How come girls can consume ridiculously high calorie drinks and stay in shape? My sister drinks frappuccino everyday...

How come girls can consume ridiculously high calorie drinks and stay in shape? My sister drinks frappuccino everyday, never been to the gym and looks perfectly fine. Does regular sex really cut so much calories? seriously unfair

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>perfectly fine
what does that mean? Women generally put on fat in ways that are still attractive compared to guys.

Beyond that, it's all CICO mindgames. That's probably all she eats besides a tiny salad or something. If it doesn't seem to make sense, you just don't have the full picture.

“Regular sex cut so much calories”

Low key calling your sister a ho kek

they aren't actually in shape.
Most of them are skinny fat and wear military grade spandex to make their fat asses squeeze into shape.

They go days where they'll eat literally nothing, or days where they'll eat one meal at 800 calories and have their little 400 calories shit "coffee" yummy yummy fun yum drink.

If you ever are confused as to wonder how someone isn't gaining weight, the answer is always they aren't consistently eating enough.

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what is ot like to have a thot sis?

this a million times
most of their diets is just eating whatever the fuck (mostly sugar shit) and cut down if they see theyre getting fat
problem is after a certain age, usually 30, this abuse adds up and they look like fucking shit

this kek

the ultimate answer is because for a girl to "look perfectly fine" she literally has to:
1. not be fat as fuck

and thats it.
for a male to "look perfectly fine", he must
1. not be fat as fuck
2. actually have some fucking muscle mass
3. not have dog tier face


Looks at someone like Trisha Paytas, she's very fat but all the fat goes to the "right" places.

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>"Teenage female co-worker eats a lot and she doesn't gets fat! she's so lucky!

>She actually eats a piece of bread in the morning, a couple of tacos in the evening and a few more other trash food in the night

That's not eating a lot, but yeah, teenage boys and girls have a really high basal calorie consumption and return to normal at around age 21-25

no, she gets lipo to make it look like it goes to the "right" places.

>Fat chasers actually believe this looks good

First, not all of them do stay in shape. But the ones that do tend to eat like rabbits which allows them to indulge in meme foods for social purposes.

750 calories grandelatte mochacreme and scone can be absorbed in your diet if lunch is a salad.

exactly this. Seeing myself in a fit form fucking a girl who is skinny fat always shames me. Cute face and looks nice in clothes, as soon as they remove their clothes it's a fucking shame. Fuck that, I am working my ass off to look like a young greek god.

> tanline big ol milkies
> fat
> fake tits
could she fail as a female?

imagine finding this attractive. It legitimately looks like a fat dude in drag.

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I was once super drunk with one of the hottest girls in the neighbourhood and she took of her clothes and I was gonna puke.
Porn has ruined me. Real boobs are RARELY the beauty you've grown to love on your favourite cumdump. This 17 year old girl had saggy small tits, basically the skinny fat of tits idk.

3. Applies to both
2. Is irrelevant if your goal is only 1.

fpbp. She probably isn't eating anything else all day.

Girls who eat like shit have the stinkiest taco fish smelling pussies ever. Nothing makes me want to fucking snap when I get a wiff of a nasty pussy stench. Or an ass stench, oh my god holy fuck give me a fucking sword. They literally deserved to be raped 24/7.

Boys if your girls pussy stinks, tell them to clean their fucking diet up and start cleaning it better. Don't be a basedmax and deal with that shit. Luckily the last girl I was slamming ate a lot of fruit so her pus had zero smell.

Women typically have a higher body fat percentage than men. They carry fat better. I imagine you need to really let yourself go to look unattractively fat as a woman

I've yet to see those in person, but know exactly what you're talking about from 2nd hand accounts. Most girls don't look like that... you were just unlucky. And that would be a deal killer for me too FWIW

Perfect round firm boobs are purely genetics

exactly this. I had the sweetest pussies in my life and askinf afterwards what they usually eat they answer with fruits and vegetables mostly.

No kidding, I thought this was some outer space shit, it tasted fresh and sweet as fuck. Was good.

This, wasn't there this flash app that showed how random women looked naked?

Claiming right

i wish the incels would go away

Most women hardly actually eat. They'll have their 1000 calorie "coffee" in the morning and not much for the rest of the day until supper

It's literally Chris Farley

Why do they eat this in the morning? People wake up very sensitive to sugar, imagine the fucking sugar spike
Is that why women are reteraded? Do they go back to normal if we take their "coffee"?

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She's fucking disgusting though.

most girls are sort of chubby, it is how theyre supposed to be. a girl with 10% bf looks a bit strange


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>saggy small tits

Truly the most hideous thing a non ham planet dog ugly woman can have is petite tits that somehow still suffer visibly from gravitys pull.

Because the standards are different. Men have to have high muscle mass and low body fat. Women just have to not be total fat slobs. It isn’t fair, but it’s how it is.

I had this happen to me once and I am not exagerrating when I say it was fucking heartbreaking

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Can confirm. Girls who eat like shit have smelly, oily assholes. It's truly sickening.

May I add, I see a lot of hipster aids faggots thin as a sticc regularly drinking , eating artisan pizzas and eating out a few times a week. Is "high metabolism" a real thing or do they literally have AIDS ? Here I am busting my ass in the gym everyday past few months, strictly controlling my diet and I can't get rid of skinny fat excess. its fucking bullshit

Very much this, last night my sister ate 2 cheesy gordita crunches from taco bell, a king size pack of reese's cups, a box of junior mints and a large bag of takis (the whole thing)

But she didnt eat for 48 hours before that

That's all they eat. You underestimate how fucked up normie eating habits are. They skip meals randomly and will eat basically nothing for some. They don't eat consistantly and then they'll pig out

>gf is slightly overweight
>motivate each other to go to the gym and eat healthier
>always notice small things when we're having sex like her stomach is now flat when shes sitting on my face, her thighs have a gap when I'm fucking her from behind
>never dealt with a stinky pussy or ass bcs she eats good
feels good bros

They puke afterwards

Epigenetics actually.
Bra use, lack of movement without said bra, and skin elasticity/health determins if the tits will be spectacular lickable skeetable mounds of flesh, or sad.

A man can sit on his ass all day and not be fat, but generally will look like shit and have a high sexual demand.
While a woman can have the same lifestyle and be desirable.

Watch your peers after they leave collage, the people with high metabolisms morph into human beanbags.

>How come girls can consume ridiculously high calorie drinks and stay in shape?
Its usually the only thing they eat that day.

>spectacular lickable skeetable
what does this mean?

>He hasn't taken the s t i c c gf pill

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you are so full of shit... I don't even...

just kys pls...

just fucking kill yourself

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>that hairline
wew lad. she cute tho.

fuck Jow Forums why do you have to raise my already ridiculously high standards even higher day by day goddamit, I already see all the casual normalfaggots as disgusting subhumans fuck

>wife is 81 pounds
You losers will never know this joy

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>I don’t even

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The joy of pounding into a boy with no ass?

Your "high standards" are a defense mechanism born of insecurity.

Serious question not intended as an insult, are you speaking from experience?

They're either young enough that they can still get away with that kind of shit or that's practically all of the calories they take in that day.


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It's usually one of their two meals, + they're young.

>But the ones that do tend to eat like rabbits which allows them to indulge in meme foods for social purposes.
for instagram posts these days
fucking twigs pose with more calories than I eat all day

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pic not related I guess? fat whores

Implying they arn’t doing the ol’purgaroo after.

>My sister drinks frappuccino everyday, never been to the gym and looks perfectly fine.
Lol no she doesn't. Post pics

>How come girls can consume ridiculously high calorie drinks and stay in shape? My sister drinks frappuccino everyday, never been to the gym and looks perfectly fine.

Give her ten years.

t. smelly roastie iwht poor diet

i dated this anorexic girl who subsided off of cider and wine and seemingly nothing else, and her pussy literally just had no taste at all. It was almost disconcerting

they dont, they turn into mini hambeats and you retards call them "thicc"

>Does regular sex really cut so much calories? seriously unfair

how does that even work?
she isn't pounding anyone, she is the one getting pounded
or does your sister have a little surprise in her pants

>>Does regular sex really cut so much calories? seriously unfair

Are you assuming or know that she's regularly having sex.

She'll hit the wall in a few years.

The fuck are you fuckin talking about? Both females (females) are clearly fat in the pic and wat everyone else said

I recommend all anons to go to a water park or public pool the shit is literally mind blowing

>Be me 5'9 200lb, not huge but fit by normie standards
>Take my daughter to a water park all the time cause I'm a good dad
>Walk around like a Greek god
>All these single moms checking me out constantly
>All these thots that look like 8/10 with clothes drop to 5/10 or 4/10
>Saggy titties, cellulitis ass, stretch marks, shit trashy tattoos
>Some of their asses literally have no form, they're just flabs of saggy skin
>Try to hit on me, and make small talk
>Literally disqusted, can't believe these creatures get laid

Not sure if I'm slowly turning gay or my standards have just Rose alot from Jow Forums

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A good portion of women i know are bulimic, so theres that

I'm going to assume you're in your teens/early 20s. Girls' metabolisms seem to crap out around 20-25, at least to the extent that they can't get away with that shit any more. Don't be jealous of someone who has already peaked when they are barely even into adulthood.

Hell, the one on the right in OP's pic is already visibly bulking in the arms. It's already begun.

She's just fat user.

>saggy small tits
Depressing. I know girl who is basically perfect except for this. They are saggy, triangle shaped, really far apart, and point in different directions. I think it's the female equivalent of being a dicklet.

Holy shit this. My sister used to stuff her face at a buffet, go throw up in the bathroom, and stuff her face again. She's probably the main reason I'm not married. I have this fear that all women are like her

>wake up
>eat nothing
>go outside all day
>drink 1800 calories
>go home
>spend all day sitting on your bed browsing instagram
>10 o clock at night: eat 5 pizza rolls

meanwhile, user wakes up, eats a jimmy dean breakfast sandwich, snacks throughout the day, sippin' HFCS, mickeydee's for lunch, still sippin' HFCS, order a large pizza for dinner, eat the whole thing himself, consume a party pack of starburst browsing Jow Forums
>hurr it's not faairrr

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Because women eat fucking nothing and 99% of them are cardio bunnies. I never realized how different their diets were until I lived with some.
>"Hey user I'm going shopping want anything?"
>Write down my stuff
>Check refrigerator later
>Its all there but
>Pretty much no meat beyond what I asked for
>greek yogurt
No idea how someone can live on that shit. I'd literally kill myself, no fucking joke.

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its called bulimia you stupid gen Z

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Actually this. Men promote unhealthy lifestyles and you don't even realize it.

It's a handover from black culture where their women eat fried this, fried that, alltogether an abbhorrently unhealthy lifestyle that causes their women to explode.

White culture before this jewification actually promoted healthy thin bodies, healthy diets with slightly thicc tendencies. Look at 60's models for example.

Nowadays the women are crazy proportions and white boys just follow this trend because they're afraid to enforce their own standards. Really fuck you all for allowing this.

thirsty men are the reason for all modern age problems regarding women
80/20 rule? Caused by men with okay looks that will settle for a disfigured 2/10 woman or fatty
HAES bullshit? Caused by thirsty men that will fuck anything with a vagina, thus enabling disgusting lifestyles

provide those digits of that insecure whore

I boarded a plane sitting next to a Japanese girl that maybe weighed 40kg max with a huge green tea frap with whipped cream. She didn't eat any of the airplane food and procceded to finish about 3/4th of it over the 12 hour flight. It's only when fraps replace water does it become a huge problem. Personally, I don't eat/drink sugar, but I understand now how some people do



>That's not eating a lot, but yeah, teenage boys and girls have a really high basal calorie consumption and return to normal at around age 21-25

That explains a lot for myself

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It's usually the clothes.
This is why you see most women wearing fairly baggy clothes and only the women who really are in shape wear skintight stuff.
Basically most women are skinnyfat

it also explains why women hit the wall hard
men also do when they don't lift, refer to the freshman 15 where people balloon up as soon as the BMR goes down after their teenage years

If you can't spot firm large breasts without seeing them naked then you are a dunce. Learn to spot pushups or what shape sagging breasts take when in a bra.

Things like that makes me hell glad mine are perky
