t. unmotivated user
What motivates you?
Other urls found in this thread:
Improving myself is FUN
The will to overcome myself everytime and be better
I just forget all the complicated stuff and just focus on my goal
Lifting weights is the best video game out right now
i hate the gym but i hate being lazy more
thats it
its lose lose
at least im getting bigger
Motivation is a meme. Think about it, do you ever need to be motivated to eat or have sex? No. You either want to do it or need to do it. If you have to be "motivated" to do something, then you simply don't want to do that thing.
smoking on the danskest weed possible
i dont want to become a 25 year old virgin
The impending race war.
What a baby-faced, droopy-eyed, weak-jawed, smiling moron.
My beautiful waifu. My only waifu. Over ten years.
That and to lose fat because being fat is inconvenient as hell, and it's just bad.
Also so that I can be worthy of her.
This is my motivation.
She did
>she left yesterday
Fuck I have seen the webm about this.
Lifting is one of the few things I can regularly immerse myself in and ignore everything else in my life for an hour or two
We got a discord just for the ultimate gentlemen of the finest culture, feel free to drop by
>What motivates you?
My wife.
No thanks. Glad to see some Jow Forumsizens still have taste though.
The Harem of Women+Traps/Twinks/Sissies I will have someday
I want to get rich & fit so I can fuck hot eastern euro hookers and mire myself in the mirror like my hero Patrick Bateman. Unironically.
I promised my waifu that I'd get a 4pl8 bench before her figma releases next July.
Mirin' that decade long commitment.
I'm rooting for you, Miku-user.
I wish I was this guy, nothing is fun anymore
I don't get motivated. I've just made a habit of both gym and work, so pretty much do it automatically
I wish I hopped on the bandwagon sooner.