Clean your room

Clean your room
Eat your beef

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I do

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>he doesn't eat a paleo diet
>he doesn't lift while writing his PHD and book
>he doesn't keep his room clean

never going to make it

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>eating red meat

No thx peterstein

Why do all this right winged idiots are so obsessed with meat?

>Clean your room

you lost me there Petey

You forgot "wash your penis".

meat causes cancer and atherosclerosis. No thanks.

2 anti-white faggots rave about how awesome meat is.

He's not obsessed, he's just saying that meat is the only food that doesn't cause him depression and health problems. He clearly states that he doesn't recommend this to anyone, it's just what works for him

nice b8

>meat cures depression
JP is such a con artist and people literally fail to see thru his outright antagonism

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Fucking seriously. Even if he actually did this, the only reason he's making up all this magic cure bullshit is to frustrate lefty vegans and shit. If he just said "yeah I did Keto and it helped my mood and energy" no one would give a shit.

>Surprised that diet, physical, and mental health are all intertwined
Truly the most brilliant philosopher of our time

Wow you are completely retarded.
He simply shared what works for him and didn't recommend it to anyone. Like Rogan said in the podcast that you probably didnt listen to, lots of people who try this diet talk about similar results

>"I am not a dietary expert"
Did you even watch the video?

>I'm an uninformed citizen
>My daughter did this and all of her autoimmune symptoms are gone, her depression is gone, and she's never looked healthier.
>I've had people come up to me and say my daughter's diet helped them lose 100 lbs without issue
>Humans being fat and stupid is new
Defend him however you want, if he believed those things he would've tempered those statements and not made such significant claims. The majority of the story was him talking about how awful him and his daughters conditions were and how terrible his depression is. Like I said, there are plenty of people who do Keto who note that mood and weight regulation are easier. The shit that JP is saying is PURE broscience at best, or just blatantly bullshitting. For someone who's a noted academic you'd think he'd be cautious.

Jordan "The Postmodernist" Peterson, who unironically combats postmodernism while being the epitome of postmodern himself

Ok but not because your dyel no-Jew-namin ass said so

I just spent $25 on t-bones because I WANTED to

Then why would he talk about it? Why would he talk about people coming up to him about it? Why would he start talking about some paleo bullshit about the human race never being fat ever until now?

>some of the replies in this thread

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God that poo-ess on the right needs another Aryan Invasion. I volunteer. Might fix her attitude a bit

>asked to help host a talk show
>be asked a question about your life experience
>share your life experience

Fuck off. It's one thing to talk about your personal experience, it's another entirely to start spouting bullshit about fans walking up to him about it and going into some anti-agriculture bullshit.

Rogan: I want to discuss your diet
Peterson: OK, but as a disclaimer, I am not a dietician
Tumblr: Why the fuck is he talking about diet then?

Nearly the entire conversation revolves around his and his daughter's personal experience with their autoimmune and depression issues. He repeatedly states that he does not advocate the diet to people in any level of specificity, that he is not a nutritionist, and that he is merely sharing what it did for him.

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>fans have walked up to me and told me that the diet changed their life and helped them lose 100s of pounds
>Humans being fat and stupid is a new thing with agriculture
>I haven't had any blood or medical tests or screening yet
So even if he isn't being intentionally antagonistic like all the other non-self-help shit he talks about, he's at best a fucking broscientist. Saying "I don't know what I'm talking about but..." than making a million ridiculous, academically unverified and scientifically impossible claims is still stupid.

There is no possible way one of his millions of fans at one of his sold-out events has ever questioned his diet.

He said in the podcast that he had people approaching him to thank his daughter for advocating the diet because of all the good things it did for them. If someone fag on Jow Forums started a thread saying all the positive things he said in the podcast, you and everyone else would probably say he's a faggot and lying. The only reason he's being defended is because he's /ourdad/

No, he's being defended because he stated he is not a dietician and he does not recommend his dietary practices to anyone, because it his not his area of expertise. He was asked a question about his diet, he answered, he said it's work wonders for him, with the health problems that he has.

If someone posts on Jow Forums saying they are scientists and have discovered a miracle diet that cures all ills, we call them a lying faggot. If someone says they are eating a niche diet that is helping them with their particular health problems, we still call them faggot, but if it works for them then fine.

JP is seriously over playing his hand
He is riding a wave of success after going viral btfo'ing a bunch of screaming retards, but the media is becoming saturated with him, which will lead to more and more people turning on him.
On this site he went from based to cringe/and or le jew shill pretty quick, and Im sure his legions will turn on him soon enough.

Jow Forumsizens are some weird sort of attempt at things. OP always tells us what he does, people try it, and come back and post the results. That's partly why SS was memed into existence and has lasted the test of time. Science isn't 100% accurate either. It can only disprove. The man mentioned his daughter as a clinical trial, essential, not some peer reviewed meta-analysis.

Even the most tertiary glance at webMD seems to back -some- of his inductive statements. Peterson is a great guy, and he isn't perfect, but he prefaced in the first couple seconds of talking that he isn't qualified to give advice. Discussing an anecdote isn't giving advice. Describing how things are, or seem to be, also isn't giving advice.

>try a diet that works for me
>oh no, I haven't had this diet peer reviewed
>oh no, I haven't had some quack do my bloods
>I can't talk about what I've been eating or my personal experience ever
I bet you live by these standards yourself user, spending money on blood tests, eating nothing but the low-fat high-carb 1950s food pyramid... good for you. Post your body.

But really, what are you mad about? It's not like Peterson has come on the dude weed lmao Joe Rogan podcast and dropped some paradigm-shifting revelation about diet that nobody has thought about before. He gave a very clear disclaimer and then talked about his experience in response to a question.

The fact that you're reaching so far to find something to condemn Peterson for is kinda sad and desperate, and reveals that it's not about what he said, because if it were you'd have a whole back catalog of Joe Rogan podcasts to go through to find other people on there who have talked about their non-peer-reviewed diets...

lel and then you try to turn it around like this. Where did the mean professor touch you?

lol how is depression even real just like cheer up mate

>I bet you live by these standards yourself user, spending money on blood tests, eating nothing but the low-fat high-carb 1950s food pyramid
I do Keto too, so I can confirm some of the stuff he's talking about with regards to mood and energy. What I don't have is a massive following and a clinical doctorate. And even them I'm well enough to understand that even if anecdotal evidence is observed than that information is still objectively impossible. I heard him throw those disclaimers out about his expertise, but I also heard him not warning the people walking up to him at presentations about the claims, and adhering to some pseudo-scientific bullshit about "hurrdurr agriculture is the root of all evil."

>and adhering to some pseudo-scientific bullshit about "hurrdurr agriculture is the root of all evil."

Ok user.

>Humans being fat and stupid is a new thing with agriculture
This is actually a scientific fact

>...accompanied by increasing population density and a rise in infectious disease
Hmm, almost like the advent of agriculture had other societal affects that impacted human growth and health, especially before developments in medicine and public hygiene. And last I checked carbohydrates actually exist in nature.

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when white people came to america the Indians thought they were sick and dying.
Whites are the only ones that really started farming at that time.
All these other races were able to survive off of meat for ages.

Really activates your almonds.

he's talking about his personal experience you dumb fucking retard.

Native Americans had agriculture dummy, and they were sick and dying because the pathological ecosystem was different. When enough Europeans came to set up shop, the diseases started wiping out the Indians faster than they could be murdered.

lmao at all these people who watch Peterson. the guy is literally a Christian version of deepak chopra

Not denying that agriculture had other social effects. By bringing up the existence of carbs in nature are you trying to somehow deny that agriculture gave easier access to vast quantities of carbs? Because the obvious change in diet can't be ignored, especially in relation to human growth.

>tfw so depressed that I can't even clean my room

fuck im in a dark place

>year of our Lord two thousand and eighteen
>not being a Christian
>not doing crossfit

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I don't think it has the immense impact that JP is alluding too, and I think it's a false association to attribute Agri as the root of all evil. It's almost the same as saying shit really took a turn when Homo Sapiens became a singular species. What we're talking about is the specific societal changes that developed overtime as a result of it. There's hundreds of thousands of reasons why agriculture is objectively good and a positive for the species in general, and there's plenty of proof that carbs, even cultivated carbs, don't do what Peterson accuses them of. My whole beef with the podcast is that he should totally know better than to think all of his claims or true, or to think that no one is going to take his word for it and fuck themselves up because papa said it worked. The disclaimers are enough to clear him of moral or legal responsibility, but he's a smart enough dude to understand how much b& he's throwing out and how impossible these claims are.

Buy my personality quizzes
Support me on Patreon (where I hide how much I earn)

>go on carnivore diet
>wake up
>cook bacon for breakfast
>go to work
>time for lunch
>pull out a tuppaware container
>a whole roast chicken
>gnaw on bones like a caveman in the break room

How do you go on this diet and not give the impression that you're out of your mind?

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>caring about what other people think


>There's hundreds of thousands of reasons why agriculture is objectively good and a positive for the species in general
I'm quite happy to be living in civilization too rather than dying of rotten wisdom teeth at the age of 32. But that doesn't mean that modern people's diet isn't absolute dogshit.

>and there's plenty of proof that carbs, even cultivated carbs, don't do what Peterson accuses them of.
The guy said that he and his daughter have specific auto-immune problems that they've found are alleviated by removing carbs and other dietary restrictions... What is it with people who hate Peterson actively and blatantly ignoring context in order to try to score points?

>humans being fat and stupid is a new thing
>entire conversation was about eating 0 carbs leading up to that sentence
What did he mean by that statement than?

>attributes the obesity epidemic to excessive carbs and sugar
wow that's a radically controversial fringe opinion that I've never heard before

I watched this the other day. This is a fantastic answer. The idea of a universal ethic that is emergent, even among animals, is so exciting.

>15 minutes of talk on depression and health problems
>15 minutes of discussion on all meat diet solving his families illnesses
>talking about keto and paleo
>"Humans being fat and stupid is a new thing"
And everyone says I'm stretching. If that was the basis for his assumptions he would've talked about sugar and excessive carbs, not being a straight carnivore you dope.

I do literally that on my summer cuts (keto + IF)

at first it was all shits and giggles, but with time some female coworkers admitted that eating just a whole roast chicken or a knuckle of pork was "attractive" in some "weird primal way"

true story

I think the problem here is you being unable to understand any kind of nuance whatsoever. I can see why you don't like Peterson.

this guy is pretty smart, not sure why he gets so much hate

He's gotten famous and Jow Forums is inherently contrarian, so obviously some channers must hate him.
I don't agree with a lot of his ideas, but he's trying to be a positive influence on a lot of young men that need it, and he deserves respect for that alone.

>worshipping the King of the Jews

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what do you do for breakfast?
do you literally just have a chicken breast for lunch, and some beef for dinner?


His content has substance, which means he'll always have some fans and people who listen. That's probably what he cares about. He's already rich af and has had a long, fulfilling life.
Some edgy fags on a Rhodesian porcupine aficionado forum seeing him turn popular and mainstream and becoming haters is nothing new. Punk was dead before it was born.

Jordan "Netflix TV shows are on the same level of complexity as great literature" Peterson

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Nigga the Aztecs terraced the entirety of the region around Tenochtitlan for farming and diverted tons of water from rivers for irrigation. All major civilizations utilized agriculture.

imagine being this retarded

Why do all these left wing idiot bad grammars?

always a pleasure to see Jow Forums here. Checking for the tumbll invasion?


Why don't you back to tumblr

>concern over being of the christian religion
>no concern over membership to the cult of crossfit
Your priorities are right fucked m8

the disgust girl is pretty qt

grammar was invented by the brits

Clean your room and that place will not be nearly as dark. You'll feel like if you can clean your room then you can tackle on similarly tiresome tasks. Do not force yourself to do it though. Make a deal. Think of something you want, but that you don't get because you don't think you deserve it. It can be a meal you enjoy or a game. Have it so that you'll get that after you are done cleaning your room. Treat yourself with respect man, don't be your own tyrant.

I have alot of the same symptoms that Jordan describes. I tried keto diet a year ago and felt amazing and happy but i ended up loosing too much weight and looked dyel. Is it even possible to bulk on these diets?

Yes. Eat more calories then you burn.

The fuck is a "great literature"? You're up your own ass. And he usually analyzes movies and shows that are based off classic literature, such as the old Disney movies, which is just an easier way of talking directly about said classical literature to people who never consumed it

This makes no sense. Why would eating less carbs make you happier? Your body transforms carbs into serotonin which makes you relax. Granted, most people eat way too much carbs, but keto takes it to the other extreme.

This post is weapons grade enriched retardism

I don't like his thoughts on the diet thing, he's so uniformed that it hurts to listen to. It's literally always just keto with a roundabout stupid way of saying so. "I eat just meat and greens, it works and I don't know how", "Wow, I have so much energy in the morning and it hasn't been like this for 40 years". Dude, it's like the first thing that comes up about diet, paleo, atkins and all these meme-words are just keto with extra-rules, the mechanism stays the same, you enter ketosis and that's what has these dramatic effects.

With maybe an hour or two of reading about diet (or basic biology about metabolism in mammals) you'd come across ketosis or the ketogenic diet and you wouldn't have to "guess" why it's working or make the rules arbitrary, the dude is very uneducated about diet which is a shame, even though he gets the advice right. He gives advice without fully understanding himself why it works and I hope he doesn't make public mistakes (or mistakes in his clinical practice) because of that.
My "story" is pretty similar, I got out of depression and cured many of my physical chronic ailments with keto, I just did it over ten years ago and with intent from reading the literature and doing some thinking.

Otherwise a great dude with deep insight into his field, I own both of his books.