ITT: exercises that don't do anything

ITT: exercises that don't do anything

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Best face-toner

If moving a weight in any way isn't doing something for you, you're fucking doing it wrong.

>ITT: exercises that don't do anything
Say no more senpai

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Only works as a metabolite training, otherwise it’s pure shite

You might be right about that but I just enjoy doing them too much.

Any good shoulder building advice? I do OP pic and OHP, but cannot see any results. Even if my shoulders are sore as hell, after few hours the feeling is gone.
Give some tips.

Ohp followed by Arnold press

Single arm Dumbbell OHP starting with elbows pinned to lats and finishing with a shrug

A conventional deadlift is to display how well your body works as 1 system to lift as much weight as possible.

Which is why you do it once every every 2-3 times you do a variation such as a stiff leg deadlift at a light weight to specifically target the hamstrings.

Do a pushday if you are doing chest/tri and legs/shoulders.
Do dips at the end

Isn't push day a chest/tri?

Shitty genetics. Dropset lat raises mademy shoulders Hella big

Here's my routine:
>hammerhead curls
>pull ups
>russian twists w/ medicine ball

I just do this pretty much every day. What should I change?

Unironically this.

Only asperger builtfat are into ''muh deadlift'' meme.

It also make your physyque looking like a fuckin fridge


ANY arm isolation exercise
You will get better and bigger arms just doing major compound lifts and getting them stronger
bench, pullup, rows, is all you need for big arms

Attached: 3-Weeks-Workout-For-Bigger-and-Stronger-Triceps-.jpg (800x475, 74K)

It feels like lateral raises do more for my delts than OHP. Am I doing OHP wrong?

dyel cope

Add a row

>complaining about builtfat dudes
found the twink

I diddly lifts 4x a week and probably look better than you pheggit.

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If it doesn't do anything, why is it possible for people to improve their deadlift?

I'd fuck you
no homo

sexy, love a hairy man

>bench, pullup, rows, is all you need for big arms
Then why did Arnold do major arm work constantly despite benching more than your mother’s body weight and rowing more than a fucking boat

That’s right because you have no clue what you’re on about

Attached: Dumbbell-Row.jpg (1000x400, 44K)

How do I know you’re bald?

>metabolite training

>It also make your physyque looking like a fuckin fridge
t. framelet

Not bald, but i do have my pops receeding hairline which is pretty depressing

>why did arnold
>but h-

1. Steroids
2. Steroids
3. Top-teir bodybuilding was their job, and the fine tuning was necessary. Guarantee he would have had excellent arms without any arm isolations exercises

Cut the body hairs, Juan Ramirez

Dios mio...

cute. show benis

So you’re saying steroids invalidate the arm growing potency of benching rowing and pull-ups

Yep totally sounds legit and not at all something you just pulled out of your arse

Get off my board you twinklord

It’s okay bro, we’re all gonna make it

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If benching and rowing/weighted pullups don't grow your arms to a very respectable amount, then no amount of arm isolation exercises will do it. Isolation is just the iceing because that was his job. Just bench and row and your arms will be really good, plus he was on steroids

Does anyone really bench and do pull ups specifically to grow their arms?

High rep work to failure to create metabolic damage. After that you should finish with a heavy compound movement. Something like BB ohp (heavy) -> lateral raises to failure (15-20+ reps) -> single arm DB ohp (8-12 reps)
Look up Dr Mike at Renaissance Periodisation

Not him but I don’t even bench. I got to a 16” arm at 5.8 by doing dips, pull ups, inverted rows and push ups. Just recently I added ring curls to my routine hoping it will do something extra. Current weight is 165lbs.

>Does anyone really bench and do pull ups specifically to grow their arms?
Apparently the dickhead I’m replying to does, cause he thinks all arm movements are useless

Icing on the top != useless fuckwit

Shouldn't you lift heavy before you do volume work

Not with that weight it won't

Arm isolation is basically useless for naturals. Just bench and chinup, they go through the same range of motion and arm activation than any other arm isolation exercise (and sometimes to more degree, a weighted chinup has more bicep activation than a concentraion bicep curl..)

What does a arm isolation exercise really do, aside from a useless pump, that heavy benching and pullups can't do? it works the arms more..

You focus on the prime mover first (in this case BB ohp) then perform an isolation sandwich to create metabolites for the final compound. This means the last compound won’t be as heavy but that’s not the purpose

>What does a arm isolation exercise really do, aside from a useless pump, that heavy benching and pullups can't do
>What does a arm isolation exercise really do, aside from the very fucking thing that it does, that heavy benching and pullups can't do

>implying a pump grows muscle

A pump isn't an indicator of growth, it's just blood rushing to the muscle after prolonged use (I presume you are doing 10+ reps?). A pump isn't indicative of hypertrophy or strength gain, ESPECIALLY in useless, meme exercises like arm isolation exercises. Imagine thinking the tricep pump from a tricep kickback will grow your triceps..

Isolation sandwich.

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How do I know you’re bald?

>>implying a pump grows muscle
>A pump isn't an indicator of growth,
No one implied it was

Good for strengthening ower back senpai

why? do it 3 days a week, your muscles need time to recover.

Obviously you've never lifted someone that is in the floor

then waht did this post mean?

Dips and skullcrushers are essential for natties arm size yah Mong

Do they? Everything I read around here seems to imply I DON’T need recovery time. That I’m just being a bitch. So I squat heavy three times a week.

Am I an idiot? Seems like the guys at my gym do nothing but isolation exercises, have we been tricked?

I laughed way more than i should have.

Dips are a compound exercise, and are amazing for overall size, and arm size. Skullcrushers are a meme and elbow killer

Recovery is a mind set, I would lift all day everyday If I didn't have other commitments, keep lifting everyday brother

Skull crushers are essential for natties arms. Whether or not it gives you elbow tendinitis or not means nothing.

what is pre fatiguing

I don't know

people that don't do lateral raises or any kind of upright row are almost always deltles
my arms literally jumped 1.5" in 3 months from just adding in tricep extensions and quitting bench pressing

isolation works and anyone who claims otherwise is most definitely a dyel

top kek

I prefer the term balding actually

>ITT exercises that I can't do properly

Lifting heavy shit with the whole body elicits a stronger hormone response than isolation movements, or even less strenuous compounds. This makes it very good for natties especially who are not supplementing HGH and Test.

An author named Tim Ferris claims in the 4 hour body that he was able to maintain musclemass on his whole body with only deadlifts. He may be wrong, but it sounds semi-believable to me.

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nah you don't
pic related
0 lifting
and 6" taller than you

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Eat big

I agree with this user, so long as you eat and sleep enough to keep up with that demand on your body.

Wish I didn't fall for the deadlift meme. My waist has grown significantly since I started doing it and I also think that it has made me shorter. I was 5'10 a year ago and when I last measured myself I was 5'9.5

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There is no evidence that raising hormones causes an increase in muscle protein synthesis as confirmed by multiple studies

>not doing anything
Lmao, I could pick you up and throw you over my head


Ok feel freev to tell all those people jacked to the gills because they do testosterone injections that is not actually working

Where are your nipples?

Zipper abs. A man with no nipples looks better than you

>i c-could lift y-you
>because i do d-deadlifts
Autistic exercise, proven.

I think he was talking about raising test naturally, not injecting it into your ass. Raising it naturally from 700 ng/dl to 900 ng/dl will do fuck all for your gains. Might put you in a better mood and make you feel better all around, but it will probably not have a big impact on gains.

*within natural limits

You are a literal retard. The only excercise that directly hits and isolates the medial delt, and makes your shoulders look like a fucking cannonball.

Can't wait for your "help Jow Forums I can't grow my shoulders" post in three months you mongoloid imbecile

a physique built on a few pushups and pullups literally looks better than a physique built on gymceling, strengthceling and liftingmaxing

>projecting this hard
Not even the guy you’re replying to btw you just seem like a faggot

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>not even the guy you're replying to
Lmao, yikes.

>literal retardation
Where’s your wrangler, little buddy?

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>only exercises that hits the medial delt
>isolates the medial delt
You can't isolate a muscle


He’s just lean ya autist, anyone can look good lean, he would look like a twink standing next to anyone who lifts

>You can't isolate a muscle
oof, I can't wait to join the gym next month when my mom lets me.

Obviously you can't isolate a muscle you retard, there are always other fibers aiding, but you clearly don't know what targeted training is

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>targetted training

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But EMG readings have shown DB OHP to be more effective AND you can go much heavier

Looks like was doing a sandwich on my back all along
>1. pull-ups
>2. DB rows
>3. deadlifts
Is it good?

Isolating a muscle is literally impossible. There will always be synergists working together with a muscle and likewise will there be antagonists to oppose the movement of the agonist to help stabilize. You literally CANNOT isolate a muscle

t. Anatomy fag

That's literally what I wrote

Not shilling for side raises or anything, but EMG readings (especially only skin placed readers, not intra-muscular probes) EMG readings are not useful for judging hypertrophy or strength gains

Muscle isolation implies reducing the muscles involved in a movement as much as possible. Now fuck off back to plebbit with this pedantic bullshit.

My bad, I have severe mental retardation and ADHD