He wasn't wearing elbow sleeves in his other bench video
Except by rollercoaster height requirements
dubs confirm
based and redpilled
No power lifting organization allows elbow sleeves during bench
Fraudestiny and his illegal performance enhancement cheats
He's literally a God. That video is one of his best, IMO, absolutely my favorite training vid of his- watched it 5 times over. No bigger test boost than an AlphaDestiny training video.
This. Absolute kino, makes me want to do rackpulls in the middle of the night.
What's the loading pin for what's going on here? It looks like a setup for belt squats but I don't see the rest.
its for weighted pullups, much more convenient than hanging multiple plates on the chain
His beard stops him by default, that ugly fuck
Nobody cares about this manlet la creatura.
Uh-huh. Alpha is ugly, ok, bro. Say, why don't you show a picture of yourself and show us what an attractive guy who posts stupid, jealous statements like this looks like in a time-stamped picture? I mean, you surely look like Brad Pitt if you are criticizing Alpha's looks?
Dios mio! Dios mio!
>much more convenient than hanging multiple plates on the chain
Really? I'd think the width of the plates would be annoying. Unless you're loading like 10+ plates. The plates could smash your feet and they'd make you spread your legs more than normal. I have a loading pin so I guess I'll give it a shot.
>shit bench manlet
Nobody cares
You know what user? I care.
>autist powerlifting form
what does that translate to 185 lb?
what a fucking mess