/plg/ Powerlifting General

recipe to success:

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Other urls found in this thread:


first for ignoring novice questions about programming

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second for don't be bitter, be better

WWTT lads?

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Pic related, upper day

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4th for PLG's recommendation of anime this season

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Back Squat 1x10, 3x6
Sumo Deads 4x10
Single Leg Press 4x15
Seal Rows 4x15
Cable Row 4x20
Leg Curl 4x20
Leg Extension 4x20
Hammer Curls 4x20

i'm scared lads

I buggered up my life. WHOOPS.

boku no hero academia

Ive started doing ghrs instead of ham curls, feeling them work a lot more

2x20 ghr
2x20 hyper

how many times a week you do this?

So Im trying to change the volume counting weekly by just counting the effective sets instead of the weekly tonnage of main sets

But something like 15 sets a week seems really low. I mean thats 4 sets only a day, training 3 times per week that movement.
Do I add more sets of isolation and accesory and dont count it? that would defeat the pourpose of counting volume at all

But that's not mountain lolis. Stop being gay.

Duffalo bar gonna be delivered to my doorstep tomorrow, also first belt i got

how do you learn to conventional deadlift? like really learn it? not just hurr durr hip hinge and pick the bar up

i think i've read and watched every single tutorial there is, and read a lot of books about the movement (SS, juggernaut, cube, pollack), but it never feels good, every single rep feels inconsistent. either i'm roudning or overextending, and since i don't know what to focus on, i can't improve

sorry if this is the wrong thread



How to deadlift chris duffin
Only thing that worked for me
5 steps

Bend over on hip hinge grab the bar
Pull the slack
Flex lats
Wedge hips in


Too bad im weak as fuck

Tell me based garagebro
Im a 25, almost 26 boomer.

Im just tad bit shy of 5plate dl, i have 3.5 plate squat and 2plate bench

600lbs dl, 500lbs squat and 315 bench for single achieveable till i hit 30yo mark.?

Lifting for almost2 years now with barely any programming

>then you would have something considerably less retarded than BBB and much more effective
Man, I wish Wendler had written some kind of book that told people to transition from big but boring to a more strength specific supplementary template. Man, only if...

Like what if he told people to transition to five by five, and even five by 3? Wouldn't that be awesome?

>almost 5pl8 dl
>2pl8 bench
Trip on twinklex from the past.

3+amrap @375 (did an easy 8, 4-5 in reserve)

5x5@290 supersetted with pushups and rows.

SLDL x50
HLRs x50


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tried this a few sessions, felt good at light weights when the bar floats, but as soon as it stops floating i can't squeeze into position correctly

Because your back is weak i reckon
Rows, rack pulls and deadlifts laused off the floor

Same exact issue here. Tough off the floor and easy lockouts?

>came back from gym
>sleepy as fuck

Should i just crash jnto bed with earbuds, its not even 10pm

Youll do that in 18 months if you eat and sleep properly and dont half arse/skip sessions

i see half legs

4x3 for triceps isolation the fuck

It's a mistake, it's actually 4x15 and then amrap til @8 for curls with the same weight

I'm in bed right now doing exactly this....

>hit PR
>next day PR hits back with crippling depression

why do i do this, its never changed after 3 years

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I'm also doing this

everything is weak lol

is there any more footage of duffin going through these steps? they are so rushed in the video

so Wendler himself has deemed the 5x10 variant of Boring But Big ineffectual and recommends that you do something else? what a ringing endorsement of that template, wow

at least shill a decent 5/3/1 template

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Big But Boring is a hypertrophy focused supplementary template for late beginners or early intermediates only. It is meant to lay the foundations for strength gain later.

Did Rasputin kill himself in the end?

I always feel happy for at least a week aftert hitting pr. Last time i hit bench pr i literally fucked my gf for whole night and made her cum like 5 times.

the 5x10 OG Boring but Big template sucks shit for hypertrophy too, try again

of the BBB challenge only the final month (70% of training max) is in a high enough intensity range to actually be productive for size or strength

Month 1: 50% of 90% = 45% 1rm (incredibly south of vag)
Month 2: 60% of 90% = 54% 1rm (south of vag)
Month 3: 70% of 90% = 63% 1rm (might actually do something)

it's jacked and tan 2.0, so that's one lower and the other lower in like four days is

Front Squat 1x10, 3x6
Back Squat 4x10
Lunges 4x15
Chins 4x15
Wide Grip Lat Pulldown 4x20
Leg Curl 4x20
Leg Extension 4x20
EZ Bar Curls 4x20

i like GHRs too but i feel them more in my flexors, i think my lying leg curl machine's pretty well designed

It's fine if you don't like it, but a lot of people have seen success with it.


The most important variable of your training is the athlete though. You have to try hard, and have to believe in what you doing

>Driving three hours to work with Mile High Louie

Working stupid is not something to be proud of.

plenty of people are successful in spite of their programming

doesn't mean we should go around recommending shitty programs like BBB

Putting 300lbs on your total in under a year is though


Wow, a complete scrub began to touch barbells on a semi-regular basis and made minor gains. Color me shocked.

I don't think I've ever seen the big but boring supplementary template ever recommended here. It would fit well as a leader for a cycle or 2 for someone that needs muscle.

just cut your squat depth by another foot and bench with a phone book or something under your shirt, easy +300lbs


You should visit that subreddit since you don't power lift anymore.

you can do that in a year if you're not a GDE and don't fuck around

1050 to 1300 in a year is unarguably not minor, that's great progress

>Wow, a complete scrub
1305 @ 181 is a 397 wilks.

What is your wilks again?

>for someone that needs muscle.
someone that needs muscle should do something that's actually effective for building muscle instead of doing a whole bunch of junk volume with sets that end up just being barbell cardio (except for the third month, if you do BBB challenge)

5x10 BBB is literally something Wendler thought up at a diner and wrote on a napkin iirc (in his own words), that's how much thought went into the most popular 5/3/1 template lmao

What are your personal bests in the s/b/d?

wtf i hate jim wendler now???

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Hilarious. I'd love to read more of this.

399 :)

Jim systematically and brutally blew that guy the fuck out LOL.

Jim LARPer in full panic mode

how about you post evidence of any of your claimed lifts before you talk shit to a guy with a confirmed 600lb squat?

>600 squat
>550 deadlift

Heh, something seems off here.

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you forgot 147 bench

desu people who squat more than they deadlift disgust me and i don't trust them but my point still stands

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I was planning on competing in a meet in January if the attendance looks good. I might post results if I feel like it.

post gym lifts even don't be shy

Is GZCL legit?
Looks like a 5/3/1 except good.

Attached: GZCL.png (871x1346, 810K)

yeah it's legit

I never thought I'd see the day reddit tier memes like 5/3/1 BBB are actually defended on plg unironically

>recommend keto to gf (male)
>mfw fetid breath
Wtf? I can't even be in the same room as >her

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First off you are a disgusting faggot, kill yourself.
Secondly, the fastest way to get in ketosis is to dry fast. In less than 24 hours they can be in ketosis.
Third, why would you even recommend keto?
Lastly, yeah keto breath sucks.

Tfw bench is flying

We just like to talk about meme routines, lifters, diets, drugs...(without ever mentioning this secret club). Apparently instagrammers don't know about keto and fasting yet. They also don't know about DNP.

lol you have like half of my rom but only 10kg better bench.

Good thing you don't get extra points for additional ROM then :)

good thing my wilks is still higher :)

No such thing as wilks in the jungle :)

In the jungle I can just eat you :)

That's really a pretty normal arch.

It looks bigger irl desu

never said anything about arch

>a pretty normal arch.
For a benchlet

why do texas lifters hate the texas power bar?

It's whippier than a comp bar and the knurl is needlessly aggressive. You can have good knurl without tearing the shit out of your hands. Ohio power bar is the best bar for the money.

if you're below 500 wilks and worry about such mundane shit as different bars you need to set your priorities straight.

>Not wanting to train as close to competition conditions as possible
Shiggy diggy doo

This is why you're weak. If you get strong on shit bar you will also be strong on good bar.

i recently injured my SI and can't bend over without pain what should i do?

at the moment, i just have a belt and straps

what's other equipment that isn't a meme, wrist, knee and elbow wraps?

That's all you need I don't even use a belt tbf because I'm a huge fucking manlet and it stops me from getting into right position on deadlifts or from reaching depth on squats lol

But if you had a choice of a bar, it doesn't make sense to deliberately use a shitty one

I used to not believe in knee sleeves but I really love mine, wrist wraps if you're a thumbs under squatter or need it for bench

Hope you have plans for the 4th, homos.

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Having a fucking comfy, patriotic day.

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4th? That's like prequel to 5th set?

God bless.

Fuck off commie

it's funny because unironically america is the only place in the world with real commies right now.

5 years ago maybe
now (((their))) horseshit has spread to most of europe, and is particularly strong in the anglosphere

for the following month (7days a week) i'll do:
bench 3x3
squat 3x3
pullups 3xf
sounds retarded but let's see what happens

I guess guess if you're not having sex, it's a valid way to pass the time.

*watching anime

but my workouts will be much shorter now

Black bird singing in the dead of night

Is Wormchad the guy who posted on plg in behalf of his retarded cousin?

wormchad is the retarded cousin

bench press is the best gauge of RAW PHYSICAL STRENGTH. you only downplay this because you're a pudgy, weak little shit of a manlet with an equally embarrassing bench press.

nobody gives a shit that you can bounce your morbidly obese gut off of your legs for your little bullshit wide stance "squat". nobody cares about your 5 inch ROM sumo "deadlift".

bench. press. is. king.

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