Tfw your gf has told all her friends you have a big dick

>tfw your gf has told all her friends you have a big dick

They’ve started to subtley bring it up in conversations

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>tfw you regularly start joking about how big your dick is while drunk and the girls get intrigued and instantly want to fuck you

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>tfw your gf's dick is bigger than yours

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the girl i see now said I had a big dick...
got mad and told her not to lie.

Girls don’t know size very well and it depends on their previous bf’s. My gf’s previous was a black guy and I’ve measured it at 8 inches length and 7.5 inches girth

>my girlfriends friends have never made any comment about my cawk
>my girlfriend has never made any comment about my cawk, but does continue to make regular use of it.
> tfw my cock is adequately unremarkable.

>tfw you've convinced your gf that it's natural for high value men to sleep around while women stay chaste to one man

lol she's cheating on you

That’s cool, I’m assuming you exclusively bottom because of it.

based and redpilled

You measured his penis?

literally every girl says their man has a big dick. If you're white it doesn't mean shit because you have a micro dick

She lets me top on my birthday

She's not but if she did I would just drop the relationship. I'm so attractive and good at getting my way at this point that it doesn't matter. She can easily be replaced.

>My gf’s previous was a black guy
Imagine being so cucked that you unironically date a coalburner.

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>t. Asian masculinity

I know that feel bro. Recently started seeing an Asian chick that dated exclusively Asian guys before and she made a few remarks about it which is nice I guess.

Another insincere thread made to demoralize 99.99% of Jow Forums

Not who you responded to but why make collages if you can't into graphic design?
Is this supposed to convince anyone?
You should go back to your LARPing containment board

>muh graphic design
You think I actually made that? Fucking lel is this your first day on here nigger?

7.5 inches girth is rarer than a 9 inch length




Gtfo normie, reeeeeeeeee

Imagine saving something like that because you think it makes a compelling argument
>fucking lel

That's the thickness of people's wrists... nah man I don't believe it.

>The 30 year old Boomer who hates niggers because of some edgy ironic zoomer.

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Cherry picked examples, but white nationalists are such brainlets that the derive an ideology from this. Only losers looking for a scapegoat think this way haha

> being that cuck who copes about dating a coalburner

lmao dude, just end it

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>tfw you confuse a fear of commitment with being alpha

t. Nigger loving Kike dyel

Sorry for your inferiority complex that you have to project this hard. Let me guess, got bullied once by a minority? Also I'm not that user you dumb cunt.

Be honest for once in your miserable life. You're from r/theredpill right? Jow Forums never got so SERIOUS about shit like this until that subreddit got deleted.

Jesus fuck the summer heat is killing me here.

>t. full-time paypig for his wife's son and black bull

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t. oathkeeper with an autistic son

Is this better, you fucking brainlet?

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D&C shills need to be gassed.

>he's dating a coal burner

oh no no no NO NO!!!

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Jow ForumsT_Dtard detected. Get the fuck

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Nice larp

>References Reddit

How about you both get the fuck out faggot.

>implying we should be united with niggers
Don't make me laugh, boyo. Here's some more hatefacts for you to convieniently disregard.

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>Includes Jews when it benefits them.

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>got bullied once
Why do you basedboys always reduce it to this, and not pic related?

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Solid rebuttal. Everyone knows Jow Forums MAGAts don’t lift, are fat and/or ugly, and have utterly failed at life. Prove me wrong - redact the PII from your pay stub and post it. You won’t for the same reason you restrict your hate to an anyonymous message board: you’re scared.

Been here for a decade, but I don’t have an enormous persecution complex, so I’m not asspained by racial equity.

Ignores systemic disadvantages. Ya know, like being enslaved. Lmk if you have anything substantive, preferably more nuanced than 1:1 crime stats.

>when you've been posting on Jow Forums for 3 days and only the only memes saved in your meme folder are boomer memes.

Summer heat is real.

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>Ignores systemic disadvantages
Like having a poorly developed prefrontal cortex?

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>Been here for 10 minutes, but i don't hate niggers AND ESPECIALLY NOT JEWS, that would be antisemetic

>Wah he using a very popular meme.

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summerfag meme*

Or this

Attached: 2117f2a903134419ad49b475256ac6ee.jpg (706x576, 64K)

She’s black fyi

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