
>bf says bob to small
>we start going to the gym, get new prs in BP
>one day bf spotting me when benching lmao1pl
>all good until turbothot enters and bf drops weights on my chest
>scream wtf u doing
>"lmao bby its baby weight, why so angry"

What do Jow Forums, should I kill the turbothot?

Attached: 1521265354510.jpg (784x784, 201K)

What did you mean by this?

post bobs thot


Kill both of them

post pics of your butthole or gtfo

Attached: IMG_20180703_112200.jpg (3120x4160, 1.77M)

Sauce of the short slut?

>being this new

every time i see a hot slut like the girl to the right, i wanna demolish her face with my fists nowadays. i want to literally destroy her. Why have i become this monster?

Because you are angry cuz of the degenerate values of the west. Maybe move to Iran?

The blonde is prettier

Terminal sour grapes complex.

love to stick my tongue in that

stop larping

Why are doing bench if you want get bigger boobs? That's not how it works.

By further ignoring your problems you've successfully turned your bitterness into hatred.

Left is unironically superior
Debate me

Right's tits look fake so I'm inclined to believe you.
Left has some pretty tight cleavage so their breast size might be comparable.

Being an incel and personifying your rejection from attractive women, the one on the right is what every guy should wanna bang, even the gay ones

Brunettes do it better