/fraud/ - Cheating Frauds General

Why even live edition.

Before asking your stupid beginner questions, make sure to read:

Yes it's reddit, find a better compilation of information about steroids on the internet if you don't like it, faggot.

Also, include:
>home adress
>time spent lifting

Oral-only cycles will suppress your natural testosterone production and are far less beneficial than injectables, so don't do oral-only cycles. If you're scared of needles just admit it.

We can't help you dose your AI, it's different for everybody and there's a lot of factors at play. Figure it out yourself.

And most importantly,

NO SOURCE TALK (this isn't up for debate, you will be banned)

Previously on /fraud/:

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Other urls found in this thread:



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oink oink

Girl I’m talking to sent me this video. What did she mean by this?

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You ugly as fuck and the girls you're attracted to aren't attracted to you.

Kek I really should send this video to my older sis

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That you're fucking ugly and a fucking big faggot

She means that you should lower your expectations and date her.

You should send that video to me

A girl I am talking to sends me this picture. What did she mean by this?

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She wants BBC

Masts file names are always so funny XD

That you're small and need to be bigger and tanned.


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Why do you have so many images of naked black men????

We can;t win

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what else have to watch your fucking dyel pieces of shit pictures????

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>I like them because of their genetics

strong homo cope


Yes and i hate you because you have shit genetics. I only respect people with good geneitcs

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>charging 10 a minute to ignore on Skype video calls while I eat my lunch

gays should be gassed

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dyel, ugly and fat people should be beheaded and skullfucked

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no need to speak ill of yourself

we already know you're an ugly manlet who worships BBC

High or low carbs on tren? It's like two different religions.

I am better looking than you faggot. I respect all good genetics, doesn't matter what color it got

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Post face.

Medium carbs.

and now you if you dare

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My bad for assuming this place would give me a proper answer.

>posts picture with half of faced covered by phone

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>Post face.
how fucking new are you? i mean literally it must be your first day here

Lmao post a picture where your face isn't obstructed by your phone, facelet.

All natural lifters too, whitey btfo

The feathering on those quads fuuuuck

How fucking new are you to not know that masTer will literally post anything except him standing next to a measuring stick?

Literally 4'8"

Technically it's only the lower third, not half of my face. But we also know that is also looking good


Where are the pic at bro

We can only try to kill ourselves and hope we get born with the same genetics

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>reddit link
Yeah, fuck off.

>doesn't post picture of full face
>"but I posted half of it!"

uggo cope

hide those dick sucking lips

not in the only category that actually matters, men's physique :-)

>idolizing bloated niggers with giant hgh guts on literal gallons of hgh and slin

I’m going for more of a Chris Bumstead

He wins this year. My new fave guy to watch vlogs from.


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That's not working

Classic is shit.

This is how classic should look like


High carbs for sure if you want the whole tren look going

If you're just using it to avoid going catabolic on a cut, low carb obviously for your goals more than anything

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It’s gonna be him or Beron

Jay is giga chad


thats dennis wolf you stupid imbecile

jay could only dream of this structure

LMAO, that's wolf you fucking hippie

Test is plenty to avoid any amount of catabolism.

You're as ugly as you are short.


Not everyone wants to be a freak Masty poo.

Not that the classic guys don’t have seriously impressive physiques

How long for EQ to (mostly) clear my system? Thinking 6-8 weeks until its pretty much unnoticeable?

Brb an heroing

Are you asking for like "im no longer on it" or "I need to pass a doping test" about 8 werks for the first, I think metabolites are there longer

One of the best white frames i have seen

No i Look pretty good, the mirror is confirming it every day

You call that a freak? The guy look aesthetic af

Posing, conditioning, size and proportions. Everything. That's how classic should look like. Like the golden era

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>I'm good looking according to myself


>Not that the classic guys don’t have seriously impressive physiques

anything below "open class bodybuilding" is people coping and mental gymnastics around their genetic inferiority to compete with those guys

I know. But considering how 90% of people use tren to cut, I added that in.

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Different strokes.
I like the classic guys.
And I think it’s healthier and bringing a new audience to the sport.
I don’t expect either of you to understand that though.

Your gf and all the woman would say the same, i bet ya

>Not that the classic guys don’t have seriously impressive physiques
Taking a guy serious that talks about bb while looking this.

It's like those woman who think ottermode is already TOO BUF, TOO HUGE

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>"I need to pass a doping test"
Its fine nobody looking at me would ever accuse me of doping

>Test is plenty to avoid any amount of catabolism
Yeah but nobody wants to be told that they probably don't need MORE DRUGS

Has anyone tried M1T, if so what dosage were u running. what were the sides, did you notice any gains etc etc

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I agree. Classic and physique are best classes imo.

I'm more into classic now but I realize as far as the average person goes physique is where it's at.

Open is too stupidly big and isn't aesthetic anymore.

>It's like those woman who think ottermode is already TOO BUF, TOO HUGE
They are just coping and talking about sour grapes

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Sure thing, facelet.

>Different strokes.
>I like the classic guys.

this is like saying
>different strokes
>i like the small cocks

no you dont

stupid fuck

you are just coping and telling yourself a dream that you imagine is in reach

Justin Compton, damn he could really make it.

lmao right. Woman are the craziest copers.

I mean face is always number 1, but all pussies get even more wet when they get ripped apart by a buff dominant man

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Week two into cycle of test e 500 week, started to get a burning feeling in my nipples. Panicked and took 20 nolva, my Aromasin is coming tomorrow. What is my best course of action? Keep taking the nolva till symptoms go away and then hop on the ai or take them consecutively? Can I still take nolva/clomid for my pct or will I need to change that up?

>They are just coping and talking about sour grapes
I think the women saying that just don't want to have to deal with someone overly into the gym to the point of not wanting to go out or do other things constantly. Nobody in their right mind would dislike the look they just don't want to deal with the shit associated with it.

Most of us would love to get with someone that LOOKS like an instagram fitness chick but Im not spending 3h a day taking fucking pictures of her

Oh no someone has a different opinion than me, better act like a massive, coping retard

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anyone here doing PPLPPLx? Doing 3 exercises per main body part is too much? Like 3 exercises for chest on push days and 3 for back on pull days?

got tired of hiding my bath mate routine from my gf

told her and she was extremely disturbed

after i finished and my cock was swollen i fucked her and she was really satisfied

told her she needs to motivate me to do this crap regularly for months and see if it's finally a meme or legit

is jerry ward from Bios3training, say something nice about him

I imagine its a welcome change from the 2inches you normally give her

>he thinks a fucking plastic device will increase some thickness to his thin penis


Ok guys, freaking out a bit here. So my nipples are puffy, or soft to say. when I lean forward there is a little "bag" or hill. But I have absolutely no lumbs or itching or anything like that. Is this gyno? I hold lots of water and my bf is around 12 % I guess. Thanks guys.

Tits or gtfo

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too bad he now lost all his size, probably choice the wise longevity path

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and yet he still looks somewhat alright.

Me bulk with tren. Me cow. Moo.

But for real I'm trying to get as lean of a bulk as possible, you still think high carbs are the way to go?

As in everything there's different opinions on this but I personally love carbs on tren.

Enjoy the sweats bb

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Isn't that the crystal treatment guy?

Lots of carbs gives me intense energy and drive but I'm like a furnace.
I like them on Tren.

Ok time to up the tren and carbs then. Thanks lads.

dude that are his prime pictures

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How long is cooked chicken good for in the fridge? Really need to start prepping my food for week at a time desu.

I'm not talking about these pictures.

Fed up of injury and illness setting me back time and time again. Just ordered £300 worth of stuff for my first cycle. I'm joining you lazy niggers.

lol say hello to MORE injuries

Toss it in the freezer and you've got a week. Fridge its going to start tasting shitty after 2-3 days and after that will start actually being bad. You could probably get away with 5 days in the fridge but thats getting gross.

You know steroids make you far more injury prone right? That's like literally the main drawback of juicing

What do you tall guys’ legs look like? Shit makes it so hard to put mass on your quads. I’ve got them babby legs but nice calves thankfully.

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>can afford roids
>yet cant afford a phone with a decent camera

>That's like literally the main drawback of juicing
But also organ damage, high cost of "fancy" compounds we will eventually want, sticking yourself with sharp metal objects, and the risk of not having a functional dick

t. nutman

>But also organ damage
sure I guess
>high cost of "fancy" compounds we will eventually want
really not that more expensive than getting serious about any other hobbies desu
>sticking yourself with sharp metal objects
you gotta be a complete retard for this to be an issue
>and the risk of not having a functional dick
again, you gotta really fuck something up for this to last for more than a few weeks

I'd say these are far less problematic than snapping your shit and being seriously injured for months because you feel strong as fuark but test gave you old man bones

not him but kek i use gear but dont even have a mattress

>Slept for 4 hours
>Woke up because had a dream about my ex
>Just fucking angry
>Jerk off to a cross dressing, incest, femdom doujin
>Somehow dick still works after taking 75mg of Asin yesterday at least my boobs aren't sensitive anymore
>Inject a gram of Tren E
>It's rainy and miserable outside

Today is fucked. I'm just fucking angry.

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nobody gives a fuck

What's the best fat burner in your experience? I heard dnp is good but the sides aren't worth it. Clen seems good but I've read it has it's bad sides too.

What's your experience /fraud/sters?