Do you ever get mired by little girls fit...

Do you ever get mired by little girls fit? Today my 10 year old daughter started feeling my rock hard abs and biceps and asked if I'm working out

Feels good to he mired Bros we're all gonna make it

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Read that as "feeling my rock hard cock"

>Today my 10 year old daughter started feeling my rock hard

Stopped reading right there.

Would have been even better. One can hope....

What's the science behind some people being attracted to kids?

I only live to get mired by my daughter
It's all I have to look forward to
She's 3 years old and in foster care now but hopefully I'll be worthy of her mires when she gets older

I'm a wolf in sheep's clothing when I'm around little ones..

Sick fucks

it's called 'evil'

They literally did it in Roman and Greek times even middle ages what makes it different

Just because they did things in medieval and even ancient times does not mean we should be doing them now

>you will never have 10 year old little girls feel up your muscles

It's not fucking fair bros. ITS NOT FUCKING FAIR!!

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Why the fuck is your daughter in foster care? I cannot believe someone this fucked is posting on Jow Forums. This is just sad.

>tfw my kid sister routinely pokes my stomach and calls it squishy

>tfw she calls me pillow

Should I just end it all?

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>Just because they did things in medieval and even ancient times does not mean we should be doing them now

They ate food in medieval times, guess I better not eat right?

Show her who's fucking boss.....


>im the fucked up person while actual pedophiles are posting itt
not even gonna explain shit

yeah you probably shouldnt

I don't like that word.

Used to have the problem of no mirin kids, but then I realized that they're all into this game Fortnite. It has some dumb little dances that they all want to learn. All you've got to do is learn some of these dances and you'll have the whole playground mirin'.

pic related

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What word? Pedophile? How about child molesting pervert?

Be my guest

I think you might be on to something ...

Y'know, user that's a pretty good idea. Think I might jump onto this Fortnite bandwagon.

Pic related... it's me

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Your lats are looking juicy, bro. I can see why she was mirin.

This is meant to be a mirin thread. If you have nothing to contribute, please refrain from posting. Thank you...

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Next time you get a headache you should drill a hole in your skull to let the demon out


>high school teacher randomly at street
>chit chat about how its going etc...
>wow you look so good(not even jacked, started working out month ago+pump)
>you never been bad looking, but damn
>cry myself to sleep with tears of hapiness

also she said i looked ,,manlier''
f-feels good lads

This is the shit that should get screencapped instead of every faggot's fake story
You are the biggest retard I've ever seen.

am starting to notice the qt 30+ yr old single moms looking at me in the store

Feels gud brahs

we should start bashing people with rocks just like the good old days

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>meet high school friend at a party
>you gotten bigger bro
you made it bro

>sweetie move out of the mans way

>I am a man in others eyes now
>feels are indescribable

Why didn’t you try to fuck your teacher?

holy shit this, 23 yrs old and when people refer to me as a man i still get tingles from it

t.used to be skelly as fuck

Kys animeposting pedo scum

You are a pedo? You touched your daughter's privates.

shes like 60 but even that, ill never think of her like that. she was like dudebro with me all the time during school

lol, wtf. Is this troll or legit low IQ?

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I’m going to give this a (you) just to help further reinforce what an absolute moron you are


You fucking disgusting kike, people hundreds of years ago marrying post-puberty girls in their teens is not even comparable to being sexually attracted to prepubescent children, you goddamn piece of shit

If all homosexuals are attracted to kids, then so are all straight people.
In terms of brain activity and shape:
Gay male = straight female
Gay female = straight male

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imagine this guy on trial trying to explain to the judge why he is allowed to have sex with little girls

master troll or retard?

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Actually unironically kill yourself

Yea what said
Next time she pokes you and calls you a squishy pillow, drop kick and curb stomp the little shit

Unironically lifting for this

>Imagine being so stupid you think this is a good counter to your disgusting faggot orientation being overwhelmingly pedo

Here's a counter:
The Vatican is overwhelmingly pedo, and Catholics hate gays.
Seems like Christianity is the faggot religion.

Imagine being this low test

>subverters purposefully weaseling there way to power positions to get away with blasphemies and corruption mean everyone following Christ is gay or some form of degenerate

Imagine going to such lengths to defend your depraved fetish to anonymous posters

>Some of the highest ranking members of the church are pedos
>"I-It's n-not the Vatican's fault!"
Sorry you support a pedo religion my man

And that's why they are no longer around.

>implying I said it wasn't the Vaticans fault
Learn to read you nematode.

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What's wrong i make you nervous?

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No, you don't make me feel anything. You and your ilk should be forcibly removed from the Earth, even replying to me with this bullshit is indicative of how much of a creature you are.

Come play with me user you know you want to

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i really find it disturbing that people still hold on to the age of consent myth
guess what, the age of consent is a man made concept.

fire up the ovens boys

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That's right bro little girls are constantly miring me and trying to get me to fuck them but i ain't tryna go to jail over that shit dude

My nephew has the hots for me, he ALWAYS tries to 'accidently' rub against my dick with his hand or hump his butt against me.
even one time i was changing and he knocked the door, opened the door a little and he was like 'are you naked?' then started to push the door while saying 'i want to see!'.
creeped me the fuck out, especially that he doesn't give a fuck about his parents and does it right infront of them.. and to make things worse they don't care either.

so is verbal language but here we are

language has nothing to do with biology 101

Kill yourself

How old is he user? Fuck him and make him your little slave

i prefer getting mires from kids because it seems more genuine. my neighbor's kid told my stepmom that my arms got huge and it felt nice
>inb4 pedo

I know you want it user but you have to wait for my pussy

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>fags overwhelmingly pedo

[citation needed]

I dont even give a fuck, your gayass "muh gay clergy" shit rolls right by me, cause Im not a fucking christian, so call em what you like, faggots are still pedo trash

Sure thing Cleetus

around 8 or 9 i think
and fug mane i will give him a prolapsed anus if i ever penetrate him

t. Nervous faggot pedo

Work him over slowly and build him up to your benis desu use your fingers and toys and always make sure he makes you cum first before you give him any pleasure

lmao people are still against pedo sexuality
it's the current year, wake up.

>t. defensive retard talking out of his ass

Why is this thread here? When will mods delete this shit or move it to /a/ since that board is filled with pedos

a-user i appreciate the professional life-tip but i doubt it will give any positive consequences once he's grown up

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It's your choice user but when he's grown up always remember the feeling of missing out on his tight little boipussi

Go away you inbred Pakis

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what the FUCK is going on in here

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i'll end up like pic related user
may rip him in half with my nuclear powered dongle

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Post pure aryan cock user

>"user i'll feel your rock hard abs if you feel my ________"
Fill in the blank

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I won't feed your homosexuality

Okay that's fine how about slipping him some yogurt with your cum mixed inside to give him a taste for it then he'll be more tempted to keep quiet

It's not gay user i just need to inspect it just like when you were did have penis inspection day right?

So you're a Jew. No wonder you are spreading homosexuality and pedophilia

Wtf is wrong with you? Did you get fucked by your uncle and convinced you it was ok?

Imagine not thinking that was a joke.
>I already did :(

that's not what it was a counter to
go be dumb in another thread

at least that's subtle, maybe i'll do that and see how he reacts.
by the way, one time he got a small scratch on his lower back, and came to me demanding i put a band aid for him, then he rised his shirt and started to stick his butt out like those instagram girls, then when i applied the bandaid he started to moan.
weird stuff to be clearly honest.

My uncle is a 6'6 muscular god i wish he had molested me

>Tfw looked just like a certain disney show actor
>little girls would come up all excited thinking I was him.
>”No sorry I’m not him”
>Happened at least 5 times on different occasions


damn imagine being played with by a giant bear