Is it even possible for a woman to be found attractive in 2018 without having plastic surgery? Sure, I could find someone to settle for me, but guys go for plastic girls amyway and he wluld cheat on me with a plastic surgery girl ASAP. Every single woman I’ve seen that is generally considered beautiful by men has had tons of surgery. Instagram girls, pornstars, whatever kind of women men lust over en masse are FAKE. I found out that the woman most men find the most attractive is some thot named Nicole Aniston. SHE’S COVERED WITH SURGERY SCARS. Mainly her face and tits (legit Frankentits). How is that ever more attractive than Adriana Lima or Karlie Kloss or Margot Davy?
Is it even possible for a woman to be found attractive in 2018 without having plastic surgery? Sure...
maybe im an autist fuck but she looked better before
left >>> right
Might as well buy a sexdoll instead of going for right, fewer problems...
100% correct. What the fuck was she thinking?
Most men are overcome by their animal side, and their lust. Lust is ruling over men, and with that cosmetic surgery, and big milkerz caters to lustful men and the primal brain, so no brainer they go for them. Most men who are worth anything prefer left>right anyway
Looked better before. First pic is a girl you fall in love with, second is a one night stand and a lonley washed up whore by 30.
Only vain and shallow people find those fake also shallow cumrags attractive.
I couldn't love a girl like that all natural is the only way
She clearly looks better now what are you on fedora fags?
She looks like she breathes heavily from her mouth and constantly wants attention
>Turn around
>HEEEY ANNOOON *breathes down my neck*
While left actually looks like a challenge.
Anyuta Rai (instathot) can actually only breathe through her mouth. Her entite face was swapped and her nose doesn’t work.
She definitely looked better before.
She does not look like a woman I would enjoy spending time with.
>Her entite face was swapped and her nose doesn’t work.
And she still looks goofy as fuck lmaoooo
She clearly doesn't. She looks like a freak now with a nose that could cut diamond.
She has destroyed her natural beauty with unnecessary procedures.
If you find her more attractive now congrats, the conditioning has worked perfectly on you.
Man, do women actually think this looks good fak, just looks like a sex doll, i mean thats nice, but wheres the emotion and shit :-(
She looks way better in the left
The only good thing in the right is the lightning and the fact she's smilling
You are confusing wanting to fuck with wanting to be with. Men are hard wired to enjoy tits. Ive seen countless pictures of tits but you better believe im clicking on the next one too. I wanked to nicole aniston last night but i wouldnt want to marry her. Shes a whore and not built for marriage. Put yourself in the none-whore class and you wont even be competing with whores because you are viewed as two different things. To me the most attractive thing about a woman is her genuinely caring about the people around her. I can look past you not being perfect but if you are a cunt why would i bother?
S-so you would rather have a somewhat ugly girl than a fake one?
PERFECT lips ruined
What percent of women has had surgery?
>Anyuta Rai
Dat lips...
I find makeup repulsive to begin with, lipstick, eyelashshit holy shit its gross to have that crap on your face.
Am I the only human male left that hasnt been brainwashed to like women with fake shit on their bodies? Its disgusting, if u enjoy big red lips for example YOUVE BEEN CONDITIONED RETARD
I think some makeup that's not overdone can be nice for certain occasions (not everyday) . Skin should be healthy too.
But today trends are literally drag queen tier. I see 13 yr olds wearing shit on the right picture while going to school, fucking cringe
fuck youtube's """""beauty gurus"""""
>poorly written wall of text purposely contradicts a more convincing picture to argue for the picture's side
Yeah, I'm into the cute girl next door type not bimbos. Based as fuck
any makeup is either making them more ugly, groos, or fake good looking its literally just crap get rid of this shit, jews making girls compete wearing this shit for infinite money lmao well played
I’ve never met a man who said this who wasn’t operating on a basis of sour grapes.
It’s funny because it’s addictive it seems. Women on tv who do surgeries and shit to “look better” end up looking worse and worse as they age. More and more sugery to fix the fact that surgery made them age horribly. Nothing wrong with getting older it happens to everyone but as they age they look more like fish. The strange expressionless smiles look just like a large mouth bass face
> Instagram girls, pornstars, whatever kind of women men lust over en masse are FAKE
wait, you don't think that maybe people that spend tons of money on surgeries also spend tons of moneys on advertising?
nah that can't be it.
Only people that find these plastic girls atractive are the ones that have bimbo fetish
low-tier bait
it really depends on what they mean, sometimes yeah sour grapes.
But a lot of the time, think daughter from 24 that stared in that "girl next door" flick.
Not the guy you are replying to btw, so can't speak for him.
Kill yourself faggot
always "that virgin who thinks she looks better before" in every thread
if you ever ask why women are repulsed by you, this is the reason why
she looks like a tranny now you fucking faggot
Holy fuck that bird is a psychopath