Rate me you fucking retards

Rate me you fucking retards.

170 lbs

Attached: Gains.png (1080x1323, 2.24M)

How many times are you going to make this thread?

How many steroids did you jam up your ass before taking that pic?

Jesus Christ, atleast make it different than the last thread.

None, faggot. I'm not on any kind of gear.

That height and weight make no sense unless you're a double amputee with no legs

>6'0" double amputee
I'd be impressed tbqh

Know your place

Attached: lebron-james-ftr-121415jpg_3y6pmx3kxzg71hhrhh1s4cvp3.jpg (960x540, 32K)

If whats outside the frames of the picture is not counted then I can believe this is 170lbs. With legs maybe 220lbs

do you ever cosplay as a dwarf warrior? would look nice

>6'0 170
> isnt a fucking skeleton

Lying sack of shit manlet. Youre like 5'8 I bet. Sage for being such a fucking gaylord.


Why is your head so big compared to the rest of your body?

sick bruh


I'm 6'0 and 170 and literally skinny af. If op 170 and look like that then he must have short bones and be 5'8

I never got the appeal of overdeveloped traps. Got that ninja turtle she'll look

5’6” out of 10 OP

Roid traps/10


Is this the new meme I've been hearing about?? Upvoted! :^)

You posted a picture 2 weeks ago where you looked like shit because you were off gear. Nice to see you getting that summer cruise on.

This is a troll, this is not him.
This is someone else from this board, im sure that guy shows up and correct the stats like he did the past 5 times this guy with 6' and 170 got posted.

I believe the real stats were something like 5'6 and 175