What does Jow Forums wear at the gym ?

What does Jow Forums wear at the gym ?

Attached: Gym Douche.jpg (135x240, 14K)

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Oh you know. That.


Manliest of the manly

I'm a boomer and wear sweatpants and a t-shirt. It's comfy, and it's what I wear to bed anyway so I can just hop out of bed and walk down to the gym.

Shorts and random t-shirt.

Shorts/sweatpants and a short sleeved t-shirt that isn't too tight but not too flappy either

I wear a track suit. I like enclosing the heat on my body and sweating. I know people think I look stupid lifting with it though.

How do I look bros

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baseball shorts

this nigga is only wearing a shirt collar LMAOOOOO

Cheap band t-shirts and my my orange Clemson Basketball shorts.

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>Rugby shorts
>T shirt

a fucking tic tac

sleeveless t and basketball shorts

> only joking i'm not that cringe

You sleep in sweatpants???

I have four pairs of lululemon shorts and a bunch of old sleeveless tops


wife-beater and gym leggings

I wish my wife beater was red with a text that says "ouch" and I wish the leggings were bright green


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Shitty singlets I got for free with a cocktail in Laos and some nice nike shorts.

Attached: astolfo.jpg (975x925, 290K)

Yeah. I don't like blankets, but do like blasting my AC since I like my upper body to be cold in order to sleep. But I don't like my lower body or feet to be cold, so I wear sweatpants and socks to sleep.

Plus, in the event something crazy happened like my building caught on fire or whatever I won't have to flee bare assed.


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hi aeris


this desu

I unironically want this outfit. Where to get?

Opposite here, I gotta be warm naked and covered in blankets

stainless steel sippy cup

all you need.

fuckin kek, when did this happen

I wear this to the gym pool all the time.

Attached: 206-wt02.jpg (1000x1000, 466K)

pic related: my gym's pool

Attached: hey it's that pool.jpg (680x510, 77K)

>I wear sweatpants and socks to sleep
You absolute madman.
This. I don't know how people can sleep in clothes. The get all bunched up and twisted around and I get extremely hot.

>get a boner just from seeing that pool
Damn associative memory.

Doesn't PF ban cutoffs?

Plain t that I wore to work. Rugger shorts.

t. homegym masterrace

this really

Ffs stop overthinking these things. You're making me embarrassed for you.

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>steps into a window

I sometimes wear my NBA jersey

A lot of Jow Forumsizens are metrosexuals who are very concerned about fashion.

What's that in the water


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>breaking people's nofaps with an innocuous picture of a pool

if you have to ask...

Generally whatever was trendy about 2-3 years ago but isn't jeans.

>Plus, in the event something crazy happened like my building caught on fire or whatever I won't have to flee bare assed.
Me too. I change into comfy sweat pants when i get home and i keep them on when i go to sleep. If i have taken a bath before i go to bed ill take sweatpants on before i go to sleep becau

Boxers sometimes. Usually the clothes I wear everywhere else, plain grey/black shirt and grey sweat pants.

I still wear loose or cowboy cut jeans like I did in high school ten years ago. I could never bring myself to wear those faggot tight pants.

I do this but I also wear a sleeping jacket and still sleep with a blanket. I have a fan and an ac, being cold just helps me fall asleep but not too cold.

I'm 65% sure this pool was used in a couple of jap porno shoots

Tights and a sports bra


Attached: most normal pool ever.jpg (1263x1171, 360K)

What goin on

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like u finshed crying in the planet fitness bathroom

Nothing at all. It's the most normal pool ever.

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