What body type do you work for?

Post insperation.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Lean-ripped military natty physique

Attached: last ned.jpg (201x251, 5K)

Good taste and trips


It is an omen, I think we will make it

Lazar tier. I don't need to be freakishly massive. Just bigger than the average guy, have a good v-taper and well defined abs.

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Mongolian Horse Wrestler physique

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My body except 4 3/4 inches shorter.

Attached: mongolian horse wrestling.webm (640x640, 2.77M)

tiny head

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How do I make fish like me?

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That's too much desu

it was too much to defeat Cell

Looks like a goober

I think thats more ability than physique, user.

It's just aesthetically unpleasing

am i too ambitious?

Attached: slimboy.jpg (600x900, 50K)

Work at the local supermarket for a few months

I want to do that with quarter horses as well though

Not necessarily working for his body but working for his skills

(Gennady Golovkin)

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Won't you get in huge trouble for using MMA in real life?

>Won't you get in huge trouble for using MMA in real life?

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Not natty

Im a peaceful guy and im also a beginner. Also hes a boxer

>lifting for anime

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i live in norfolk

No fork?

Maybe but it insperes me.

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Ur pretty gay my dude

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How do I achieve pic related?

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Steroids and lots of cum

proof that lifting will turn you asian

Nothing gay about it.
You're just not dedicated enough user.

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Baki the Grappler

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Ideal fictional body goal

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How to get to this btw?

A lil more clear than that pls

Is Mirio mode natty?

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Actually this. Is it possible with bodyweight exercises?

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You have to keep really low bodyfat at all times, sounds like hell.

I wish I could have pic related will power, since it's anime I guess I'm kinda aiming for Brad Pitt in Troy mode, but with more body fat

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This is ideally what the results of my gains will be.

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Yeah man it's totally doable, but it's hard.

You have to do 100 pushups, 100 sit ups, and a 10k run everyday.

Also no air conditioning or heat at all.

I wish it was possible lads

Ideally what I want to look like. I'm only three months in but this physique has to be natty, no? It's huge but it doesn't look juiced. I know a lot of movie stars use gear but I'm really questioning the applicability of that statement here.

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Natty achivable

Bolo always looked swole in every movie he was in.

Do you think it's possible given 1-2 years of bodyweight with a good diet?

No lol

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Skelly T-Rex mode cardio-god.

That's a lot. What happens if you start to lose your hair?

I'd like to achieve ottermode but i cant find any reliable source on how to do it.
First one i found seemed about right but 2nd one said: if you think that you can (listed essentially everything from first source) you're wrong.

Tokita from the chad manga Kengan Ashua

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this is natty right

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I swear this board gets gayer every time I get here

For you

For every girl.

What anime is this?

Prequel to one punch man

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boku no hero

>picks up a horse
>not physique

>not chadren

One day...

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Will never reach broly's level natty but its inspiring

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God I hope so

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Mirio is 18 and 5'11" he is more possible natty than anyone else in the anime.

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I mire the fuck out of Bugez. He has the body of a classical strongman. Its a shame, because my shoulders aren't broad enough to ever completely achieve it.

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Hands down, Steve Reeves has the best natty physique.

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My nigga.

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>tfw ywn have post-frieza fight pump

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He needs to stop using the advance, literally sacrificing his future gains

3 steps my dude
>be under 25
>eat more
>hope your clavicles will grow

/fat/ inspo

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No idea if the actor has ever juiced as I'm not familiar with him, but I'd say this is attainable desu.

Focus on hypertrophy and keep a relatively high body fat percentage, aim for the 20s but don't go over 25 so that it shows that you actually lift and people don't mistake you for a fat fuck.

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that just means you're making it

I wanna see his skin flap

>not nezu masami

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baki 2018 netflix new anime

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based farmland saga poster

Bugez is probably my biggest non-fiction (natty) goal body too