My dick is 4 inches erect(am 18), but it I'm pretty sure it was longer and thicker back when I was penis pumping and jelqing. The thing is I'm also brown and short(5'6). What I'm trying to say is I don't want to have an interest in women. Have any of you stopped caring about girls and pussy and just totally got absorbed in your hobbies/work? Teach me please, I'm not meant for the current romantic climate.
How to stop caring about pussy?
Pls help :(
Have you tried putting effort into your hobbies/work
I don't start school(Electrician) till August. And I can't really do too much at home other than play PS4. The hobbies that I want to get into are things like making knives, swords, or restoring old tools. But that stuff requires money and a place to work. Don't own a car or have drivers license and just turned 18.
Just take the gay pill
The male form is superior to roasties anyways.
Wow you are a fucking pussy dude. What kinda faggot dishes out this many excuses to such an easy question? Jesus man how about you get a hobby of taking pictures from your phone? Just walk outside, take in some sunlight, and just go exploring?
But you’ll have another shitty excuse for that too. Go rot in a hole bro, no one wants a Debbie downer like you.
I wish I knew. Have a bump as a consolation prize.
O-okay. Y-you too. I can't cause I live in the hood. And taking pictures on my shitty Moto e4 isn't a hobby, it's retarded.
>Have any of you stopped caring about girls and pussy
it's called monk mode, it's a comfy and great lifestyle where you only live for yourself and women hold no power over you
it's recommended to lose your virginity first at the very least though, so you know what you're sacrificing, and if you're prone to loneliness it's not recommended at all
also if you're young and full of hormones (like you are) it's gonna be very very difficult, i'm 33 now and it's 5 years since the last time i had sex, i just fap once in a while, all the release i need
Video games
Said I'm already doing that. Doesn't bring me much joy. Haven't truly enjoyed video games since Halo 3
martial arts
just do any martial art bro
But I hate feeling my lungs burn and being physically close to other sweaty people. :(
Lol making shit excuses like user said
I used to do that shit, convinced my excuses were what was keeping me from shit despite them being easy workarounds
Moat shit is free online, just learn. Read some philosophy, lifting technique, DIY smithing stuff, for real the internet is a gateway to any hobby you want
Why the fuck come here if youre going to shit on every suggestion, fucking man up
boy these excuses dont stop, Look faggot you're a lost cause destined to live your life in mediocrity because youll never do anything but justify your average life and will never work towards fixing anything or achieving anything you want so kindly fuck off theres no magical solution here.
>Have any of you stopped caring about girls and pussy and just totally got absorbed in your hobbies/work?
No, but for hobbies/work you could try heroin, would probably stop caring about women then.
List physical stats and economic background since your such a warrior faggot.
Post more pictures of this style.
>>"you will just come with excuses"
>*comes with excuses*
You can't go outside during the day in the hood? A good camera doesn't make you a good photograper, the opposite is also true.
As for studying to become an electrician, you could download the course book of your first course and start reading through that and doing exercises if there are any. Or just any book on basic electrical stuff, there's bound to be something on that online, like wiki, YouTube etc.
>monk mode
>just fap once in a while
Is this really allowed?
I meant art.
Shes still hot tho.
And white too.
If possible.
Dick is really a weird thing. Depends completely on your perspective. For example, I thought my 6.5x5.5 incher wasn't much to work with, compliments and performance with girls aside- it always looked small to me and I thought they were just being polite.
Last night I got really fucking baked and decided to masturbate. When I was really getting into it I started to focus entirely on how it felt in my hands and imagined my hands were a pussy and I really started going ham on my handpussy. Realized how good my dick was right then and there. Felt very GIRTHY and filling I'd imagine. I never understood why women would want a cock in them, it's kinda just a meat rod but I think I get it now. I don't know if that makes me gay or not, but while I was at my orthodontist I also realized I'd rather smash Timotee Chalamet's boipussy before touching an obese female hog like you'd see in the fph threads. This is accompanied by a newfound appreciation for cock, namely my own. Anyway, point of the matter is- you should really try fucking yourself.
just go gay user, dicklet bottoms are cute.
th...thanks Jow Forums
Fuck off faggot
>who /handpussy/ here
>weed makes you gay
there you have it folks
The only guys I've meet who don't care about chicks are really philosophical. They have their own reasons not to care and so they stop caring. I say you should get into reading and studying, the busier you become the less time you have to think about all the sad shit you just wrote.
fucking your own cock isn't gay
wanting to fuck your own cock*
You are on the right path. You correctly understand that guys like us will only find pain in trying to deal with women. I'd say understanding that and not coping with delusions like "self-improvement", "personality" etc is at least 80% on the way of not giving a damn about women. Focusing on work and hobbies helps tremendously. OP I'd say you're very wise for your age, it personally took me at least a few years until my mid 20s to really swallow the red pill. For me nofap worked in order to break that god awful sex craving feedback loop and practice self control, but I understand that it might not work for everyone. Also under no circumstances should you try and cope with drugs/smoking/drinking, that shit is a bottomless pit and it will break you in the long run.