Have any of your high school friends made it, Jow Forums?

Have any of your high school friends made it, Jow Forums?
Are you still in contact with them?

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I was an acquaintance/friend of this nigga in high school. He’s p big now.

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When did we go from hating that boomer to becoming that boomer

When our hearts turned 30.

Fuck that pic hits close to home...

This as well

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Many people from my school either hit the wall, wasted thousands on meme degrees and are getting fat as fuck.
I know im posting on Jow Forums at 5am but hey. Atleast im not fat.

You'll feel that feel when you get older.

a friend of mine in high school was a WoW nerd like me but then we started going to the gym together, as soon as high school ended tho he stopped playing games and started going out heaps while i did the opposite. now he's handsome af, slays puss and makes good money. idk what exactly changed but he just became extremely charismatic and confident, had really nothing to do with his physique at all because he was never jacked or even above average. we're still pretty good friends and i'm actually really happy for him

When I left highschool I stopped talking to all my friends except one and changed my name.

i didnt have any highschool friends

>your high school friends

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You two could be friends

Why’d you change your name?

Because some people are fucking idiotic retards in highschool and don't want to be reminded of their past selves by old acquaintances.

>Have any of your high school friends made it, Jow Forums?
Not a single person I was friends with in high school has done anything significant with their lives. This makes me feel better sometimes when I am feeling sad about my life.
>Are you still in contact with them?
Not the friends. I sometimes hear gossip from my best mate who went to the same school as me but we didn’t know each other then, and he tells me how many people aren’t doing good at all.

I have never been nostalgic for high school in any way shape or form since I left a decade ago.

>Not the friends. I sometimes hear gossip from my best mate who went to the same school as me but we didn’t know each other then, and he tells me how many people aren’t doing good at all.
Interresting, I met an old friend from middle school last week after a few years. He does pretty good besides having been cucked by his last girlfriend. I do good but
>tfw no gf
When I asked him about other people, it seems that life isn't that easy for them tho.
Some went in rehab, other almost homeless others don't even give signs of life...

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My high school friends are friends for life, I can not talk to em for like a year and the second we're back together we're in the groove like old times and start laffin

Not friends with anyone from high school. Check Facebook once in awhile to see who had died from heroine but that's all

dam this is true, just met with a highschool friend in the gym after years of not seeing him and it felt like old times, ahhh boomer life

I've had the same circle of friends since grade 1. We even meet up once or twice a week for some futball and food. Don't know what i'd do without them

Most of them seem pretty stuck in life. I feel pretty bad for them, but at the same time I am pretty happy over how far I've managed to get.

none have made it. they are all JUSTED.
>some are/going bald or are completely salt and pepper at 30 ish
>fat ones
>most have kids or getting married now
>most have been partying too much for the past decade and smoke a pack a day + drugs, they look 40 instead of 30
>most of my friends have held the same jobs for the past several years
Im the only one out of 30-40 people who's still slaying 18 to 21 pussy. the only one thats done any progress by working out and im one of the few whos going back to school so I can make those 6 figures. everyone else has already sealed their fate pretty much or have crap like musical degrees and work at walmart.

feels good but feels weird

When we turned 30 brother

I'm 35 and one of my school mates is on Facebook
>Hey look at my third Grandson

theres a few women who are still good tho but they are in their late 20's.
>two pajeet girls that graduated from uni and working in careers
>they still look like they were 18, they dont know that soon they will hit the wall
>have a couple of black girls that are similar to pajeets, look good at 29 or 33
>I GUARANTEE they will never marry or find someone worthwhile or have kids
the rest are white women who are working dead end jobs and look bloated as fuarrk

no, i grew up and moved on... never felt especially close to any of them, and don't miss them at all, but i still wish the best for them.

I know women hitting a wall at 30 does happen, but if those pajeet and black girls lead healthy and stress-free lives and not binge drink themselves to death every weekend then they are gonna look good well into their 30s.
The wall mostly happens to women who have a shit self-care regime during their 20s (and there is a lot of them)

>friend since lower school, girl
>shes a bit ditsy and eccentric, probably had a little ADHD.
>started off athletic in highschool, made varsity in most sports and was Jow Forums
>after high school grad went to college for physical therapy
>eventually comes home
>cant get into grad school
>starts getting desperate
>jumps on the cock carosel and focuses on staying fit. Cant land a stable relationship and eventually she tells me she just "doesn't give a fuck about anyone but myself anymore"
>she just focuses on the gym
>One day out of the blue asks me if I can take her gun shooting. I tell her I cant make it due to work. she tells me we will catch up soon.
>a few days later she commits suicide by jumping off a very high scenic cliff one sunset
>her mom was right beside her

She made it.

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poor girl, are u ok from this? r u ok user?

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> having friends in high school

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it really fucked me up for a while. and even now it fucks me up sometimes. Ill be doing something in a workout or at work and ill just randomly start feeling for her. but whats done is done, and it fucking sucks but knowing what she did made me realize just how precious/wasteful a life can be.

ugh, suicidal people are so selfish.

I've only been out of high school for a couple years but I'm doing better than everyone I graduated with. I have decent money saved up because I'm conservative with it. I've also avoided all student loans by going to community college and living at home. I've basically been paid to go. Lot's of single moms in my class and most of the guys are getting fat and working minimum wage jobs.

Jow Forums likes to pretend that the NEET's here are pathetic virgins but for the most part they're actually better off than most normies. They may not get much social interaction but normies are fucking retards. I spend my days interacting with them at work and I genuinely wonder how they even function. They all seem just as lost as the guys on this chinese basket weaving forum. Their lives revolve around working minimum wage jobs just so they can get "litty" on the weekends.

Yes and I still chill with them and university friends occasionally. Feels good to live in a relatively small country

I cant stand normie coworkers. All they do is gossip like children and listen to normie music. these manchildren are in their mid 20s. how the fuck do they still act like children?

yeah I know I have 3 sisters all past 35. the two older ones are past 40. they still pass for someone in their late 20's and get mistaken for siblings with their teenage daughters. I guess we just have good genes. my brother regularly fucks 18 -20 olds and hes in his mid 40's.

I moved out years ago, but I visited my folks just recently. Somebody from HS recognized me, but I didn't recognize her. She just looked older and that "youthful sparkle" wasn't in her eyes. Fact is, we are both 26, but somehow she aged faster than me.

When I visited a year ago, I saw somebody else from HS. He used to be an athlete, which means his physical prime would be from 16 to 18. I saw him when he was 25. Now he's fat, with a big belly and developing a second chin. I felt sad looking at him, really.

I get you there. Most of those who were "at the top" in HS are now either really fat or really pathetic.

>the though guy who girl would kill for, was ottermode and fought often
>was pretty fit
>He now, at 28yo and skellington mode, work in a grocery store back in my hometown
>his girlfriend who was the toppest of shit, think titty-cow with cute face although chubby
>She's now obeast (seriously the fattest I've seen IRL so far) working at the same dead-end grocery store
>I improved by a lot, I'm now confident, Jow Forums, tall, pretty fucking good job which make family proud, basically I'm the talk of the town and everybody try to stay tuned about me through my family
>whenever I visit and go buy some stuff and they're there, they'll try to make the conversation as short as possible and scurry away like a jew who's been found out

>Guy in my HS is very tall, can dunk and is pretty good looking and fit
>can sing (??) and gets alot of chicks with his faggoty singing
>gets a scholarship in basketball to some university, and he leaves
>years later I see him in our hometown
>numale soi beard and very fat
>I cant even believe its him just sorta keep the chatting to a minimum and walk away.

poor guy got the social justice soi

Was in subway the other day when a group of stacys from my graduating class walked in as I was leaving
>ask how they've been
>gooood long time no see user
>Yeah totally! As i abruptly leave pockets soaked in spaghetti sauce

yes but that doesn't mean they will always be like that. just like YOU can be in that position and so can I, people can turn their lives around.

I've had 6 friends in middle school, 5 friends in early high school, 1 friend in late high school and not a single friend ever since then.
I don't know what happened.

Damn user... You wanna lift together?

>tfw I’m the loser
Jow Forums how do I change my life around?
I don’t want to spend my life on a dead end job.


join some clubs or something man, or go on tinder, just try and put yourself out there man. its not healthy to be that alone.

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My best friend in high school and middle school is still my best friend. We're 30.

Be be healthy, social, consider military (airforce or navy) and gain life experiences as well as benefits and education.

doubt it, i just stay in touch with one who is a chubby mexican
>also the ps2 had some great ucking games

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I love how these boomer edits always have the dude smiling, no matter the situation.

Right now, my only friend is a dude I chat with online via IRC. I couldn't be happier with my current social situation if I tried. You don't need much.

I really don't like this photo.

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This. Looking forward to seeing them all this summer, desu. Bastards are all married and having kids now though in that comfy small town life, im the weird one globe trotting and not settling down.

ive had 2 best friends that ive known since first grade and kindergarten, still keep up with them and even tho we all live across the country now, we game almost every night online

The only one I am still in contact with has, yes. Let's call him A.
As for the rest
>group of 4 people, including me, A, R and D
>D gets gf first, becomes more distant
>breaks up and gets back into close circle of friends
>A gets gf
>I'm happy af for him because his gf is nice
>R is jelly KHV incel and stops talking to A
>I get a gf but make sure not to neglect my friends
>A moves 100 km for uni
>D moves 400 km for a job
>R and me share a flat for the first 3 semesters of uni 200 km from home
>I'm still in contact with A and his gf, met mine through her, regularly have get-togethers
>meanwhiel R makes no effort to learn anything at uni or to meet people
>try taking him to a comfy jazz club once but he can't even hold a conversation with his friend
>becomes more distant and starts resenting me for having my life in order (by comparison)
>I'm failing at uni too, switch to a different one in the city where A lives
>R cuts all contact with the group of friends
>I do more shit with A and his gf
>A and me visit D once at his new place, have fun boat riding
>we invite him to visit us but he never shows
>eventually contact just peters away

A is a cool dude. Bit younger than me but total role model. Fit all his life from physical labor (his dad was a slave driver), smart, funny and dependable. Model relationship, good grades in uni, built a network of contacts, works as an engineer at a big pharma company now. Met my current closest friends through him too.
>we're drunk af at one of our birthday parties
>I recently started lifting
>compliment his legs, no homo
>he says he doesn't like his "elephant trunk legs" and would rather have normal ones like mine
>still trains marathon running

>le connormorphy pose XD

did her mom jumped too?

>go to homecoming event
>none of my friends are there
>the only ones from my year are some Stacys
>they see me from afar but I just give a small wave and fuck off to the bar to drink and sit around with acquaintances from the 2 years below me
>run into two of the Stacys later
>they try to strike up a conversation
>suddenly go full autismo and feel like they're just going to bully me like back in HS
>turn 360° and walk away after literally 4 lines of dialog
I'm socially capable and charismatic when I meet complete strangers but I just can't be normal around people from back then.

>be me in hs
>antisocial skelly
>after hs become even more skelly and JUST'd
>i gotta get my shit together
>go to the gym, no idea wtf im doing but meet childhood friend
>he used to be chubby but hes buff af now
>he helps me out
>I'm in good shape now
>meet old class mates and they all look like drug addicts
>but they have social lives and I dont
>gymbuddy is just that, a gymbuddy. Outside of the gym we dont see each other

Girl A:
>moved away, went to school for nursing
>graduated, came back home to live with parents again while working
>makes more than her dad now
Shame she's fat, she was never all that good looking but she's responsible.

Girl B:
>tried going to college, failed out, came back home
>works as a corrections officer
>got married at like 19 to a scrawny ginger
She used to be a solid 8, now she's gotten chubby. "Dog mom" type, no kids yet.

Dude A:
>dated girl B in high school
>never tried college, wanted to be an actor
>moved to cali, failed, came back home
>constantly changing minimum wage jobs, currently works at record store
>only liberal dude I knew
>in a band now, came out as bi last year
>was fit in high school, skinnyfat now

Dude B:
>used to be a track star and tennis player
>was the Chad of the group
>joined national guard
>been permanent e-4 for years
>got fat
>failed college

My high school quarterback helped the Eagles win the Superbowl this year. He got married in college and has at least one kid, so I know that's some people's definition of making it. I never talked to him, then or now

Girl C:
>best friends with girl A
>always suspected she was lesbo
>failed college
>came out, but not publicly
>just drifting through life, still in shape though

Dude C:
>scrawny nerd
>super smart
>doing well in engineering school
>will probably outearn us all
>no gf, not ever to my knowledge


Same. I met my friends after 5 years and we started talking like we were still in 10th grade.

pls delet this

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All my high school friends are either slinging boxes at fedex, killed themselves, or are addicted to drugs. So I think they have not made it. I however am doing none of those things so I guess I’m making it more than them.

We're making it.

We were always that boomer, that's why we hated him so much.

This pic is legit triggering me right now.

Hope you make it in life man. Best of wishes to you.

God damn user. She was going to shoot herself at the range. You're lucky you were busy


>One friend is a lonely autist who teaches English at his old school in my hometown
>One friends is a PHD student at Washington after having been at Stanford
>Ones a nuke in the navy
>Ones a plumber in my hometown
>Mexican friend went to Johns Hopkins and went into Finance
>Ones working in college town with his degree (I think).
>Ones still in school waiting to go to Cali with his gf.
>One graduated and hasn't got a job yet.
>One works for the state with bf.
>My ex gf (she was apart of friend group in high school) went to Stanford too and now works/interns for poor man's Huff Post.

>I just graduated with a Chemistry degree and got a entry level job in my industry. Trying on the down low to volunteer for political organizations too because I want to run for office sometime in my life.

We're all doing our best. Some are doing better than others but that's just that.

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I like this picture.
Sorta. He hadn't obviously made it, but he was noticeably bigger and mogged me.
He was like 75% there.

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I like to see how far I've come since then.

that's kinda fucked up

wish there were great games at least to make that pic better, instead you look back at fun times with people you played with, maybe clan mates,etc..
these days games are like fads just quick cash grabs, every one making what sells, nothing really resonates or has that special oomph


Age 30

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you wouldve been dead too if you went to the range with her

Looks like he really missed out on something. Also czech'd.

>be a nice guy in high school
>dependable, had a bunch of friends
>everyone always viewed me as the smart level headed guy that people could depend on and give them guidance and be a good bro for them, help em out or whatever, very generous
>friends are all dumb and do stupid shit but are all attractive
>Im ugly
>get massively depressed in 20s
>all friends stop communication with me
>they all go on to live happy lives, get married, enter comfortable middle class jobs despite being retarded
>I go into NEETdom because I'm worthless despite high level IQ and work ethic (that goes away from horrible state of being, nihilistic, apathetic)
>now every time and again one tries to contact me out of the blue to see how I'm doing
>honestly, I kind of want to kill them

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Who are you posting for?
Feels like yourself.
This post is 34/33/33, btw.


Recently cut everyone out of my life because they were really toxic and talked down on people that went to college/university. The only thing keeping me going is my ambition to get my degrees and being able to travel once I start working my big boy job. Happiness will come later and I’m making small advancements in my diet so I can start loosing weight again (lost 87 lbs but plateaud).

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boomers appreciate the small stuff


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It's literally a newbie term for crazy fucks. relax

Prolly a tranny

Because I’m aware that some people are bad for my mental health?

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This. Im a sailor now, but I have a core of like four friends from high school I'm bonded with for life and about a dozen auxiliary ones back home I'm still on good terms with. I'm thankful for them.

The trade off is I had a really shitty family and being around them when I go back is tedious.

It’s literally not what that means

>fucking zoomers

>Gets this triggered over benign words
>calls others reddit

Underaged aren't allowed on this board.

this is me when I make an effort and the opposite when effortless

Foles or Wentz? I assume you mean Foles, but Wentz got them there. Or did you mean someone who played QB in HS, then another position in the NFL?

Nvm, can't be Wentz. He has no kids, is it Foles?

>enter comfortable middle class jobs despite being retarded
maybe they're not as retarded as you think they are
>IQ meaning anything ever
I am also above-average IQ NEET Burnout.

Unironically, one of my best friends from high school (and today) is named Chad. He's pretty fit, has good lifts, could fuck any girl he wanted but has stayed with same qt forever and they are engaged now. Graduated college and is going to physical therapy school which is a total wagecuck job for the amount of school required, but it's safe to say he's doing well.

Another friend (who moved away our senior year) is a fat fuck but he's making good money at Comcast being a corporate shill.

My other good high school friend fell off the face of the earth and never really came back around, but he's dating a girl way out of his league looks-wise and runs a ranch now, so he's got that going for him.