Bladder Fun

Hello, everyone, I just turned 25 today. For about two-three months now, I've been having to get up to the bathroom like 5-6 times because any liquid in my bladder feels annoying. Anyone else ever have this? I constantly feel like I have the need to pee.

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Sounds like beginning stages of diabetes.
Get it checked out.

There is a cure for this. You need to take dick deep inside your ass at least 4 times a week. It should help with your problem in less than a year.

Damnit that's what my parents said too.

Go see a doctor.
Could be an infection, urge incontinence, multiple sclerosis or another neurological problem. If you’re drinking a lot more than usual it could be diabetes.
There is no quick answer. Get checked out. Hope you’re not from the US lol.

>that feeling when American

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See a doctor. This can be several different problems.

Cialis my dude

5-6 is a lot. In my 20s I started getting up 1-3 times for the same reason. Went to two doctors who ruled out the suggestions above. The only option was a bladder relaxant which I didn't try but might have helped. By coincidence, I ended up working with a lot of sleep doctors, one of whom suggested that if you've ruled out infection etc. this may not be a bladder issue but a sleep issue. You're not waking up to go to the bathroom; you're going to the bathroom because you've woken up.

I should add you definitely should go get infection ruled out. Also not drinking alcohol or water etc. after 7pm helped too.

Thanks for being decent, user. I respect those who give their best answers. Being worried about such things on my birthday is hard.

I should add I urinate a lot in the day time too. This is what I’ve done since waking up. I seriously hope it isn’t a type of cancer. It doesn’t burn, it’s not bloody...

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How did you fix it?

I'm in the same boat, don't know which I'm doing but I'm seeing a guy at the end of the month.

I pee once in the morning, after dinner, and before I go to bed. If I take a nap, then before that too because I can't fall asleep if I haven't emptied my bladder.

You have a minor UTI

It will pass in about 5 days

Maybe see a doc.

Maybe do a 1 day fast.

Ya op. It's called drinking a lot of water or being a women.

I've been in the same boat for months.
Do you have a job that has you constantly running?

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It's been goin on for a week or two man.

No, I work for America's biggest cellular network company selling phones and tv.
Like I said, Through the day my bladder feels lightly full, then I pee, I'm good, then ten minutes later it feels like something is there.

Just for a fun fact, I'm 6 ft tall, 193 pounds, regularly go to the gym.

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watchya ganna do, user? Are ga

are you going to go to the doctor*?

anyone else have pain in the bladder as well?

5-6 in a day? That’s not that crazy. Do you drink a lot of water? I thought I had pre-diabetes and was freaking myself out but I was just drinking a lot of water

If you mean 5-6 times a night that’s fucked up

OAB (Overactive bladder). Surprisingly, acupuncture has been scientifically proven to be one of the best method for treating it.

There's more studies on it if you search around.

Essentially, your issue is either diabetes or OAB. I had the same problem as you (actually a lot worse) so I went to go check it out. I got blood test done, etc and was diagnosed with OAB. They gave me medication which was temporary fix. I looked online for solution and found bunch of acupuncture shit. I was very sceptical for obvious reasons. Tried it anyways and it worked out pretty well.

Also I think some of it is probably mental. If you’re self conscious of it and thinking of it often (such if it affects you enough that you made a thread about it) it will probably happen more.
When I’m at work and super busy my bladder gets super full and I hardly think about it and then have a big piss. When work is slow and I’m bored I’m more likely to take more frequent smaller pisses. I donno maybe I’m just autistic

sounds like diabetes, run to your doctor, user

Acupuncture fixed it? Where the hell did you go to get it done?

stop mastutbating you flaming homo

Is the pee always clear? Fuck I think I got the same thing.

Do you piss clear or yellow if you're pissing so much?

Beetus would be peeing like 20-40 times a day. It's probably UTI. Go to an urgent care doc.

I cured frequent urination (which is a sign of stress) by: Quitting intermittent fasting, increasing my metabolic rate with sugar and fruit, eating salt (reduce adrenaline), and restoring my electrolyte balance by not overhydrating and only drinking coffee/milk/orange juice instead of water.

But cumming feels so good and I don't have a girl to help me do it...

yes it's always clear. I pricked myself with a glucose reader and my blood levels seem normal.

I drink like 3-3.5 liters of water a day and piss like 7 times
Is it normal?

How much of drinking is done before bed and how many times do you have to wake up to piss?

Way too much water. Overhydration is a real thing, and it's not healthy. You are pissing out your electrolytes, like sodium, magnesium, potassium and B-vitamins. You should only drink when you're ACTUALLY thirsty, and milk or fruit juices are much better because they replenish your electrolytes.

pedialyte and powerade zero ftw

I drink normally throughout the day, then right before bed I have nothing. Still wake up at like 7/8am to go to toilet only to come back to sleep for 2 more hours after that.
So I only wake up once in the morning I guess when my sleep shifts.

This could be it desu. I it disturbs my boners/restricts them because I just need to piss all the time
I literally don't know when I'm thirsty too, I just drink habitually.
I guess I don't need that much water when I'm sat at computer all day.
I guess I fell for the "drink 2l a day meme"

filled with artificial sweeteners and gunk, but I guess it's better than getting memed by drinking a bunch of flat water

Increase or excessive intake of protein can also lead to increased urination. Every molecule of protein has a nitrogen that must be plucked off by your body and turned into urea and pissed out, causing an increase in the solute pressure of the urine. Combine this with eating a healthy diet that is low in salt and processed foods and high in vegetables many of which are natural diuretics then if you’ve recently started eating healthy then that’s likely it.

>I just drink habitually

Same my dude. I used to do this because I wanted to lose weight, and everyone tells you to drink a ton of water.

Also, I used to have cold hands and feet without knowing why (turns out it's a stress response from high adrenaline and low thyroid), but after fixing this issue, my hands and feet are toasty warm throughout the day.

Also protip: Don't drink coffee on an empty stomach. Always have some carbohydrate to go with it to prevent any stress response.

Ok but this is the thing, anons. When I piss, Two minutes later, it's like I feel my bladder sayin "hey, buddy! I'm still here!". I feel like in the past I never felt any disturbance down there. From 8 am to 4:45 I have already pissed 9 times from low to high to low increments. My glucose is fine, my piss is clear....what the hell is it???

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Make that ten times since I just took a piss after typing this. Is it a UTI? UTI's I hear are cloudy, my piss is not.

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Sounds like a lot of dudes with yeast infections and UTIs in this thread. Better pick up that anti fungal or go to the doc.

>cold hands and feet
add sweaty hands and feet to it and it's me all my life, did you solve it by those videos?


yep my dude

I would especially look up Ray Peat to learn how to cure hypothyroidism.

Whenever I am high protein, Im pissing 3-5 times a night.

Ray also talks a lot about how to reduce stress, estrogen, and increase testosterone naturally. He's /ourguy/ pretty much

I have it too, do you know if inability to ejaculate is a sign of diabetes too? I mean I orgasm but my sperm doesn’t shoot out like it used to, it only leaks out a little bit after

Eating protein without any carbohydrates also increases stress hormones, which could probably also lead to more frequent urination.


Fuck that's me too. I really hope it isn't beetus. Diabetes inspidus is supposed to be really rare, we can't all have it in this thread.

Your jacking off too much.

NOT OP HERE. Interesting. I actually drink too little, but that electrolyte thing might be hitting me and I do intermittent fasting (not a "diet" thing, I just rarely feel like eating anything in the first few hours after getting up). My most severe symptom: I have to piss every time I have a beer (0.5l). If I drink 3 beers that means I'm going to the bathroom at least 3 times just for that. But lately my digestive system has given me lots of minor problems like constipation, feeling ill at random times, pooping in smaller portions rather than all at once. damn, thinking about it I've been in bad shape lately. I'm starting to worry now.

>eat sugar
>eat salt
>stop drinking water

Alright man the fasting is up for debate and all but this post is just plain mean.

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High DHT giving an enlarged prostate could be the problem, talk to doctor and get a blood test too.

If you drink very little but still piss a lot then it's clear something is fucked.

not "a lot", just "often". it's like my bladder is tiny - or being constricted by something else (I'm a skeletor, it's not a fat problem).

reduce your sugar consumption



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Do you get stomach cramps or gas on a regular basis? You might have chronic constipation. Shit builds up in your intestines so bad that it'll push on your other organs, including your bladder and your prostate which might make you feel like you need to pee.

naa I got a UTI. Look at the link I provided on top of ur comment

I have a tight pelvic floor and a tight pisspipe, I guess it's anxiety related because it started when I was 17 and was going trough school stress. Now, 6 years later, it has calmed down a lot, but it definitely ruined my life for that while.
I found no help from medication, except alcohol, but physical therapy and TENS treatment helped a lot.

how do you get uti?

I have no damn clue man! I am a 25 year old man and I have this test come up as dark purple positive as possible! What the hell happened??? As that other thread says, I pissed a total of LITERALLY 23 times now today. TODAY as a 12 hour span. What the fuck.

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Top is leukocytes, bottom is nitries. Since I've taken this picture, it's actually even darker purple now.

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what's the cure for uti
i heard that women get it often and it clears up on its own eventually

So the cure seems to be antibiotics. Cephalexin is what I have right now. It cures this problem. I've told many women my issue, and they are surprised that 1) I'm a man who has it, and 2) it's been going on for so damn long.
My theory is is that men can get it, but the duration for us is much more longer than that of women.

Another home remedy women are constantly telling me of is apple cider vinegary and pure as fuck cranberry juice. The overpriced concentrated clean juice with no sugar in it that's tart as fuck.

I piss so fucking much. At one point 60 times a day. Now its more like 20ish. I was diagnosed with intersistial cystitis, mostly caused by stress. Seems to flare up when stressed and when eating and drinking certain foods which i now avoid.

I do, you fap alot? I found when I cum more than twice a day my dick starts to ache when I piss or cum again. But if I chill out the coffee and soda and don't cum for about 3 days things are good.

U do a UTI test yet?

possible that your gooch muscle is tight, try reverse kegels to relax and strengthen it

Do you drink it or apply it to your urethra?


Drink it

How can everybody in this thread have diabetes insipidus?

Huh? HUH?

better start eating healthy from now on

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What's a bladder? Pee is stored in the balls.

On a serious note, could be a UTI.

how come my balls don't get bigger when i hold my pee in

Hmm, that's a tricky one. Are you 100% sure they don't change size? To make sure, you should hold your balls for a 24 hour period, see if there's any significant change in size.

Is 6 times a day enough to go to the doctor? Didn't know this was a problem

Pelvic floor / more likely a prostate problem. Your prostate is clamping ur piss Line so your bladder is not emptying and you have to go often . Start nofap and no edge