Dad...I'm moslem and lifting for aesthetics causes fitna

>Dad...I'm moslem and lifting for aesthetics causes fitna
How do you respond?

Attached: white jihadi death squads.jpg (720x960, 58K)

No son, you must become strong for the upcoming fitna

By fitna foot up your ass

Attached: 21-times-red-forman-was-the-realest-fucker-on-the-2-19311-1450304761-1_dblbig.jpg (625x415, 31K)

banter m8 keep er lit.

Epic Muslim style swag!!


Attached: 1528632490304.jpg (564x725, 94K)

kek this

that guy isn't really white, he is a jordanian so a levant arab

might look white cause of levantine ancestry but culturally he is a terrorist

You already corrupt our woman. Now they call for equal right and dumb shit like that. You idiots ,woman must never be seen as equal to man. It was mankind that created civilization. That's why we must declare jihad on woman. It is the only way now.

y-you too

Only looks white to mutts

no u

The guy has green/blue eyes, thus he's white

Guy looks polish or something


Attached: f39db51af5dc3455765f41f11b7181d5.jpg (736x490, 48K)

Whiter than me.

t. nerdic with hazel eyes

Lmfao rekt


Jow Forums's diogenes


Attached: 1526421252906.png (426x510, 152K)

looks white to me

Amerimutts must be really far gone to think this is a white person.

That's just a white Argentinian man

yeah but he lives in his motherĀ“s basement and not a fucking barrel

Mad eyelet detected. The pic is probably whiter than you

>Dad...I'm moslem
>How do you respond?


Attached: heresy3.jpg (346x372, 45K)

when you blow yourself up son make sure its in a synagogue

Mashallah son.

thanks diogenes

Here is you ticket for the flight to saudi arabia, stay there and don't come back.