Bodyweight bench

hey Jow Forums, who long did you lift before you were able to bench your bodyweight for the first time?

I'm seven month in. I can bench my starting weight from back then now, but not my current weight.

Attached: maxresdefault (2).jpg (1280x720, 125K)

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me on the left

about 4 months, which was 180 at the time

right now im at 10 months at 170 lb bodyweight and benched 185 6x5 last workout

Honestly about a year and a bit. I screwed up a lot when I began lifting, had no idea what I was doing, had shit form, etc.

God it was embarrassing when this happened to me at the gym I was so embarrassed I had to switch gyms

I'm 136lbs right now, I started lifting weight about 3 weeks ago, I lifted 145lbs bench for 4 reps yesterday

3 months in and my normal chest day is 5 x 5 @ body weight + 5 lbs (160) w/ 60 seconds between sets.

I weight 155. It’s easy for light folks to get to body weight fast for obvious reasons.

Not this guy, but happened the first time I went to a real gym

>lifted in a condo gym
>db benching 45's for 5, think I am a champio
>place only had db's for 45, lat pulldown, leg press, and that was about it
>got a gym membership at YMCA next door
>warmed up with bar, felt fine
>slapped on 45's to the bar
>goes down fine
>feels like 300lb gorilla was sitting on the bar
>had to roll of shame on my first set in a gym

I did not go back for 2 weeks because I was so embarrassed. I think the embarrassment actually is partly why I went back.

I obsessively do decline BB bench press at the same weight immediately after flat

Unironically the same day I started lifting. My first time on a weight bench I weighed 150 lbs and prior to that hand only done pushups as part of conditioning for wrestling.

My first attempt was bar. That was easy, so they had me try 1 pl8. I did 12 of those, so they had me try 155, which ended up being a good working set for me.

6 months later I was at 2pl8.

4 months in I was doing 70kg for 1rm, now at 9 months my current 5x5 is 72.5kg which is my bodyweight

how did he get the bar below the safety?

honestly, i don't even remember it's been so long

right now, i'm just working to get back up to 3 plate (weigh around 190 right now)

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 32K)

3 months, and I was 210lbs.

About 3 months but I was 1RM every workout.
>65kg “man”

Um, about 9 months, I think. I was a fat shit. This was 10 years ago though so I'm not 100% sure.

Like 2 months ago

I was around 90kg
Im now 84kg and my last bench max was 97.5

lifting for 4 months now

First ever day benching I could do my body weight (only 160lbs)

No real training for upper body before that because I was a long distance runner

I haven't been doing 1RM's very much but I recently started benching my dehydrated morning bodyweight (205) for 5x5

Started lifting at 5'6 115 lbs when I was 15, hit 1 pl8 within 1 and a half months of seriously lifting

1,5 years. I'm a 31yo boomer. 80kg

Any advice of overcoming 2/3 of my weight on bench? I learned by doing for three years and got higher weights at everything except biceps and chest. I look good from back, but front is not ok.

Change your routine. Do different chest exercises.
Do less bicep exercises. You probably overwork biceps and they don't have a chance to recover properly.

Same. Now I'm almost at 100 lbs over bodyweight

i incline bench my weight for 5x5 (90kg) now
took me 15 weeks from 70kg 5x5

15 months.

Attached: 1466702540757.jpg (2040x1386, 176K)

>started lifting in September
>currently weight 160
>lifted that for 3x5 in early June
So took ten months, lifting 165 3x5 now

Heres the Video
Its funny how he gets erected when he gets slammed by weights. Its like autoerotic asphyxiation for him.

Attached: 1527225575256.webm (1280x720, 2.48M)

>benching your own body
>not using the weighted plates that are available at literally every gym

around 1 month (65kg), but had been doing ring pushups as part of my calisthenics routine for a while before starting to lift

>Skelly HS freshman
>unironically struggling with 65lbs bench
>mid 20s now
>benching 315 for 7
>all the strong kids from HS are fat now

Probably took me about a year of consistent lifting to bench body weight

0 secondes


I did sports so basically from the get go. But back then it was only like 125 lbs.

My first 350 lbs attempt:

How the fuck did the bar get like that? Set up like that to troll?

my bw (145lb) was my 1RM as long as i could remember, but after starting to do decline bench for like 3 months my bench numbers shot up like a motherfucker
I bench 185 x 8 now

It took me about 6 or 7 months to bench 85kg for 1 rep. I think my bodyweight was around 78kg at the time.

>tfw lifting longer than most people claim here and unable to bench bw at 135lbs

poor equipment, there's the video around, too lazy to search

for reps of 5, around 6 months (75kg)
but I started as a 26 year old boomer with no history of exercise whatsoever

It took me about three weeks after starting to be able to bench my bodyweight. I had a bit of experience with calisthenics and I was able to do 5x5 dips with 1pl8 so that's probably why I was able to hit a bodyweight bench.

I'm 4 months in and I'm missing 5lbs to lift my bodyweight 5x5

I'm 6 1 and 200 but stuck at 150 lbs. I'm doing 3 by 5 at about 140 lb but not feeling like I'm making a lot of progress. Any suggestions? I do accessories like incline bench and tricep work on dumbbells

The setup is retarded, there is a gap between the rack and the safeties, which the bar fell into.