Manlets Can't Lif

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but manlets have it easier you fag.
t. manlet shame i like swimming for whatever reason more

He's a dwarf not a manlet

Whoever said manlets put on mass easier is a dope
This guy lifts like a monster for his size but he looks borderline DYEL

>but manlets have it easier you fag.
how so?

Imagine being this retarded

They can lift, but they can't ever, ever learn

manlets have to lift weight with less room
lanlets have longer room to cover how new are u

this new

the manly turk genes made up for his manletness

newer than u faggot

Lanklet cope

he's right though
being a manlet is advantageous for weightlifting and pound for pound powerlifting. Tall guys can shine when they leave humanity behind on shitloads of roids (world records, strongman, superheavyweight weightlifting). Everything sub 120 kg bodyweight is dominated by manlets

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what are you even talking about

being a manlet is a huge advantage in WL

also that guy died at like 40 from all the winstrol he took, rip

Why are you using a generational talent and overall exceptional human being as a "standard"? Fucking cope harder.

This is right but by about 1%. People say that as if its like a 200lb difference.

Shorter levers.

That is quite small...


manlets (with manlet proportions - manlets with relatively long limbs are exempt from this) are going to have an edge in bench press, overhead press, squat, and both contested lifts in the olympics

generally a slight disadvantage at deadlift (somewhat mitigated by using sumo, though)

so you're looking at an advantage in powerlifting, and an even bigger one in WL

Naim, in his overhead position in the jerk, has the bar at the same height a normal sized person would have to PULL in the snatch.

Fucking brainlet.

no, it's more
the shorter your limbs, the more extreme bodyweight ratios you can achieve, hence why the turkroach in the OP did over triple BW clean and jerk

Lots of people have done triple BW C&J. Naim has done 10kg more than that too, though.