The coffee meme is real

It's been almost two days since I last had coffee and I feel it. My mind is slower and scattered, I am much more distracted.
How much time does it take in order to go back to normal mode?

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Why did you stop drinking the elixir of life?

Jow Forums told me to stop

well get back on it, coffee has no downsides as long as you keep drinking

>as long as you keep drinking
Well that makes sense
I think I'll have a cup then, thanks

i was memeing a bit, but really it's only worth cutting down on coffee if you're relying on 4+ cups a day to stay alive and/or coffee is causing you anxiety or staining your teeth

Fit also believe in nofap and keto

To be honest, coffee has hardly any effect on me, I just drink it for enjoyment, it's basically a ritual. There's no noticeable difference in anything when I skip my morning coffee, maybe except for not shitting before leaving the house.

I felt it today
I had a bad night of sleep, sure, but when that happens I usually drink coffee and go back to full alert mode for some hours
This time I skipped it and I have been feeling very damn sleepy
Not sure if without coffee it would have been different, I wanted to try it out, but it is so damn tempting to just have a cup now and go back to normal

Does black coffee count towards your water intake?

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It does but not on a 1:1 ratio because it makes you urinate more than usual
>not drinking 4 liters of water anyway

>drink coffee
>make personality gains
>start getting panic attacks randomly
>Resting heart rate goes up
>doc tells me to lay off it
>feel healthier
>personality goes down

a week or 2


Will I stop waking up sleepy?

A week should be enough, I stopped drinking anything with caffeine when I was drinking just one or two cups of tea a day, and after a week I felt normal. I have much more energy nowadays, better sleep, and I don't need to drink tea or coffee just to feel normal. I'm also less anxious, even in social situations, which is why I recommend cutting tea or coffee. Caffeine does not really have any benefits, I recommend reading Caffeine Blues if you're interested in learning more.

2 weeks at most if you go cold turkey.

I'm about to get "addicted" again, exam time and ~1l coffee per day.

Op here I ducking lost, Pic related
Gonna try again tomorrow, I'll be reading the articles you're all recommending
I also only take two cups per day so

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u fucking wot m8. didnt you read the nocaffeine general ?

Generally caffeine "withdrawal" only consists of headaches, fatigue, decreased focus, palpitations, alopecia, priapism, bitchitis

Decreased focus is the only one I care about
I am overall always feeling the brain fog/scatter mind so I am trying all I can to overcome this
Maybe quitting coffee will be my Godot

No worries mate, maybe you should just try decreasing the amount of caffeine, just to not feel completely shit? I think that Stephen Cherniske even gives plan in his book, but you could basically try drinking tea or chocolate instead of your coffee. Also remember that if you're feeling awful and without energy, try some exercise, yesterday I was pretty tired because I had to get up at 0530, but I went for a run in the afternoon and felt much better, even went to play basketball in the evening and then for a walk with my mate.

I never understand people addicted to this stuff. I ate coffee beans growing up and when I turned 14 I just stopped, never touched the stuff again.

I can guarantee you that if stop consuming caffeine and exercise (well this is Jow Forums so you're probably already exercising) you will feel better and you will be able to focus better after 90 days. And if you still feel bad after 90 days, you can always get back to drinking your coffee. I think that I started feeling a lot better after one month, I didn't have that much anxiety, and I was able to focus early in the morning.
I think that for many people it is not only that they get withdrawals but also that drinking their tea or coffee is a habit. For example I always loved mornings when I would have some more free time and could just listen to music and drink my tea, and after I stopped consuming caffeine I just started to drink rooibos or fruit infusions because of that. Also, if you drink a lot of coffee you can be quite addicted, and get really strong withdrawals when you stop. Of course, it's probably nothing compared to other drugs, but for most people it is enough to stop them from trying, especially if they need to stay focused in the morning or night in their jobs.

It's not like people are actually addicted, it's just that they feel withdrawal syndroms which is often surprising since it's "just caffeine". I don't think many people actually have problems stopping.

thanks for the insight

Yeah my brain fog got better when I stopped eating so much junk and started exercising, but it's still there. It still attacks me very strongly whenever I break the streak and eat some junky food such as pizza or ice cream. I'm probably sensitive to that or something, and I heard caffeine changes your brain chemistry to be exactly more vulnerable to brain fog, which is why I'll try it
Just a question though, how do you train in the mornings without coffee? I have morning weakness and my lifts are complete shit if I don't wait ~6 hours (and one meal) after waking up before lifting unless I chug some coffee

If you asked that because you struggle to fulfill your water intake, know that I used to struggle with drinking water because my parents only gave me sugar beverages to drink when I was a kid. Still took only one month of discipline to be able to chug 4 liters of water per day without even noticing, so I'm sure you can do it too user. Counting coffee for your water intake is like counting the incomplete protein of vegetables, you're likely to fool yourself by doing it, try counting only the good sources to guarantee your health

I don't lift to be honest, but I run in the morning, very often just after waking up, I eat a banana and go for a run with no problems. I think that after you stop depending on coffee you should be able to train in the morning, but I don't know.

There are few things better than that first cup of Joe in the morning. Anti-coffee spooks are really missing out on one of God's greatest gifts to man.

Addiction is a strong word. It's not like fapping, cigarettes or alcohol, and I'm sure anyone can quit whenever they want, but it's still fucking coffee. It's tradition. Drinking it every morning is a ritual that makes mornings much better. Most people can't eat bread or cake without thinking of coffee either, that's just how they were taught by their parents. Quitting it is overcoming a cultural heritage, which is what makes it hard imo.
Wait, do I also have to quit green tea and black tea? Or is the problem specifically with coffee?
I don't know if there is anything to drink other than water if I also have to quit teas man

Projection. I fill and drink pic related everyday, water intake is at least 2lt a day. Thanks.

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Don't fall for the no coffee meme. It's essentially on par with the nofap meme - unnecessary suffering for little to no reward.

It dehydrates you. Drink 2 parts water for every 1 part coffee you drink

most people don't need to drink fucking 4l of water daily, that's just some autistic habit if you don't enjoy it

It's very hard to tell whether quitting coffee is a meme or not. The withdrawls are real, anyone can feel them first-hand after 24 hours of quitting, but like some user said early in this thread you can just drink it regularly to not notice, so what is the point of quitting? The fact you feel tired after not drinking it for a while is a bonus since you can stop before night to sleep more easily

Jeez, relax m8. He was just trying to help you out. I went through the same thing he did and I wish someone would have told me how easy it was sooner.

well green tea and black tea also has caffeine in it, I recommend trying Rooibos or fruit tisanes, I also like to drink coffee substitute made with grains and beetroot.

>drink stronk pot coffee since 12
>stained teeth
>only thing that alleviates my depression
>gives me the jitters and makes me nervous/anxious
I quit for 3 weeks but i dont even know how i started again
Got my teeth fixed at the dentist too so im gonna quit soon, afraid of staining them again despite good routine

>It dehydrates you

>most people don't need to drink fucking 4l of water daily
Most people don't lift or run though
If you are Jow Forums your dietary needs are much higher than that of an average person. I'd say any athlete needs at least 3 liters.

Its fucking real to me, im not half as dehydrated if i go a day without water than if i drink 4 cups that day

That's pretty unbelievable. Maybe you did the 4 cups of coffee experiment right after spending one day without drinking, so you were already dehydrated.

Feeling pretty good I quit that meme shit. But I'm drinking 1-3 cups of earl grey tea a day though.

Coffee is a diuretic. Objective fact.

Green tea has caffeine in it, my guy. That's like saying you quit smoking but still smoke lights. You need to quit the caffeine jew completely.


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lol fml I used to drink a fuckton of water and felt so good now I don't because I smoke so much weed and desu I feel like shit, writing myself a note and getting back on it no excuses


Where do you take them lad?

>He ever drank coffee

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I just came off a 4 day snek juice fast and it cured my caffeine addiction. No lies, I can't even look at a redbull now.

When I wake up, I feel completely rested and alert. Not buzzed like I would after caffeine, but not sleepy like I did when I was on it.

When I do a cup of coffee, or even matcha tea for that matter, I crash and have to sleep.

It feels good to be healthy. Unfortunately, much like not ever telling anyone you did a fast diet even for a short time, you gotta drink coffee to stay social.

I plan on drinking coffee socially from now on (only with friends), and tea on my own. This drinking water thing is pretty ok though.

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You’re a fucking dumbass

Never, I fasted coffee for lent this year and thought I was going to die, literally never got better waking up every morning was nearly impossible and I had to work a shitload of overtime. Don't stop coffee man

drink coffee in dates and enemas only

Could take like several months, srs
Not true by the way