don't have to have big muscles on muscles or have a super shredded six pack) and just being a decent person with acceptable values. That's what my experience has been like. And don't be afraid to take risks.

You’re a malnourished rent boy who would do better to become a trap.

it's astonishing to me that anyone is taking this as anything other than future pasta and funny but low effort bait

Alpha males are mating material, females should love to have your genes passed to their offspring. As a femanon, I read your posts and I just cringed. Typical autistic Jow Forums user. Grow the fuck up, kiddo.

am an independent 16 year old and I don't want to change. I love being this way. I might be fucked in the head but I have extreme confidence. Nothing and nobody can stop me from doing whatever the fuck I want

I've been an adult since I ran away at the age of 11. Had to survive on my own. I'm 15 now. This is what my life looks like;

Monday - Friday: 3 part-time jobs for 24 hours, exercise for 4 hours, eat for an hour, I don't sleep

Saturday: I call this my happy day where I get to do whatever the fuck I want, WHEN I want. I also exercise thrice as hard on this day

I don't have parents or friends. Hell I don't even own a home. Lemme explain myself...

How I sleep? I sleep anywhere and everywhere. On top of rooftops, in caves, in bushes, in dirt ditches... Anywhere. i don't care so long as I find a secure and safe area to sleep at that doesn't involve anybody being able to rob or kill me. I don't waste money on finding a home or paying rent anywhere. I also have a rare sleep disorder known as short sleeper syndrome. I can function perfectly fine on 2 hours of sleep or less a day.

How I eat food and drink? The three jobs I'm working are related to food service and fitness. First I work 8 hours as a cashier at this KFC, and then I work 8 hours as a waiter at this Italian restaurant, then 8 hours at the gym. All three give me a chance to interact with people and pretend to be neurotypical normal human beings like them. And nobody is none the wiser.

How I use Jow Forums? I go to my local library and use it's Wifi. They have free computers you can use so long as nobody is using them. They also have a free bathroom and free drinking fountain for UNLIMITED FREE COLD WATER which is awesome.

How I shower? I work at a gym. This is also how I exercise.

How I have clothes and maintain them? I own a giant camping backpack which I bought for $36 and I have six sets of clothes in it. One set includes a t-shirt, shirt, tank top, shorts, pants, underwear / briefs, socks, and shoes. This camper backpack is huge as hell. I also have a separate compartment containing a plastic bag to separate dirty clothes from clean clothes.

If I'm not training, I'm looking after my nutrition, rest and muscle recovery and all that other shit you idiots aren't thinking about when you're too busy shitposting garbage content.

My stats for my future soldier workout routine:

Push ups: 90 in one minute perfect form

Sit ups: 94 in one minute perfect form

2 mile run: 10 minutes, 34 seconds

6 mile run: 34 minutes, 48 seconds

13 mile ruck hike with 76 pounds of gear: 1 hour and 38 minutes

Pull ups: 27 in a row in half a minute, 35 in a row in a minutes

Muscle ups: 8 n a row in half a minute

Keep in mind, I accomplished ALL of the above on 37 hours of no sleep, 49 hours without food and 25 hours without water.

I am 5 feet 6 inches tall, and 173 pounds of sheer sexy muscle.

Not to say I can make it on my own even though I sure as fuck can, but if I somehow end up in a regular Army unit or division instead of the 75th Ranger Regiment then I will do everything I can to get kicked out of the Army as soon as possible.

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>How I use Jow Forums? I go to my local library and use it's Wifi. They have free computers you can use so long as nobody is using them.
Too bad today is a Tuesday so you don't have any fucking time to go to the library and post in Jow Forums you absolutely based le awesome dude.

you're not getting anywhere near enough sleep

every time

You are so fucking cringy. You Reminds me of myself in your age. Grow up and stop larping. You are not a sociopath you are not a whatever sleeper. You still live with your parents but you wish you didn't. You are a fucking larper and a very cringy one. Hope mods ban you.

Wow. Is this the first phase of the pedo grooming normalization that Jow Forums was talking about yesterday? Somehow maturing teens by arguing outliers live productive "adult" lifestyles and have agency over their own decisions?

I can't possibly see another reason. Eviscerate yourself shlomo


>5 feet 6
pick one