Does SS eventually need isolation exercises as accessory or is it truly complete?

Does SS eventually need isolation exercises as accessory or is it truly complete?

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Just do 5x5 compound lifts and 3x10 isolation on whatever muscles you want to grow.

What a great tiddy manga. One of my favourites

Doesn't NEED isolation, but little reason not to if you want to

Just use wide grip

Never. NEVER post a picture more interesting than your question.


It needs isolation , every program even powerlifting ones need a few isolation exercises here and there to prevent imbalances that can cause injury , and they also can help breaking through plateus

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What manga is that? Looks good for muh test

I've never seen a complete program.
At some point you need to add prehab/rehab exercises, stretches, grip work or some minor shit

It's starting strength, no ultimate strength

it doesn't need isolation,
it needs assistance

Yeah what user said post more.

Post sauce OP and i will answer all questions you may ask.

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Just lookup Wild Pitch doujin you scrubs

what childrens cartoon book is this

Attached: now you know, and dont give me that shit about not working the first time, I found it, in english, f (1118x622, 164K)

I mean it has back extensions, chinups, and power cleans. The book also mentions a lot of different assistance exercises that you could choose to add if you wanted, but the base program is fine. If you really want to add arms, abs, and cardio you should be alright if you do it right. Just do abs at the end of a workout not the day before one, find what cardio you can add without effecting your recovery too much if you want to do it (brisk walking won't hurt it at all). For arms you could do a couple sets of curls, skullcrushers, and/or dips at the end of the last lifting session of the week.

Don't overdo your assistance/cardio, but feel free to do it just add it in gradually. SS isnt meant to be run forever so don't get too caught up in what program you're running just make sure you're working hard and improving. Don't be afraid to do resets when you need to and if you really aren't happy with SS for some reason you can check out GSLP just make sure you read the book for whatever program you do. Don't just look at a single image template and assume you're doing the program correctly. An hour of reading to know what you're doing is well worth your time.

I don't get how people need more help finding source when the title and the name of the artist in the picture.

>tfw you know what you're fapping to later

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thanks for the comic
How do you guys not even know how to google?

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I did SS, but if you're looking to add more exercise variety, I think Candito's LP might be worth looking at. I would probably try it if I had to run an LP over again.

Spoiler: She gets a rise out of him if you know what I'm saying.

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Lies and slander.

It might need accessories as every powerlifting routine does.

But there is never a NEED for isolations

You can do compounds as a secondary or tertiary accessory.

That being said you don’t need to avoid isolations. But there is never a necessity for isolating

Not even band pull aparts or face pulls.

If you do enough pulling compound movements you don’t need to isolate rear delts.

For arms you could also do more supinated rows and weighted chins