Currently no thread, I'll start -

What are some assistance exercises for bench press that I can do on OHP day, without detracting from my OHP?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Incline bench, dumbbell bench, and incline db bench are all fine for improving your bench. Just be sure to do them after OHP

Anyway, I've been looking more and more tired now that I'm sleeping well after like 2 weeks of sleeping like shit. What gives? Is the fatigue finally catching up with me or something?

I want to put on net 10 lbs by gaining muscle and losing fat. So if I eat at a surplus to put the muscle on, will I need to eat that much to maintain the new weight?

Basically, does it take more calories to grow muscle than it does to maintain it?

Which one of these two routines are better:

1) Chest Triceps (hyper)
2) Back Biceps (hyper)
3) Legs Shoulders (hyper)
4) Rest
5) Strength day, only deadlifts, squats, bench, OHP, 1-5 reps.
6) Arms day
7) Off

PPLxPPL or PPLPPLx with first PPL round being strength, second hyper.

Currently taking 2 antibiotics and they've started kicking my ass worse than what made me sick. I'm taking probiotics anyway, but will that help me get back up to speed and lifting again sooner?

Probably. How's your diet.
>Basically, does it take more calories to grow muscle than it does to maintain it?

would hiking with a weighted pack exempt me from an actual leg day? Going up and down mountains for roughly three hours.

Personal experience - no.

hey guys, I've been losing weight for the last 14 months, 207lb down from 290lb at 6'5, should I try and get a lean, or should I just bulk?

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Literally had the exact same thing earlier this year.

If you're still shitting yourself like crazy (IE, diarrhea more than 3 times a day) and not able to eat normally, just take it easy. Your body is not only dehyrdrating itself it's also not properly absorbing nutrients from food. Do your best to avoid greasy/spicy food while on the diet since it will make your bathroom visits a nightmare.

It took me about a month to recover from the antibiotics and about 2 to start pooping normally again. I'm still not 100% where I was before but my stool is solid now and I don't have to go 4+ times a day. As far as the gym goes, I'm sorry dude but it's probably in your best interest to just do what you can to keep your body from shutting down.

You should lift.

Other than eat yogurt, I got nothing for you senpai. Broad spectrum antibiotics are the devil. I had to take Clindamycin after cutting my cheek open from a drunken incident, ruined me for weeks.

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you should probably try lifting a weight once or twice before doing anything else

Close grip bench press is often done as accessory movement for bench on the OHP day after your main lift OHP is done. Typically a bit lighter with more volume

No diarrhea yet, but things are getting loose. I've got nausea medicine to help, but I'm just feeling lethargic. I figured it's because this is day 4 and the loading doses are in full swing, but won't it even out by the weekend?

I bought some probiotic pills that I take a few hours before or after taking the meds. I'm supposed to limit dairy with one of them

How do you guys experience BB benching by yourself? I assume you’re not supposed to use safety pins, so that if it gets too heavy you can try dropping off the weights from one side. But how often does that happen for you? I want to switch from DB to BB because I just can’t progressive overload with DBs, 2kg extra on both sides is too much and results in a plateau for me.

Also, how important are exercises specifically targetting abs and obliques? And are planks really as pointless as they say? Hanging knee raises just don’t destroy my abs nearly as much, and I wouldn’t even know what to do else for obliques.

I get knee pain after squats for 2-3 days, is this normal? It does not hurt while lifting just after it.

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What are some good things to do against calf cramps from cardio?

I've been consuming enough potassium and I usually get this sudden spasm/cramp across my calf area.

Been stretching/warming up but apart from that I don't know what to do.

You're right about the pins. It shouldn't be common. If you barely pass a rep and you were about to lose it, don't do another at that weight. Also youtu.be/qohvvfv0OwA
Soreness =/= activity. Planks are alright if your posture or alignment sucks. Back extensions are good if you're just hobby lifting.

Sharp pain in the joint or soreness that makes bending it difficult? 1st one is bad and means you have shit form, second means you need to stretch and recover better.


So how exactly does one take the neck pill?
Ive always ignored it but now i see the light

I love these threads, you are all actually helpful

So I am maybe 2-3% above my ideal bf%, and I have now been lifting for a month every other day. Fairly DYEL but it doesn't look terrible. Can I gain muscle without gaining fat, or should I accept that I will gain some fat and just eat the 3000 calories a day that calculators online reccomend for me?
Or I could also eat at a deficit while still lifting and drop those few percent. Help me user kenobi, you're my only hope

How long does it take to get rid of "chicken legs"? Going to the beach in 2 weeks, will constant training help?

It's intended for post-injury, but if you put some kind of small but progress resistance on those movements, you'll build the muscle. Look for boxers and wrestlers doing movements too. Tyson used lie down with only his dome and feet on the ground and roll out his neck.
What would you rather be: at your ideal BF% or bigger? You have to decide because trying to cut that last 2% and build muscle is gonna be slow and shitty.
Way longer than 2 week.s

Thanks user, I think it's the 1st one. Is fixing my form is enough or should I take a break from squats?

If i do a deficit of only TDEE -500 only, that means i wont lose any muscle at all?

Deloading is a requirement to correcting your form. It should be easy so you can go slow and controlled and possible record yourself so you can see where the problem is.

No. That's a ballpark amount that would keep you at ~1-2lbs of weight loss per week. Odds are the muscle loss will be negligible if you're fat or a beginner.

PPL or U/L?

Lower /Upper / Lower / Push / Pull

But first Upper/lower, then after LULPP PPLPPL

protean powder before and after the workout or just before or just after?

> (You)
Thanks, I'll go for getting bigger then. For dieting to get big will eating as much as I like while getting extra protein be all that's necessary? And trying to eat healthier options too ofc

I've hit 1/2/3/4 but thanks for your brainlet input

few weeks old pic if it helps, not sure to keep losing fat for another month or not

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is this a good workout?
>standing military press
>pendlay rows

Can't go to the gym today since it's storming bad outside. What are some good bodyweight exercises to do to? Only thing I have here are some dumbbells.

No. Sticky.
Try to sub your normal routine with pictured.

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When doing high intensity cardio, how long should you go for and should you take a break in between?

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I often hear people say BMI is a retarded way to measure a "healthy weight". Is this true? I'm hoping to reach below 180 lbs because that's what indicates a healthy BMI for someone my height.

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I do HIIT in a 30/90 scheme. 2 minute warmup, 30 seconds high resistance and sprint, 90 seconds low resistance and walk/jog for ~8-10 cycles, then 2 minute cool down.

If you're running or swimming, sprint a certain distance, then walk/float back to the start point for whatever number of cycles you think is good.
Body fat percentage is way better.

Are abs exercises necessary? I just saw some workout plan, and it had no exercise for the abdomen. Does abs usually just come out naturally when you get ripped with chest, back and leg exercises?

How do I achieve this mode?

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Does the protein in wheat pasta count as real protein, and does pasta lose protein after you cook it ?

>does the protein count
>does it lose protein

What's a good intermediate U/L for strength and hypertrophy for someone coming off SS/GSLP?

Last best were about 235 SQ for 5, 160 for 5 BP, 115 for 5 OHP, 260 for 5 DL. 6' 170lb.

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how can wheat have protein ?

Gluten is a protein

should i be worried about seeing specks of light rapidly floating around in the middle of a squat set. hit 3pl8 for a triple for the first time and on the top of the last rep there were really bright lights floating all around my vision.

I've had blurred vision after a set before but i've never literally seen stars


I'm pretty on point with my valsalva should i not be doing that?

Have you had a day off today fatlet you've been posting all day

It is a living thing. Living things are made of cells. Much of cell architecture is made of protein.

Read the sticky. Squat, ohp and deadlift will all put a fair bit of pressure on your abdominal muscles for stabilisation, to name a few. If you do a program focusing on the main lifts you'll have enough ab work for your beginner and intermediate phases.
Learn basic biology. All living shit has some protein, we need it to function. Plants just have less because they don't need as much to sit there and look pretty.
Sounds like you're not getting enough oxygen to your brain. Like fatlet said you need to breathe properly, take a few between reps if necessary. HIIT type cardio might help, did for me somewhat, but breathing more really is all you can do in the short term.

Just make sure you're getting an adequate breath at the time after the exhale. Those light hallucinations are usually a result of improper CO2 turnover. And yes I have today and tomorrow off I'm waiting for the sun to go down so I don't get a fucking heat stroke.

I like the idea of PHUL but doesn't it have you only doing each movement once a week? Would it be okay to set it up a little like 5/3/1 BBB where you do power bench and volume press on the same day and vice versa?

Sure, as long as it doesn't impact your ability to recover and accomplish the power movement on it's assigned day. That's kind of the same motivation for squats within TM and other intermediate shit.

>day 3 of EC stack and blood pressure still not above 120/80 and no change in appetite

am i doing something wrong here or does it take a while to work?

24e/200c x 3

I figure doing it like this:

Power Press / Volume Bench
Power DL / Volume Squat
Power Bench / Volume Press
Power Squat / Volume DL

as a 4-day/week U/L split is okay?

nice dude wanna go to the gym together?

I can do
>ass to grass squats
>bench with arch
>trap bar diddies
But I cannot deadlift, I squat way more than I deadlift. My lower back hurts every time. How to cure this? I did go to a doctor and got x rays and he said it looked fine

How tall are you?
Do you have a history of back pain and, if so, doing what movements/activites/positions?
How low do you have to make the weight to stop the pain or does it happen regardless of weight?
Aside from that, do you have proper form, ie do you make sure your back is neutral. Lots of people overarch their back to concave and don't realise it, thinking it's fine because the usual egolift is overarched convex.

Are probiotic supplements/foods (e.g. kombucha, pic related) just a meme, or do they actually have benefits?

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D-do you know where I live?

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Total meme. Unless you have a deficiency in something, the only supplements you really need to be taking are d3, fish oil, creatine and zinc. Magnesium also, but not necessary. If you want a good gut healthy you need to nurture it with a proper diet. All there is to it. Shoving a capsule full of bacteria into your stomach will do quite little unless you're recovering from bsantibiotics.

My torso is long and my legs are short, hence why Im so much better at squatting. I make sure I have impeccable form on diddies on lower weight these days for rehab purposes.
The pain started about a month ago when I was going super heavy on Tbar rows I think. Started sleeping on the floor too

How do I seduce an older married woman? Getting lunch next Wednesday with old co worker and want to ravage her dry sideways Korean pussy

Can't confirm but sounds like injury if it happened during/directly after your heavy t-rows. Work your way back up slowly and if the pain doesn't go away doing that you could consider seeing a physiotherapist.

Try using the sumo stance for deadlifts. There are a lot of stupid fucks on here that say it's a meme or that it's cheating. It is neither.

It helps for those that have lower back issues, and is actually suggested for people with long torsos and short legs.

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Still having trouble getting started on pull-ups. I had this idea that maybe if I were to mount a fleshlight facing down on the wall that was high enough so that I had to pull up to use it I would be motivated. The lube ended up dropping out and I actually slipped and fell on it without doing a full rep and hurt my wrist pretty bad. Back to the drawing board I guess.

The other idea I had since I head you can start pull-ups by practicing the hanging part and have one of my dragon dildos under me so that it would motivate me from letting go but after the first disaster I don’t see that working either.

i have a routine question

i started doing a PHAT sort of routine, and yesterday on upper body power day I did bench press 5x5, OHP 3x8-12, curls, and dips, and by then an hour had already passed (i had to wait a long time between bench sets)

should i deload my bench? this is way too little volume right? what exercises should i add?

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>upper body power day
>no exercises for back

You need to add a pulling lift to counterbalance bench, OHP and dips. Or, you can say goodbye to your shoulder health.

You're a retard. Do assisted pull ups if you have access to them. They're a great way to work up to actual pull ups if you can't do them now. Just keep working your way down in assistance. If you want more accessories then you can do hangs, negatives and pull downs. If you don't have access to assisted pull ups, do negatives and hangs.
5x5 is enough volume to improve strength. Just stick to it.

5x5+ OHP
5x5+ Squatlidoos
3x8+ T-Rex-Bar Rows
5x5+ Incy dinky bench press

3x5+ Diddly
5x5+ OHP
5x5+ B
3x8+ Chin-ups

3 days a week alternating
Dis aight?

How do I channel my loneliness into my workouts

good call are barbell rows ideal for that? i want something to replace dips as my arms were too tired to do many dips
ok so if im doing 5x5 of the big lifts that's enough? thats good to hear

thank you both

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If you're going to run a program like this, you may as well just follow starting strength properly. It's ok but I forsee a few issues.
Listen to edgy music, ala creep-radiohead
Also unironically get a waifu.

What it does broo

If I'm going to be completely honest, that's a shit routine. You have pressing and pulling movements two days in a row. I would recommend moving the pushing movements to one day, and keeping the pulling movements on the other. Add an exercise for your hamstrings and for your core (besides deadlift).

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I only lift 3 times a week. Should I still take creatine every day?

What are the issues? I like SS, but its too short for me. I like to spend more time at the gym and not on meaningless isolation fluff.

I'd highly suggest doing pull-ups instead. Perform them to failure, if you can't do sets of 10.

Every day for the rest of your life my dude

You clearly have no idea what SS is you retard. Go read the actual book 3rd edition.

thank you brother i will

i lifted yesterday for the second time and i didn't feel sore at all today. my legs did ache after the first time. maybe i should be lifting more? i weight 202lb, i'm 5'7" tall and i lifted 95lb squat, 85lb bench and 115lb deadlift. i'm trying to do SS

Just keep following the program. Only worry if your lifts are stalling. DOMS, that ache you got, almost completely go away withing a few times of you doing an exercise for most people. You don't need pain for growth.

Continue the progression as directed. Soreness =/= progress and the first several sessions are about form, not ability.

ok bros how does this look for an intermediate? here tell me what a retard i am

DAY 1 (sets x reps)

BB Bench Press 3-4 x 3-5
BB OHP 3-4 x 8-12
Chins 3x5-10+ (add weight when you can do 3x10 Bodyweight)
BB Curls 2-3 x 6-10
light facepulls


Deadlift 3-4 x 3-5 (aim for doing heavy triples)
Back Squat 3-4 x 8-12
Calf raises 2x10
Hanging leg raises 2x10



BB OHP 3-4 x 3-5
BB BP 3-4 x 8-12
Bodyweight chins 3x10
BB Rows 3-4 x 8-12
light facepulls


Back Squat 3-4 x 3-5
RDLs 3-4 x 8-12
Calf raises 2x10
Weighted back extension 2x10

On upper days when you have more gas in the tank do some sets of BW dips. Run this 4 days a week as x12x34x

I think you're misunderstanding what i'm saying.
I'm not saying that SS has meaningless fluff isolation shit, i'm saying that its too short because all the lifts completely exhaust me. What I want is something thats gonna achieve the same result, or better, but lets me spend more time doing meaningful lifts at the gym.

what the fuck are you talking about

SS towards the end should be taking you like 90 minutes to complete with all the time you're sitting there spaced out resting between sets

You don't need to be lifting for hours and do 20 exercises to look good or get strong. You should be exhausted because you're doing heavy sets of compound movements. God I hate newfags.

>You don't need to be lifting for hours and do 20 exercises to look good or get strong.
I fucking know man. I don't care about getting big and strong. I like lifting and I want to do more of it. Getting strong is just the side-effect. This isn't about being effective for me, its about doing more satisfying lifts at once.

new england?

What's a good replacement for Power Cleans while doing SS? Apparently, you can't do them at my gym due to bullshit from the guys downstairs

Pendlay Row

thanks friends

Is there a calculator to determine how many calories you burn from lifting?

Say I do
5x5 squat @ 225 lbs
5x5 bench @ 205 lbs
4x8 incline @ 135 lbs
5x5 pendlay @ 165 lbs
5x10-12 skullcrusher
5x10-12 bicep curl

what sort of calories am i looking at having burned? if i am ~185 / 6' .

Try leaning down a bit more, then consider lean bulking

Hard to determine. Just assume it adds one activity level in a TDEE calculator.

If you do it because you like it and not for strengtj or size, why have a routine? Just go in and dick around. You make a routine to satisfy a goal.

Am I over reacting?

>bring girlfriend of a year a rain jacket after work
>she sneaks off work for a bit to talk to me
>pulls out her phone, checks the weather, it doesn't load because lol throttling, tells me she loves me and goes to go back inside
>I notice she has the app Whisper installed, I get pissed off at her
>"baby I really have to go Im gonna get in trouble, I just have it to creep on people"
>I leave, text her that I'm fucking pissed and how she can come get her stuff from my house tonight, we're done. Etc
>she seems so confused, tells me she just used it to ask an embracing question about her period
>I know this is bullshit, I used to use the same app to fuck women a couple of years ago

Tl;dr gf had an app called Whisper, which is an app that let's you ask anonymous questions and confessions on her phone, I basically broke it off with her because I used the app to fuck anonymous sluts a couple of years ago.

Trap bar is for lower back issues. I can trap 4 plates, but sumoing 135 was so painful I stopped after 1 rep.

If this is your only clue than you're 100% overreacting.