I fucking hate bent over rows. Is it fine to 100% replace them with chest supported T bar rows or DB rows?

i fucking hate bent over rows. Is it fine to 100% replace them with chest supported T bar rows or DB rows?

I can never fucking pull the bar all the way to my chest unless the weight is stupidly light, and if it’s heavy i feel like i’m mostly lifting my torso to give the bar momentum.

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rows are an useless exercise so do whatever you want

i can really feel it on every other row variation but BB fucking feels like a meme

Rows are most effective. You are supposed to pull the bar to you're belly. Not chest.

Just do seal rows. Obviously your core doesn't get work at all so make sure to not neglect it

You don't HAVE to do any of the lifts to train the musclegroups you want to. You don't need to deadlift to get huge traps, you don't need to squat to get good legs

I've never done a bent over row in my life and never will. My entire back workout is:
> Weighted pull ups
> lat pulldown
> cable rows
> shrugs
> roman chair

t. dyel

holy shit same. Either it's too heavy and I'm just throwing weight around or it's not heavy enough and I dont really FEEEL it like with other rows.

Pendlay Rows are the best

Do those

Of course you can replace them with DB rows, it's still a bent over row though

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Yes. DB rows are superior in every way due to the ability to lift it higher, which activates the back more.


>I can never fucking pull the bar all the way to my chest

so don't do retarded ass pendlay rows???

Stand up at 45 degrees and row to your belly button. Nobody who rows actual weights gives a shit about autistic stuff like that, the strength in heavy rows is the CATCH. Your lats are what is stopping the weight from hitting the floor, as long as you maintain form and are catching it down you are building your lats

my nigga

inverted rows are my favorite

Is it possible to do rows and never get any lat activation? Or do lats work even if I don't feel them? I am asking from like technical perspective. Is it possible that only my arms are lifting all this weight?

You’re a retard, enjoy your fucked up shoulders and improper back development

I found my lat activation was shit with BB rows but once I switched to DBs I could contract a lot better.

They are easy if you use the hex bar

It's just a 14 year old faggot. Just ignore.

Do seal rows breh

rows are a forearm routine

Why you neglecting the best back exercise aka the row?

Heavy rows work most of the muscles that make you look big.

I've got back problems and fear snapping my shit up. But my back gets worked out pretty good without them.

This, seal rows are based

What you can do is use dumbbells

I'm guessing you're doing 3x5 or 5x5 right now so I'll tell you how to change your reps around.

Start off with a dumbbell that you can do 3x5 or your 5x5 somewhat easily. Then instead of using the next size dumbbell up go up in reps. Once you're at 3x10/5x10 after you complete that then go up to the next set of dumbbells and go back to 3x5/5x5 and repeat.

You can get pretty big and strong this way. That being said your deadlift will probably suffer a bit just because the Row is a pretty big assistance for it.

do dumbbell rows only don't do them with one knee on the bench do them pretty strict

do standing high cable rows
jeff cavalier from athleanx.com says they're the best

Where are you suggesting the legs should go?

definitely the best

>heavy pendlay rows- overall back strength, including glutes to some degree
>bent over barbell rows with controllable weight- more for bodybuilding but will some build some strength in the lower back
>db rows on bench or chest supported tb rows- targets all of the upper body, heavy weight to increase upper body strength, low weight with higher reps to build bigger back

Chest? Bent BB row should be to your belly button.

That’s your problem right there son. You’re not doing the exercise properly.

Lol @ stupid trap exercises. Enjoy not having any lower back strength. You’ll have a slipped disc by 32 years of age.


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Agreed. Pullups x F followed by lat pull down machine and low row machine will get you fucking jacked more than barbell rows

... he said he does cable row

I mean in a perfect world you could just replace barbell rows with weighted pull-ups, rack pulls, and facepulls

Do Pendlay rows

I'm quite beyond 1/2/3/4 at this point (@85kg) with decent core strength in isolation but I can't for the life of me understand how to add BB rows to a compound heavy workout without SEVERELY compromising.
At this point I can only do them on non squat/DL days or I just do a less taxing alternative.

bent over / pendlay rows actually activate the lower back even more than the lats (see: any EMG study done ever)

they are an amazing accessory lift for deadlifting, so your individual goal is what actually comes into question

are you trying to increase overall strength? stick to the bent rows.

are you trying to isolate lats? try a chest supported row

are you trying to primarily only work the upper body, including upper back and delts? strict lat pulldown with very little leaning

Try lying reverse back rows. Instead of bending over and pulling the bar you lay on your back and push the bar away from your chest.

>I’m bad at an exercise because I probably have weak supporting muscles
>can I just skip it

Sure, if you don’t care about being strong. I can’t tell you what your goals are


what type of row you choose to do is such an inconsequential decision just pick one that feels good and makes you sore

>ITT virgins who will never make it

Squats, deads, bench, row are the only movements you need to get big and strong. Other movements as well are good, but you can’t build a house without a foundation.

Don’t squat, don’t deadlift, don’t row and just stay mediocre like all those normal looking guys who go to your gym that just bench and curl. We don’t care if you’re mediocre. We only hope that you do.