What are your running trails like?

My local municipalities that want to spend money on bike lanes under the guides of "fitness" also totally neglect running trails. Homeless shit it all up and everything get tagged by Mexican kids that think they're in a gang. Fitness infrastructure is a meme that just a minority of people use.

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Mines pretty good, I live the countryside with a general lack of good long trails but there's forest plantation 10 minutes away with 7km of no repeating track and light elevations. Never met anyone there despite going 3-4 times a week

Damn bro, i hate living un Mexico, people dont care about anything. When im training long distances i have to run near one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in my city, cholos always gave me weird looks.

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Just look it as as doing hurdles.

What part of Mexico do you live in?

I fear the hypodermic needles more than the poopy underwear.

I have a run called “garbage trail” it’s a 3 mile circuit that begins outside of the ghetto projects. You eventually hit a 1000 yard garbage trail that runs between a trailer park and the projects. The trail is filled with garbage and freaks who hang out back there. At the end of he garbage patch there is an open sewer. Aftrr you get back on concrete you are smack dab in the projects. You have to run through it all to get safely back home. Ironman mode is completing the circuit at peak good hours: 9pm.

On a side note, would hiking with a weighted pack exempt me from an actual leg day? Going up and down mountains for roughly three hours.

Coahuila and you?

Of course. It’s worthless at that point unless you strive to squat arbitrarily high weights. 2 plate if enough to squat off 80% of potential belligerents.

I live in a major city but have a small forest nearby. It takes me about 5 min to jog there and get to this circling path where I can sprint about 100m in a straight line and then jog for 2-3 min. Relatively soft ground is easy on the joints. Great for my HIIT between lifting days desu.

Rather than bitching about it here, how about you create a community group to clean them up? Gather some volunteers, get to work. Go look up Detroit Mowing Crew. Bunch of white guys from suburbs going in to clean up parks bc city is too broke to maintain them.

>running trails
just open your front door and start running you fucking retards

>create a community group
Okay Obama.

At my mom's house in the countryside there is this really nice trail around a lake, so comfy and relaxing.

Here in the city there is lots of trails, but theyre in asphalt and not comfy

> community involvement means I'm a Democrat
FUCKING WRONG. Democrats ran Detroit into the ground. I'm sure the worthless fucks around there are city waiting for the city to clean it up. Read up on these guys... I'm betting this is a maga group of fine Americans.
Now get off your ass and start contributing.

pretty good here, east london.
in the lead up to the london olympics the government gave all the borough councils cash to install fitness shit for public use, and most of it still functions and remains unvandalised.
this park has a 700m dirt track with 6 equipment stations.

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I have a running trail right outside my house. I run trough a small forest, then past a couple of small wheat fields and a tennis court, then over a beach and then on a gravel path. Then I eventually cross a small field and run trough a forest and eventually reach my house. The entire path is a rough oval shape. There is no trash, there is no homeless people, there is no drug remnants, no poop of any kind. Just white people walking their dogs.

Such is life when you live in a first world white country.

>east london

Aren't you afraid of getting groomed by pakis while you are jogging. Your thirsty and they offer you water, and suddenly you are chained to a bed above a kebab shop and have a queue of pakis raping you for 50 pounds a cum. And then when you try to get help from the police and government you get arrested for being racist?

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the pakis are too afraid of the lithuanians in my part of town

syringey, bottley, corpsey

ahh okay, I don't want a fellow Jow Forumsizen to end up like thousands of underage british girls

>afraid of the lithuanians
is this actually a thing? lithuanians

loads of polish and lithuanians in london since they became EU mebers. the construction trade would collapse without them

another east london favourite is the greenway, which runs along the norther outfall sewer from hackney wick to beckton. its nearly 5 miles of bonded gravel and concrete path with grass alongside, with breaks for crossing a couple of roads, and a shitty diversion at stratford that won't be remedied until 2020.

The fragrance of the mighty subterranean poo river can be overwhelming though.

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>crematorium to the West
>Jewish cemetary to the East
aren't those the same thing

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