Will eating an entire cake make my six pack disappear?

will eating an entire cake make my six pack disappear?

It took me 3 months to achieve it, but I am really dying for an entire cake right now

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How many calories is a whole cake? 6000 or 7000? That, in one day, is not going to goblin all your gains.

t-thanks bro, I'm going to the store to buy one right now

you die, don't do it man

i mixxed frozen blue berries , small spoon of yogurt , proton powder , coco powder , and no cal sweetrner . it was preety good .
find an alternative brosef or not its your life

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that picture looks like poison to me tbqfh


Get a slice or two at most, then the cravings will go away

you're not going to be able to eat an entire cake. and if you do, you'll probably throw up. Why not just go to a bakery and buy one slice of cake instead? Moderation is key

Nutrition isn't a day by day thing bro. I'm not saying you should smash a whole cake. But if you do, as long as you're otherwise consistent with your stuff, it isn't going to sabotage three months of progress. Figure out how many calories you're ingesting, and program nullifying it over a week in to your eating and lifting.

For example if you eat 7000 calories of cake, eat 500 calories less and burn 500 calories more for the next week. Or you could exercise moderation, and enjoy a slice or two of cake each day.

hard gainer detected

Get a cheese cake. Then its KETO and youre fine.

No carbs from cheese

how about don't be a disgusting glutton?
Sounds like you were a former fatfuck and never lost the fatfuck mentality.

>the absolute state of k*toids

what type of person has a need to eat an entire god damn cake?

>t. never gonna make it

I'm making it right now! I'm on that holy path of golden glory and I'm readying to embrace the long lost brothers who have came before me.

a person who has been suffering for 3 months to get down to a low body fat

Is it a normal thing to just walk into a bakery and order a slice of cake for yourself?

At most bakeries, yeah. Think of them as like a deli for cakes and cookies and shit. You can buy in bulk, but they're also perfectly happy to sell you a single serving. The same way you might stop in to a deli for a sandwich, you can swing by a bakery for a slice of cake or a bagel or something.

Expanding on this, even at Walmart bakery and shit you'll see things like partial cakes for sale. Like four pieces in a plastic container or whatever.

But at a brick and mortar boutique operation, things like pic related are absolutely common and many will style themselves as being a Cafe/bakery.

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this, after like a slice I guarantee you wont be feeling it any more if you havent had cake in a while

jesus, I would rape everything on sight there

so tasty I can smell it here


this tbqfhwufamalam

I can't wait until I start my cut, shit's gonna be easy as fuck. I don't know how people find not stuffing your face with food hard. You literally have to do nothing.

Tfw this guy eats basedboi cake when chads are eating pumpkin pie with extra cool whip off of Stacy’s tits

>eating that much refined sugar everyday

Overall health and nutrition is more complex than just counting calories, don’t advise someone eat that much sugar everyday ffs

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Jeff is watching you user

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