Wait what's that, YOU DONT rest your tongue in the correct posistion? oh dear user
Wait what's that, YOU DONT rest your tongue in the correct posistion? oh dear user
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Wait, is this the proper placement?
No that is wrong.
yes you should be resting the tip of your tongue at the roof of your mouth where your teeth meet the gums, but not touching the teeth. if you dont do this you probably have a slack jawline
Wtf, there's people who rest their tongue differently? Is this an english speakers problem?
>push your tongue into place so you cant fucking breath
>do this
>can't breathe through nose because tongue is blocking it
why are you licking your nostrils
I thought that people who don't rest their tongue this way had speech problems
i rest my tongue on the roof, but not forward to the point where im touching my teeth...
you're actually doing it correct, that's how i remember back when i started. After a while your oxygen intake increases by like 50%.
>dont forget to breathe
i cant relate to this
I made it so a child could follow it, what are you doing wrong?
>cant fucking breath
yeah, through your mouth.
I don't rest it this way and I do have speech problems
The question is
Will fixing my tongue placement fix my speech problems?
I died before I got to the last point.
My bad.
can someone just make a 3d model of this?
mate it's not a question of reduced air intake it's literally blocked 100% I can't fucking breathe at all
dude im fucking suffocating here
>tfw i am a jawlet so i have to put my tongue between my upper and lower rows of teeth so my jaw actually looks decent
i wonder if i'm gonna get my tongue cut off or something if i ever get punched in the jaw. shit would hurt.
If doing this technique makes you unable to breathe through your nose as well then your air passages are misinformed and you should see an ENT.
There's something very wrong with your pipes.
how the fuck? source anyone?
This is the proper form.
Mike Mew talked about this, most people don't mew (=exercise correct tongue posture) because the back of the tongue blocks the airway in correct posture. He basically said to continue doing it and that it will get better. If anyone can confirm?
It is supposed to block your airway, because you are not supposed to primarily breath through your mouth. If you are not eating or talking, you do not need to breathe through your mouth.
And I have noticed after just a few weeks that mewing correctly and breathing through my nose has improved my breathing substantially.
Problem is that when i push my whole tongue (including the very back), my airway is completely blocked, so i can't breathe through my nose either. What do? Keep practicing?
I have had 2 nose surgeries, all fixed and well, but my ENT said i have a narrow airway and large tonsils, might be a factor.
>2 nose surgeries
LMAO @ your life
Does thumb sucking cause the same effects as mouth breathing? My mom was a hippie and din't believe in pacifiers and I ended up sucking my thumb until I was 13, then got braces. I got crooked teeth but I can't tell if my jaw/chin was effected.
Are you resting your toung in the proper position or pushing against the roof of your mouth? If I push against mine it closes my nose too.
Baiting tounge placement
This posture is for breathing himalayan style to slow down and get mindfull
Last thread had a screencap of a guy who had results with chewing mastic gum. Though it didn't look like he had a recessed chin, he just had a narrow jaw and face. In a year and a half of chewing this gum he his face and jaw were chiseled.
how do i get my jaw like this
Yep, same. I caught onto this Mewing thing just a few weeks ago and before, I'd almost feel like I was mildly suffocating if I tried to breathe through my nose.
Now it's becoming much more natural feeling. I just keep reminding myself to keep my tongue at the roof of my mouth.
Props Dr. Mew!
kill yourself and hope to be reincarnated as an anime character
>seriously tho
just fucking read through this thread
is this one big meme or what
I can't suck the back of my tongue up without the front gliding between my teeth
People here keep saying it is but it really isn't, unless this is just how you already rest your young, then there's no point, you're already ahead.
When they say "back of toung" it feels like the middle of my toung, took me a few days to differentiate.
jesus fuck user
>that feel when deviated septum
Ah well, maybe next life.
Seems like chewing this shit actually gives major gains, I've been reading about it for the last hour or so around the web. I had always heard in school that you couldn't build jaw muscle from chewing, but that seems to be totally false.
You can get a huge block of the shit for $30 or less and it lasts months since you can reuse it.
what about jawsercise.
That works too. Only difference I think is that chewing the gum gives you a bit more natural range of motion.
that means you're almost doing it right, just get as close to not being able to breath through your nose as possible
I'm sorry for your loss
Isn’t this default in humans? I can’t rest my tongue on the bottom without folding it and I don’t even have a very long tongue
>what is nose?
Just move youre tounge the rest of the way to the roofyour mouth.
Or say something like 'dreaming' and feel where your toung goes when you say 'ing'